Any update on conditional moves

Any update on conditional moves

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31 Jan 07
06 Apr 08

Are you a member of the beta test team for conditional moves here, or are you just describing something you do on another site? RHP doesn't copy its programming from other sites, so this would be irrelevant here as the conditional move process is well advanced.



02 Mar 07
06 Apr 08

Originally posted by MissOleum
or are you just describing something you do on another site?
He's talking about Gameknot....AGAIN

Gold Coast

26 Feb 02
17 Apr 08

I use the conditional moves a lot and I really like this feature!

When you set up a conditional move it should be possible to limit the squares that the server checks to see if the condition should trigger. This would allow multiple conditions to remain possible as the game continues rather than building up as impossible conditions.

The server currently checks every piece on the whole board to decide to play a conditional move. This should continue to be the default but if I want to set up a move to happen if 1 particular piece moves to a certain spot, regardless of all other pieces I should be able to do it. The server may only need to check 2 or 3 squares to trigger the move. This would also allow uncoditional moves where the server checks 0 squares to trigger the move.

I might get a nasty surprise if an old condition triggers but that is my problem if I choose to set it up that way.

Gold Coast

26 Feb 02
17 Apr 08

Also it would be cool to tag a condition with a "wait time" before it is played. This would allow me to have more control over the pace that conditional moves are played out.

This would be handy when going on vaction as an alternative to the vaction flag that only stops timeout claims, not your timebank from winding down.

27 Dec 04
04 Jun 08

Refreshing old thread. Can we expect an introduction of conditional moves sometime...

Gold Coast

26 Feb 02
05 Jun 08

I think this one has gone a bit cold. It's a great feature so it's worth getting on the beta test list just to use it.



31 Dec 02
22 Jun 08

The lack of conditional moves is the one thing keeping me from subscribing here. I had taken about a year hiatus from this site, and upon coming back was surprised to find that conditional moves are still not available for everyone.

I guess I'll give my money to one of the other sites which will actually allow me to use conditional moves.

For RHP addons...

16 Mar 04
22 Jun 08

Originally posted by Monicker
The lack of conditional moves is the one thing keeping me from subscribing here. I had taken about a year hiatus from this site, and upon coming back was surprised to find that conditional moves are still not available for everyone.

I guess I'll give my money to one of the other sites which will actually allow me to use conditional moves.
Send Feedback and you can be added to the testing team, allowing u to use them.


27 Dec 04
04 Sep 08

Any updates?


16 Sep 08
21 Sep 08
2 edits

Originally posted by FabianFnas
If my move is obvious, I have anyway a choice : I can resign, I can wait for a while to move, or I can make the obvious move that is already foreseen by my opponent.

Why is it so evil to get his move right away, than sit and wait for him to come with it? If I sit half a second, half a minute, half an hour, half a day, or even half a week, what's the di ...[text shortened]... that?

And - as said earlier - this is done by postal correspondence chess, why not here...?
Yes, are correct.Conditional moves are an absolute must for the best chess sites.I have been involved in postal as well and the best chess sites have conditional move sequences.One chess site in particular,has up to 10 conditional move sequence possiblities.Once i used 9 out of 10!It was a forced king chase sequence that ended up in mating my opponent.This,of course is rare,but it does happen.Also on the main chess site that I play on(not RHP!),I get alot of Ruy Lopez players and as most of us know,most of those lines have been exaustively analyzed as much as 20 or more moves deep.So,I find the conditional moves,especially in the opening of a Ruy game very beneficial and speedy,especially since the strong odds are my opponent will make those moves in the longer correspondence games.


16 Sep 08
22 Sep 08
1 edit

Originally posted by pineapple42
if a conditional move has been prepared, i think that this needs to be visible to the next player to move. Not that i really see the benefit of conditional moves...
Conditional moves are never "transparent",as on the other major correspondence site that I play on.When you make a move that has a hidden conditional move attached,and the move you make corresponds to the conditional move(I call them "if" moves),then a note by the board tells you that the conditional move has been responded to exactly(triggered) and the next opponent move automatically comes onto the board.
As to knowing what the conditional moves are,that is not how it works.
Conditional moves are a continuation of the game WITHOUT letting the opponent know the next move.You would not want to tell your opponent your whole game plan,would you?Plus with you AND your opponent not having a visible conditional move evens itself out,with no advantage to either opponent.If there was any kind of advantage on either side,I doubt that it would be allowed in the rules,both online and postal chess.Basically,it speeds up the game and is highly desired by most players.Alot of players who have not used conditional moves in the past,will find that once they start using them,they will get use to them and actually like them!
I find them useful not only to speed up the game,but when playing multiple opponents,say 10 opponents and a few are in the opening,I can suggest some conditional moves to say,2 or 3 of them.this tends to "buy me" more time to concentrate on the other mid range games,since they may very well take a few extra days to complete the conditional move sequence.For every conditional move responded to correctly,this will "reset" their clock back to the original time allowance per move.So the opponent has the option to respond to all the conditional moves at one time(play until no more notices come up that a conditional move exists)...speeding up the game OR the opponent can opt to take the time alloted for each conditional move and take for example on a 3 day per move game....3 conditional moves x 3days.....or 9 days to finish the 3 moves.This only "appears"slower,since the opponent probably would have taken 9 days anyway to make 3 moves in a game like that.
This I like because it takes some immediate pressure off of my play to concentrate on more involved games.The only thing you have to be alert about is your own time,not really your opponents.For example,if you gave your opponent 3 conditional moves,he might respond to all of them in 30 minutes in a 3 day game.This will then start your clock running for a 3 day timeout.So right after you send your 3 moves,I know that I have atleast 3 days before my time runs out.But....I could have 8 or 9 days before i move again,depending upon how slow my opponent desides to handle the time on the conditional moves.Bottom line?Just keep an "eye" on your opponents moves within 3 days in a 3 day game...simple!
Trust me,if you ever end up playing 20 or more games at one time,....conditional moves will allow you more free time to enjoy other things than chess!

RHP Code Monkey


21 Feb 01
22 Sep 08

The fundamentals of this are complete, and only the broken GUI prevents it being rolled out. Fixing the GUI has implications for other parts of the site, so rolling out the work has been delayed again and again. Unacceptably so, I admit, so I will give this my full attention to get it released.

I will regret saying this, I am sure, but if this is not live in 30 days, please feel free to protest as you see fit.

RHP Code Monkey


21 Feb 01
20 Oct 08

Originally posted by Russ
The fundamentals of this are complete, and only the broken GUI prevents it being rolled out. Fixing the GUI has implications for other parts of the site, so rolling out the work has been delayed again and again. Unacceptably so, I admit, so I will give this my full attention to get it released.

I will regret saying this, I am sure, but if this is not live in 30 days, please feel free to protest as you see fit.
Ok, my time is up, but it is nearly there. This week I will be making an update for the beta testers, then making it available for all subscribers, before making it available to everyone. (A staggered roll out to check there are no performance problems.)


Brussels, Belgium

20 Aug 05
31 Oct 08

This has been a long week for Russ, apparently... 😛

RHP Code Monkey


21 Feb 01
04 Nov 08
1 edit

Originally posted by CeSinge
This has been a long week for Russ, apparently... 😛
Almost there....

This is the reason I normally avoid posting a schedule of any kind as I normally end up looking foolish! (as is the case here 😳 - twice over)

If I can offer any excuse, the main reason for the hold up is the nature of the changes I had to make. (Too risky to rush out.)