Bickering, Squabbling, and Shameless Name-Calli...

Bickering, Squabbling, and Shameless Name-Calli...

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01 Sep 07
26 Mar 08
1 edit

Does anyone else here get the feeling that the forums are degenerating into a mess of inside politics, egos, feuds, and accusations?
I grow weary of clicking on a chess thread that sounds interesting only to find that it's become a name-calling match within a few posts. No, I don't have to visit the forums, but it would be nice to see a higher premium placed on productive discussion and manners.
I'll definently consider this when it's time to re-subscribe.
I don't know if more forum moderation would help?
Believe it or not, I do frequent other sites where discussion always remains civil- because a tone of no tolerance for BS has been set by users, admins, moderators, and the group at large.

King of slow

12 Oct 06
26 Mar 08




04 Sep 04
26 Mar 08

Originally posted by xnomanx
Does anyone else here get the feeling that the forums are degenerating into a mess of inside politics, egos, feuds, and accusations?
I grow weary of clicking on a chess thread that sounds interesting only to find that it's become a name-calling match within a few posts. No, I don't have to visit the forums, but it would be nice to see a higher premium plac ...[text shortened]... e of no tolerance for BS has been set by users, admins, moderators, and the group at large.
They are no worse now that when I joined. and to all intents they have been like that since the forums started.

Its a sign that free speech, has been allowed to a greater degree.

There are some sites that if you farted you would be modded 😛


31 Jan 07
26 Mar 08
1 edit

Originally posted by adramforall
They are no worse now that when I joined. and to all intents they have been like that since the forums started.

Its a sign that free speech, has been allowed to a greater degree.

There are some sites that if you farted you would be modded 😛
A few personal reflections:

This site's population is mainly young and/or male. Conflict is not necessarily anathema to the population in general, most of us enjoy watching other people's antics - good or bad.

I have visited forums run (and carefully moderated) by older females and they are so boring I've never returned. I may be an older female, but I prefer spicy food to bland food.

In spite of this, I'll still mod you if what you say is outside the TOS according to my best judgement - and I don't care what clans or clubs you belong to!

{edit} This thread could be used to discuss a code of practice which clarifies the relevant TOS clause 3(a)(b)and(c) - they're so broad at present it gives people too many ways to justify their misdeeds.


28 Sep 07
26 Mar 08

I think that some of the forum catagories should be very strictly moderated. Like "Only Chess".

People can talk bumpff in the General or Clan forums.


11 Nov 05
26 Mar 08

A very few individuals is dragging the standard down. Most of us know how to behave.
Thos who think that the one posting the most gravest insult is the one who is right. I think quite the opposite, they lose from then on, not only the discussion per se, but also their honour.


01 Sep 07
26 Mar 08

I'm hardly proposing that we limit speech or create some bland atmosphere, but I totally agree with the previous poster that the "chess only" forum should be strictly moderated. It is the ONE AND ONLY forum that has ANYTHING to do with why I pay to be a member of this site. As soon as it starts turning senseless or getting personal, we should be jumping in there with reminders or boot the offenders off the thread. I simply propose that those who want to insult each other, get personal, or debate about personal ethics/intelligence, ....please do it in another forum and keep chess about chess.

Caninus Interruptus


11 Apr 07
26 Mar 08

Originally posted by xnomanx
Believe it or not, I do frequent other sites where discussion always remains civil- because a tone of no tolerance for BS has been set by users, admins, moderators, and the group at large.
I prefer forums without heavy-handed moderation. I tend to find the controversies and personal squabbles entertaining. And I've even seen productive discussions here despite all that.

Caninus Interruptus


11 Apr 07
26 Mar 08

Originally posted by xnomanx
I'm hardly proposing that we limit speech or create some bland atmosphere, but I totally agree with the previous poster that the "chess only" forum should be strictly moderated. It is the ONE AND ONLY forum that has ANYTHING to do with why I pay to be a member of this site. As soon as it starts turning senseless or getting personal, we should be jumping in ...[text shortened]... t personal ethics/intelligence, ....please do it in another forum and keep chess about chess.
Fischer said that he liked to break a man's ego. This is very much a part of chess. It IS a personal game, especially the more serious you get about playing. A blowout loss can feel like an insult. A crushing victory over an annoying opponent is the next best thing to actually beating the guy down.

RHP Member No.16

25 Feb 01
26 Mar 08

If you have a problem with a post, you need to alert it. That will bring it to the attention of someone who can take care of it.



04 Sep 04
26 Mar 08

Originally posted by xnomanx
I'm hardly proposing that we limit speech or create some bland atmosphere, but I totally agree with the previous poster that the "chess only" forum should be strictly moderated. It is the ONE AND ONLY forum that has ANYTHING to do with why I pay to be a member of this site. As soon as it starts turning senseless or getting personal, we should be jumping in ...[text shortened]... t personal ethics/intelligence, ....please do it in another forum and keep chess about chess.
You then turn the forum elitist.

Who decides what is acceptable and what isn't? Why the Only Chess Forum as well. Many people in the other forums may feel the same but they are unable to get the degree of moderation that you are calling for.

If they too are a subscriber should they not be able to get the same level of moderation support you do?

What next, you become unable to post in the Only chess forum if you have a level of say 1800 or more as below this you knowledge about chess is more limited?

If people thinks something is unacceptable then click the Alert Moderator and say why. If the post should be removed, it will.

Surely by dictating what people can or cannot say you are getting personal with them?

Just my 2p worth as to why all the forums are subject to, and should remain subject to, the same moderation regime.


01 Sep 07
26 Mar 08

Carry on then, I don't want to rock the boat.


15 Aug 05
27 Mar 08
1 edit


11 Nov 05
27 Mar 08

The post that was quoted here has been removed
Don't agree...


12 Aug 04
27 Mar 08

Originally posted by xnomanx
Does anyone else here get the feeling that the forums are degenerating into a mess of inside politics, egos, feuds, and accusations?
I grow weary of clicking on a chess thread that sounds interesting only to find that it's become a name-calling match within a few posts. No, I don't have to visit the forums, but it would be nice to see a higher premium plac ...[text shortened]... e of no tolerance for BS has been set by users, admins, moderators, and the group at large.
Excellent post. Rec'd.

The weak forum moderation, side by side, with the engine problem, is the worst thing in the RHP site.

I've never seen a forum where:

a) a poster, like CIV, has some threads, with incredibly offensive contents, deleted, and still be able to continue posting. It took quite some time, in my view, for him to get a forum ban.
b) people can re-post deleted posts and not get forum bans.
c) forum mods take part in heated, and highly questionable, discussions, instead of trying to cool things down.
d) members of the site are, freely, harassed in the forums.
e) and, apparently, this is all done with the approval of the admins. They know what's going on, and seems to be happy with it.