The “From Gambit” Challenge.

The “From Gambit” Challenge.

Only Chess

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03 Sep 03
22 Apr 05

Originally posted by buffalobill
The eagle has landed. The bird has been plucked and roasted.
Game 1085659 Just some thoughts on my reasoning here:

In this game, I really didn’t like the King side pawn structure, so I was determined to castle Queen side. As a result I got into a horrible tangle with a very cramped position. The consequence was that I had to give up a knight (r ...[text shortened]... r clear of it, thanks. Interesting game and thanks for this learning opportunity Mr Metzler.

The From Gambit Challenge now stands at 1-2. After a great game by BuffaloBill.

The first of the 4. .. g5 attack games. Incidently this is the line that the my higher rated opponents usually take. I almost guarantees a no-holds barred "open" game.

I was feeling pretty confident after 12. e5 (winning a piece, almost always feels good, not in this case)

14. .. Bb5! nice. This setup almost the rest of the game IMHO. I completely missed it.
I thought I could salvage the game, but after 14. Rd1 my position was in its death rows. No amount of wiggling was gonna get me free.

Thanks for the game BB. You've added another great game to my database for things to watch for in the From.


Time for to start racking up those wins!

Major Bone

On yer tail ...

28 Feb 05
22 Apr 05

Originally posted by tmetzler
[fen]2k5/pp5p/8/1p6/2P5/5N1p/r7/6K1 w - - 0 34[/fen]

The first of the 4. .. g5 attack games. Incidently this is the line that the my higher rated opponents usually take. I almost guarantees a no-holds barred "open" game.

I was feeling pretty confident after 12. e5 (winning a piece, almost always feels good, not in this case)

14. .. Bb5! nice. This setup almost the rest of the game IMHO. I completely missed it.
15. Rd1 would have been better. I would have had to retreat the Queen asnd the advantage lies with you.

03 Sep 03
25 Apr 05

The mad Dogg has been collared and put down...

Game 1087621

Another on the edge of your seat type of game for the From Gambit. And another of the 4. .. g5 game. (Seems to be the favorite of my opponents) Opting to go for the quick attack.

This game I went with the early 7. e4 instead of 7. d4. simply because I wanted to take my worthy opponent down. e4 is a bit more dangerous than d4, but It helped me win piece by move 12. This game was far from over however. Samdogg managed to even it up with a bit with Me: QRNBB vs. QRRN, my bishop pair proved to be the end of the game when he blundered away his rook. (Of course I must take some credit, because my bishop was placed such at his two pieces were effectively locked up) The From Gambit takes no prisoners and doesn’t allow for mistakes.

The Challenge now stands even at 2-2.


Major Bone

On yer tail ...

28 Feb 05
25 Apr 05

Originally posted by tmetzler
The mad Dogg has been collared and put down...

[fen]Bn6/p3R3/1k6/1pp2r1p/8/4B1P1/P1PN3P/3K4 b - - 0 30[/fen]
Game 1087621

Another on the edge of your seat type of game for the From Gambit. And another of the 4. .. g5 game. (Seems to be the favorite of my opponents) Opting to go for the quick attack.

This game I went with the early 7. e4 ...[text shortened]... isoners and doesn’t allow for mistakes.

The Challenge now stands even at 2-2.

The Samm made two tactical errors I can see without looking at it in depth. The first, pushing pawns while neglecting development (the backward knight on b1 will haunt him later). The second in moving a developed piece twice to no real advantage while again neglecting development.

03 Sep 03
26 Apr 05

Game 1088572

Well it wasn't exactly a sounding defeat for the FG, BUT a win is a win and loss is loss. Benkoboy was a little below the ratings requirement for the From Gambit Challenge, but he played well nonetheless. In fact I'd say he resigned earlier than I would have.

But, I now stand at 3-2. Keep bringing it..


03 Sep 03
27 Apr 05
1 edit

Well my lead didn't last too long...

Game 1085929

XanthosNZ got revenge for my previous win against the From against him. (Seems I should have stuck to playing him while he was sleep-deprived.)

If there is one thing I've learned in this Challenge is:
move #7. I should have traded out the knights and followed with Qd3.

Well played XanthosNZ..

And we are back to even with 3-3.


For RHP addons...

16 Mar 04
09 May 05
2 edits

Ragnorak: Game 1085667
buffalobill: Game 1085659
Ravello: Game 1085632
XanthosNZ: Game 1085929
dyl: Game 1085672
Ouermyhte: Game 1085608
ohfreak: Game 1085974
benkoboy: Game 1088572
Samdogg: Game 1087621
Svin1: Game 1087620

After a too early resignation by Tim in our game, the challenge stands at 4-3 in favour of the From.


03 Sep 03
09 May 05
1 edit

Thanks for the update Ragnorak...I got lazy...

For those still riveted to their seats....there are 3 games remaining... I need to win two in order to come out at 50%.

But since I made up the challenge and I make the rules. I choose to include my rematch with Ouermyhte: Game 1085608

Which brings me to 4-4. 🙂 3 more to go...

Thanks for the great games to all my opponents.



05 May 05
10 May 05

Have you found a solid plan against 4 . . .g4. .as of yet? It does in fact seem to be the prefferd attack method against 4 Nf6(thus removing the threat of mate from 3. . . Bxd6)

Cancerous Bus Crash


06 Sep 04
11 May 05

Originally posted by Jansports
Have you found a solid plan against 4 . . .g4. .as of yet? It does in fact seem to be the prefferd attack method against 4 Nf6(thus removing the threat of mate from 3. . . Bxd6)
I assume you mean 4. ... g4 after 4. Nf3.

If you look at the game I played in the challenge and the comments tmetzler made afterwards I think he has. I believe I would have found the going much tougher after:

1.f4 e5 2.fxe5 d6 3.exd6 Bxd6 4.Nf3 g5 5.g3 g4 6.Nh4 Ne7 7.d4 Ng6 8.Nxg6 (8. Ng2 was played in my game, which I believe is inaccurate despite being a book line) hxg6 9.Qd3.

I have quite an interesting survey by Ftacnik that I believe shows this quite well (If you want a copy tmetzler just PM me your email address).

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
12 May 05

in game 1085608 you had a faster win with knX e pawn, pawn takes Kn, qxpawn+ forking the rook and bishop

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
12 May 05

in your game with Xanthos, 1058929 at move 7 I have seen you move several times to g2. What happens with just KnXkn? My guess is black would take with rook pawn, opening up the rook to attack down the line. You have a game with that move?

03 Sep 03
12 May 05

Agreed, I thought I had posted that somewhere, but maybe it was in a pm instead. I'm sure I have at least one game in progress where I traded the knight off, instead of moving it to g2.

After a few tries, I found it better to make the trade rather than spending the time moving the knight again..


Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
12 May 05

your game with ohfreak is going well.



01 Apr 04
20 May 05

Game 1087620--Another defeat for From🙁