How Creationists date rocks and fossils

How Creationists date rocks and fossils


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Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
27 May 14
1 edit

Originally posted by RJHinds
I declare a win by default.
So what is different about that than any other time you have claimed victory without a shred of real science?

You just re-confirm your hatred of evolution and age of Earth as billions of years. That's the sum total of your so-called quest.

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
27 May 14

Originally posted by sonhouse
So what is different about that than any other time you have claimed victory without a shred of real science?

You just re-confirm your hatred of evolution and age of Earth as billions of years. That's the sum total of your so-called quest.
If evolutionists kept to real science, I would not have any complaints.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
27 May 14

Originally posted by RJHinds
If evolutionists kept to real science, I would not have any complaints.
Ah yes, real science. That then would have been read Genesis, look at fossils, read Genesis again, conclude Goddidit, give up quest for truth.


06 Mar 12
27 May 14
3 edits

Originally posted by sonhouse
Ah yes, real science. That then would have been read Genesis, look at fossils, read Genesis again, conclude Goddidit, give up quest for truth.
"give up any quest for truth because I am a moron and who just wants there to be a god thus didn't want the truth in the first place anyway"
"goddidit" and religion is for weak delusional minds.


11 Nov 05
27 May 14

Enjoy a good discussion about RJHinds and creationists and their rhetoric among eachother, but as long we are in the Science forum, never discuss science directly with him.

He doesn't know much about science, and what he falsely thinks he know is just copy/pastes from creationist sources that he doesn't read himself, youtubes that he haven't watch himself, and refs from his bible that he doesn't read himself.

If you want to discuss his twisted ideas, do it with pleasure in the Spiritual Forum. You will win every discussion, even if he doesn't know himself how wrong he is about science, and will always fail to identify his own losses.

It is important for other christians to know how much of a moron he presents himself and how much damage he makes to the christian life style. If he thinks he is a good ambassador for christianity, then he is dead wrong, and it would be good that other christians told him so.

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
27 May 14

Originally posted by FabianFnas
Enjoy a good discussion about RJHinds and creationists and their rhetoric among eachother, but as long we are in the Science forum, never discuss science directly with him.

He doesn't know much about science, and what he falsely thinks he know is just copy/pastes from creationist sources that he doesn't read himself, youtubes that he haven't watch him ...[text shortened]... for christianity, then he is dead wrong, and it would be good that other christians told him so.
According to you and your family, I can only be a good ambassador if I say I believe in the lie of evolution that began millions or billions of years ago.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
28 May 14
1 edit

Originally posted by RJHinds
According to you and your family, I can only be a good ambassador if I say I believe in the lie of evolution that began millions or billions of years ago.
That is not the problem. The REAL problem is you just finding any wacko that happens to put SOMETHING, anything vaguely scientific, usually just words, with no backing experiments or peer reviewed papers, from avowed creationist sites whose goal is political in that they want to destroy evolution and force creationist dogma to be taught as if it were some kind of science which we ALL know, including you, it is not even CLOSE to being science. It is politics pure and simple.

THAT is the reason we denigrate you.

You are not interested in REAL truth. You ONLY want the bible to be FORCED to be taken literally.

That is not truth seeking, that is POLITICS. In the most pejorative sense.

You love to point to wacko sites that show the limitations of C14 dating as if real scientists didn't already know that and therefore know what they can and can't date.

Yet you CONTINUE to push this stupid agenda of yours even when the wacko sites have been refuted time and time again.

And your REALLY stupid tree ring hatred. Dendochronologists ALSO know the limitations of tree ring dating and can thread though the limitations to find accurate dates but all you can do is put up yet another wacko site that points out limitations that they THINK will convince people the entire science is worthless.

Dendrochronoligists have put in the real work to come up with their valid data because, unlike your wacko friends, they do their REAL homework and lab work and DECADES of study to actually see where they can get real dates and where they cannot.

They already know full well about limits and so do all the other dating methods like photoluminescence or themoluminescence or nucleotide measurements.

All we get from you are wacko sites with pseudo science with no real backup, no peer reviewed papers and those that HAVE put up papers have been thoroughly shown time after time to be 100% wrong because, again, the dating sciences have done literally DECADES of work to work through the limitations of each method and they come up with dates anyway that agrees by 10 separate methods, you KNOW the date is right.

You on the other hand, with ZERO actual science in dating technology simply take the wacko sites verbatim because it happens to agree with your dogma.

Again, that is not the love of science. That is the desire to DESTROY those sciences that incidentally use the exact same methods as any other science and coming up with real and useful discoveries, but in your twisted mind you think the same methodology can be false in one science but valid in another.

That is YOUR particular deep bias at work and you will NEVER be able to change that so you just keep putting up one wacko site after another that just Happens to be a creationist site, GEE WHAT A SURPRISE.

You just don't get it and NEVER will.


