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RHP Prophet

pursuing happiness

22 Feb 06
18 Sep 08

Originally posted by Palynka
How many times were you called a troll?
The most overused and misunderstood term on RHP?

The answer to your question, which is really not a question but rather a pathetic attempt at an insult, is probably 1000s of times....mostly by you and your band of cohorts.

If we understand trolling to mean posting something confrontational in order to elicit a response and draw the user into an argument then the very act of calling someone a troll is probably, in most cases, an act of trolling itself.

So, who is the troll here?

Frankly if we are going to be honest, and I'm usually nothing but, then we would have to admit that trolling is a major sport here on RHP. Most of us are trolls at one time or another and many of us are trolls more often than not....but I'm guessing that at night as you sit under your bridge and contemplate your worthless existence that you are already aware of that fact.

Naturally Right

Somewhere Else

22 Jun 04
18 Sep 08

Originally posted by Red Night
The most overused and misunderstood term on RHP?

The answer to your question, which is really not a question but rather a pathetic attempt at an insult, is probably 1000s of times....mostly by you and your band of cohorts.

If we understand trolling to mean posting something confrontational in order to elicit a response and draw the user into an argum ...[text shortened]... your bridge and contemplate your worthless existence that you are already aware of that fact.
RN: Frankly if we are going to be honest, and I'm usually nothing but


Like when you claimed you had an 1880 USCF rating that doesn't happen to show up on the USCF player ratings pages?

RHP Prophet

pursuing happiness

22 Feb 06
18 Sep 08

Originally posted by no1marauder
RN: Frankly if we are going to be honest, and I'm usually nothing but


Like when you claimed you had an 1880 USCF rating that doesn't happen to show up on the USCF player ratings pages?
Yes. That was and is an honest statement.

You know, people did play tournament chess here in the US long before you started two years ago.

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
18 Sep 08
1 edit

Originally posted by Crowley
What was dumb about my comments? I hardly think you are qualified to comment on dumbness of ANY post here...
Originally posted by Crowley

She didn't flap her yap like most girls, didn't eat much and always puts out. It's great.

The aforementioned comment that you made, makes you sound very disrespectful of girls/women, and yes a dumb statement to make.
EDIT: I don't have time to go copy and paste all your dumb statements, I have chess moves to make, p.m's to answer, etc., etc.!

Upward Spiral


02 Aug 04
18 Sep 08
1 edit

Originally posted by Red Night
Hardly the first time you've been called dumb, eh Jowley?
The answer to your question, which is really not a question but rather a pathetic attempt at an insult, is probably 1000s of times....mostly by you and your band of cohorts.

There you go. You've answered your own question to Crowley that I quote above.

You also claim that your question to Crowley was a pathetic attempt at an insult. Not bad. Did I miss something?

Oh, yes, of course.

the very act of calling someone a troll is probably, in most cases, an act of trolling itself. [...] I'm guessing that at night as you sit under your bridge and contemplate your worthless existence that you are already aware of that fact.

Nice of you to admit that you also commit "acts of trolling" under your definition.

By the way, many intolerant people also argue that calling them intolerant is intolerant. Go figure.

RHP Prophet

pursuing happiness

22 Feb 06
18 Sep 08

Originally posted by Palynka
many intolerant people also argue that calling them intolerant is intolerant.

Not Aleister

Control room

17 Apr 02
18 Sep 08

Originally posted by Very Rusty
Originally posted by Crowley

She didn't flap her yap like most girls, didn't eat much and always puts out. It's great.

The aforementioned comment that you made, makes you sound very disrespectful of girls/women, and yes a dumb statement to make.
EDIT: I don't have time to go copy and paste all your dumb statements, I have chess moves to make, p.m's to answer, etc., etc.!
I still fail to see what was dumb about it - explain it to me like I'm 10 years old.

Not Aleister

Control room

17 Apr 02
18 Sep 08

Originally posted by Palynka
[b]The answer to your question, which is really not a question but rather a pathetic attempt at an insult, is probably 1000s of times....mostly by you and your band of cohorts.

There you go. You've answered your own question to Crowley that I quote above.

You also claim that your question to Crowley was a pathetic attempt at an insult. Not bad. Did ...[text shortened]... ay, many intolerant people also argue that calling them intolerant is intolerant. Go figure.[/b]
I love how every time RN uses one of his "clever" childish little names for me, Phlab or CFT, he undoes all the "good" he's done here...

Mystic Meg

27 Mar 03
18 Sep 08

Originally posted by Crowley
I love how every time RN uses one of his "clever" childish little names for me, Phlab or CFT, he undoes all the "good" he's done here...

