Too many banded tournaments?

Too many banded tournaments?



16 Jan 05
28 May 11

Hi All

Fell free to move this post if it is not in the right place.

Nowadays there seems to be an abundance of banded tournaments but very few unrestricted tournaments.

I appreciate that this may be a personal taste but I enjoy playing a range of players. Certainly the speed at whch such tournaments ae snapped up seems to indicate that others share my view.

I can appreciate the need to limit the number of live tournaments to save server space but perhaps a better optoin would be to limit the number of live games per player.

Again I appreciate that this is a personal view and other rhp players would hold a different view but how about putting it out to the community for a vote?

It would be good to get some comment from the organisers of redhotpawn on the matter.


Lyme BayChesil Beach

09 Dec 06
28 May 11

There are enormous numbers of tournies created by the clubs also, 29 in the last week I count of those I was invited to. Far more are banded..there are no restrictions on club affairs, nothing to stop folk rated above the TER banding from joining. This is a problem, folk taking advantage....they are asked to step down but ignore the messages. A club cancelled all its tournies last week because of this issue but STILL they do it. One assumes the offenders see such as easy points, playing folk with TER's hundreds of points below their own. Shallow wins...



04 Sep 04
29 May 11

Originally posted by Tonks
Hi All

Fell free to move this post if it is not in the right place.

Nowadays there seems to be an abundance of banded tournaments but very few unrestricted tournaments.

I appreciate that this may be a personal taste but I enjoy playing a range of players. Certainly the speed at whch such tournaments ae snapped up seems to indicate that others share my ...[text shortened]... a vote?

It would be good to get some comment from the organisers of redhotpawn on the matter.
There can never be too many banded tournaments.

If you take a look at the current Tournaments in progress there are

Page 1 20 Banded 10 Open
Page 2 13 Banded 17 Open
Page 3 24 Banded 6 Open
Page 4 23 Banded 7 Open
Page 5 0 Banded 30 Open

So 80 Banded versus 70 Open shows a fairly even split. You would expect Banded to be substantially more, since by there very nature 10+ tournaments will be started depending on the banding levels for each toournament name. The April Banded Mini threesomes involved 21 different tournaments being started.

As for limiting games per person there is more likelihood of me landing on the Sun next week and doing a rain dance, than of people voting to restrict the amount of games they can play simultaneously.


16 Jan 05
30 May 11

RevRSlleker - thanks for the 'heads up' on club tournaments. I hadnt appreciated they run their own tournaments.

adramforall - thanks for the stats, which from my perspective demonstrates my point. If you look at the available tournaments the only ones avaialble (at todays point) are banded tournies. All open tournaments are snapped up quickly. I accept that as they are banded there will be less RHP players wanting to enter and therefore will always take a little longer to fill up than open tournies, but there has definately been a reduction n the number of open tournaments in recent months.

As for my suggestion on limiting games, I also would NOT be in favour of limiting games. However if server space IS the issue (and only if server space is the issue) then that would be a fairer option than some individuals gobbling up avaiable tournaments.

As for walking on the sun, I suggest you dont throw your asbestos boots away just yet - I can forsee a commercial RHP situation where RHP could introduce levels of membership at different rates! Hopefully it would be a democratic vote! :-}

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