30 Sep 12
28 May 14

RJ, you are clearly not at peace with the idea of deep past. How about deep future? When scientists predict our Sun will be a red giant in 5 billion years, do you accept that as a possibility, or do you dismiss it for theological reasons?

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
28 May 14

Originally posted by sonhouse
That is not the problem. The REAL problem is you just finding any wacko that happens to put SOMETHING, anything vaguely scientific, usually just words, with no backing experiments or peer reviewed papers, from avowed creationist sites whose goal is political in that they want to destroy evolution and force creationist dogma to be taught as if it were some k ...[text shortened]... Happens to be a creationist site, GEE WHAT A SURPRISE.

You just don't get it and NEVER will.
I know of no useful discoveries in evolution or any that billions of years made any difference in a useful discovery.

Losing the Thread

Quarantined World

27 Oct 04
28 May 14

Originally posted by RJHinds
I know of no useful discoveries in evolution or any that billions of years made any difference in a useful discovery.
Has it crossed your mind that if geologists were that wrong about the world then we would never be able to find oil? You seem to rely on this notion that the senses can be fooled and the only way to true knowledge is through reading scripture. At least Parmenides thought that reason was the only way to true knowledge. Your entire conception of a God which is unchanging and eternal comes from him.

For your version of Cosmology to be true our senses have to be deceived, so that the phenomenology we base our theories on is inconsistent. But if nature were inconsistent, which is what you require for our theories of geology to be false but predictive of the sites of oil reserves and mineral deposits, then we would not exist; we couldn't - as new-born children we have to form a relationship with the world that we simply couldn't do if physical laws were inconsistent.


11 Nov 05
28 May 14
1 edit

Originally posted by DeepThought
Has it crossed your mind that if geologists were that wrong about the world then we would never be able to find oil? You seem to rely on this notion that the senses can be fooled and the only way to true knowledge is through reading scripture. At least Parmenides thought that reason was the only way to true knowledge. Your entire conception of a God which is unchanging and eternal comes from him.
This is a DeepThought...


06 Mar 12
28 May 14
5 edits

Originally posted by FabianFnas
Enjoy a good discussion about RJHinds and creationists and their rhetoric among eachother, but as long we are in the Science forum, never discuss science directly with him.

He doesn't know much about science, and what he falsely thinks he know is just copy/pastes from creationist sources that he doesn't read himself, youtubes that he haven't watch him ...[text shortened]... for christianity, then he is dead wrong, and it would be good that other christians told him so.
If he thinks he is a good ambassador for Christianity, then he is dead wrong,

You certainly got that right! In fact, he is one of the best inadvertent propagandists against not only Christianity but against religion in general -he is just too much of an arrogant moron to see this. With him shouting his condescending mouth off with all his religious crap which is obviously totally delusional, not sure if us scientists actually need to point out all the many flaws in what he says for it should be plainly obvious to most thinking people that he is not only talking total crap but he is an extremely unpleasant character and he will be making very few friends here even amongst theists. The only theists that would agree with him would be those few that are actually as stupid as he is.


11 Nov 05
28 May 14

Originally posted by humy
If he thinks he is a good ambassador for Christianity, then he is dead wrong,

You certainly got that right! In fact, he is one of the best inadvertent propagandists against not only Christianity but against religion in general -he is just too much of an arrogant moron to see this. With him shouting his condescending mouth off with all his ...[text shortened]... only theists that would agree with him would be those few that are actually as stupid as he is.
What RJHinds doesn't understand is that it is impossible to recruit new members to a church, a congregation, or to the christian beliefs at a whole, if you meet them with insults and über-mensch mentality and give this as a first new impression to the new-comers. Only masochists would return again. Hence bad ambassador-ship for his beliefs in particular and the christian community in general.

I go to church with agony only when someone is baptised, married or buried. I hate being shoved des-information and demon-preaching in my throat.

We shouldn't meet him in the Science Forum when he tries to troll. We shouldn't feed the troll. Let them starve to death. Let's meet the trolls at Spiritual Forum instead, where religious matters should be discussed.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
28 May 14

Originally posted by RJHinds
I know of no useful discoveries in evolution or any that billions of years made any difference in a useful discovery.
What would you know of ANY discovery in science? You HATE science and the knowledge it brings. You are not worth the spit it takes to talk to you. You were, you are, you will be, nothing but a troll.

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
28 May 14

Originally posted by DeepThought
Has it crossed your mind that if geologists were that wrong about the world then we would never be able to find oil? You seem to rely on this notion that the senses can be fooled and the only way to true knowledge is through reading scripture. At least Parmenides thought that reason was the only way to true knowledge. Your entire conception of a God w ...[text shortened]... orm a relationship with the world that we simply couldn't do if physical laws were inconsistent.
People that are not geologists have been finding oil for a long time by accidents even. There are no need to believe in evolution or billions of years to discover anything of importance in the world. Evolution and billions of years are just fairy tale lies meant to tickle the ears of atheists.