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
18 Sep 08

Originally posted by Phlabibit
Looks like chow time for Jowley. 😉

Naturally Right

Somewhere Else

22 Jun 04
18 Sep 08

Originally posted by Red Night
Yes. That was and is an honest statement.

You know, people did play tournament chess here in the US long before you started two years ago.
Your statement is a non sequitur.

It's already been pointed out to you that the USCF website has crosstables of all tournaments since 1991. It has also been pointed out to you, that there are many players listed on the USCF website with ratings who have not competed since before that. A USCF rating, unlike love, is forever. If you ever had a USCF rating, you'd be able to find it there. As you have admitted you cannot (because you haven't played in a USCF tournament in "several years" according to you), it is obvious that you lied.

If you wish, you could state here the name, location and date of the last five USCF tournaments that you played in and this information could be checked. Until you do, the only conclusion to be drawn by your own admissions and the facts as outlined above is that you lied and continue to lie regarding this matter.

RHP Prophet

pursuing happiness

22 Feb 06
18 Sep 08

Originally posted by no1marauder
Your statement is a non sequitur.

It's already been pointed out to you that the USCF website has crosstables of all tournaments since 1991. It has also been pointed out to you, that there are many players listed on the USCF website with ratings who have not competed since before that. A USCF rating, unlike love, is forever. If you eve ...[text shortened]... and the facts as outlined above is that you lied and continue to lie regarding this matter.
That's not true.

Because of your constant hounding of me, I did a little more checking.

It appears that tournament records on the NASD site do not go back before January of 1991.

Larry Christiansen, for instance, has no tournaments listed before 1992.

I checked and found the names of many people I played against. All of them had expiration dates that were more recent than mine, with one exception. One guy who I played in High School had no expiration just said non-member. I'm not sure why he is on there, but it appears that he may have been active sometime in 1990.
I quit playing tournaments when I was in College. I had other things to do and had figured out that I wasn't going to be the next Bobby Fisher.

The guy who was state champion when I first started playing shows up as a life member and "UNR" for his rating.

probably the most interesting thing for me in this research was finding the guy who "broke my back" as it were. I lost two games, the second in the state championships, to a kid who was two years younger than me and lower rated. I had beaten him three times the year before. It was a wake up call in many ways. he is now rated 2225. So, I guess he was pretty good. He shows an expiration date of 2010 and no tournaments since 1/1/1991.

Naturally Right

Somewhere Else

22 Jun 04
18 Sep 08
3 edits

Originally posted by Red Night
That's not true.

Because of your constant hounding of me, I did a little more checking.

It appears that tournament records on the NASD site do not go back before January of 1991.

Larry Christiansen, for instance, has no tournaments listed before 1992.

I checked and found the names of many people I played against. All of them had expiration dat was pretty good. He shows an expiration date of 2010 and no tournaments since 1/1/1991.
I already told you that the tournament crosstables don't go back before 1991. But the player records do. For example:

It took me all of 5 seconds to find this player 12466282: A WILLIAM WRIGHT. 1379 1990-01
Quick Rating (Unrated)
Correspondence Rating (Unrated)
State KY
Expiration Dt. 1988-03-31
Last Change Dt. 1987-05-18

So his membership expired in 1988, more than 20 years ago but he still has his rating 1379. It would be child's play to find many more players like this on the USCF charts.

If you had a rating in the 1980's, it would be on those pages, period.

EDIT: Here's another one:

12409009: A VERN JONES

Regular Rating 1625 1990-01
Quick Rating (Unrated)
Correspondence Rating (Unrated)
State IA
Expiration Dt. 1986-09-30
Last Change Dt. 1985-10-17

Your story is no more believable than the "National Master's" or clivestraddle's.

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
18 Sep 08

Originally posted by no1marauder
I already told you that the tournament crosstables don't go back before 1991. But the player records do. For example:

It took me all of 5 seconds to find this player 12466282: A WILLIAM WRIGHT. 1379 1990-01
Quick Rating (Unrated)
Correspondence Rating (Unrated)
State KY
Expiration Dt. 1988-03-31
Last Change Dt ...[text shortened]... Your story is no more believable than the "National Master's" or clivestraddle's.
So how is your live over the board games coming. I hear you are a little over 1500 now!!! Good Job, but not near your rating on RHP yet.

Probably still don't manage to get in many tournaments huh?

Naturally Right

Somewhere Else

22 Jun 04
18 Sep 08
2 edits

Originally posted by Very Rusty
So how is your live over the board games coming. I hear you are a little over 1500 now!!! Good Job, but not near your rating on RHP yet.

Probably still don't manage to get in many tournaments huh?

I get in more OTB rated tournaments than you and RN do (which isn't hard as his number is, and always has been, 0). I've played in 5 this year and hope to do at least 3 more before December 31st.