Why do drag queens want audiences of children?

Why do drag queens want audiences of children?


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23 Feb 22
22 Mar 23

This ain't story hour in the video like they claim:


Planet Rain

04 Mar 04
22 Mar 23
2 edits

@jj-adams said
This ain't story hour in the video like they claim:
It occurs to me that dressing in bizarre or "norm violating" garb for the express purpose of entertaining children goes back centuries. The obvious example is the clown, who may be male but will be wearing feminine-like clothing items such as wigs, flowers, and also pants and shirts with patterns on them more typically found worn by women.

This whole drag queen flap is pure hysteria created from a vacuum. Right-wingers are truly losing the plot, and seem desperate to hate anything at hand to keep pointless culture wars churning.

From Wikipedia there is this definition of a clown:
A clown is a person who performs comedy and arts in a state of open-mindedness using physical comedy, typically while wearing distinct makeup or costuming and reversing folkway-norms.

Frankly drag queens appear far less frightening than the traditional clown, and their entertainment value for children is every bit as valid and wholesome.

Loosen up, snowflake.

23 Feb 22
22 Mar 23

@soothfast said
It occurs to me that dressing in bizarre or "norm violating" garb for the express purpose of entertaining children goes back centuries.
Oh please LOOK at the sexual costumes and lewd gyrations these people are doing in front of toddlers.
THAT is not what entertainers did to children's audiences centuries ago.


Behind the scenes

27 Jun 16
22 Mar 23

@jj-adams said
This ain't story hour in the video like they claim:
Why do drag queens want audiences of children?

Why don't you ask the drag queens? Asking this of correspondence chess players is little different than asking a bunch of archeologists the average subordinated debt ratio of a PLLC. 🙄

23 Feb 22
22 Mar 23

@mchill said
Why do drag queens want audiences of children?

Why don't you ask the drag queens?
Because they will lie.
They obviously are hoping to groom them to grow up as sick and perverted as they are..


Planet Rain

04 Mar 04
22 Mar 23

@jj-adams said
Oh please LOOK at the sexual costumes and lewd gyrations these people are doing in front of toddlers.
THAT is not what entertainers did to children's audiences centuries ago.
Have you looked at paintings and sculptures from centuries or even millennia back? Trigger alert: bare wieners.

Most European countries, meanwhile, take public nudity in stride. How this could possibly corrupt children is frankly beyond my ken. Indeed, Puritan dress codes only add to the mystique of nudity, and can lead children to have a warped idea of what the ideal body should look like. That can cause immeasurable harm.

But drag queens are fully clothed by definition, and if you don't like what they do on a stage then don't go to watch them. That simple. Imposing your warped sense of morality on others is the stuff of theocracies and other stripes of authoritarian states.


Planet Rain

04 Mar 04
22 Mar 23

@jj-adams said
Because they will lie.
They obviously are hoping to groom them to grow up as sick and perverted as they are..
"Sick and perverted" in what way?


The wrong side of 60

22 Dec 11
22 Mar 23
1 edit

@jj-adams said
This ain't story hour in the video like they claim:
So there is evidence in the YouTube clip that drag artistes WANT children in their audience?
It’s a pity you guys over the pond do not have a pantomime tradition, whereby every year at Christmas whole families ( especially the children ) go along to watch a traditional fairytale adaptation where a leading female character is traditionally played by a male in a hilarious drag costume. You might be a bit less fraught about these events, from what I’ve heard these drag artists are firmly in the over the top pantomime tradition. But hey we all know you’re just a multiphobe who likes to get his knickers in a twist for the pleasure it brings you.

23 Feb 22
22 Mar 23

@kevcvs57 said
So there is evidence in the YouTube clip that drag artistes WANT children in their audience?
It’s a pity you guys over the pond do not have a pantomime tradition, whereby every year at Christmas whole families ( especially the children ) go along to watch a traditional fairytale adaptation where a leading female character is traditionally played by a male in a hilarious dra ...[text shortened]... ow you’re just a multiphobe who likes to get his knickers in a twist for the pleasure it brings you.
Again, men dressing in female garb for comic reasons in Punch and Judy shows or whatever is totally different than taking kids to see drag queens in sexy costumes and twerking, etc.
Why don't you see that?

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
22 Mar 23

Which toddlers are you talking about? Do you have links showing drag shows like what, in frigging KINDERGARTEN?

I have NEVER seen drag shows in schools, not that I am a fan of drag queens but it is for me totally harmless, just dudes dressing in female clothes, OMG, HANG THE SOBS.

So show me just how many toddlers have been exposed to this depravity? LINKS?
Or is it just another anti gay, anti LGBQ BULLSHYTE going on in states and even the feds.

It's like drag queens are the top priority in the country right now by the zombies and FORGET actual policy like repairing broken bridges and lowering the cost of meds, who gives a shyte about THAT crap when we KNOW those filthy drag queens are PREPPING our toddlers to become gay.
What a bunch of HORSE SHYTE. All this is going on because repubs don't WANT to do actual governing, instead they just want to go all out against perceived enemies which is a GREAT way to run a country, doing EXACTLY what Trump TAUGHT them to do, FUK actual POLICY. That is EXACTLY what is going on in repub circles right now and if you have evidence to the contrary, I would LOVE to see it, maybe you have links as to how much repubs really care for their citizens and are ACTING in responsible ways to make our lives better for the average family.

23 Feb 22
22 Mar 23

@sonhouse said
Which toddlers are you talking about? Do you have links showing drag shows like what, in frigging KINDERGARTEN?
I posted the video of infants/toddlers/young kids being forced to look at them, it's in the video I posted idiot.
Nothing about it being done in schools was mentioned WTF are you on about?

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
22 Mar 23

Sorry, don't have time right now to view the vid, have to go to work, I work second shift so my comp time is pretty limited.

So out of all the drag shows, what percentage of them are aimed at toddlers? BTW, how would a toddler even know what is going on here even if by some stupid chance the drag queens ARE trying to foster gayness.

So give me some numbers, gay drag shows, 1000? Gay drag shows targeting toddlers? what, 400? How many are you actually talking about?

Personally I have never gone to a drag show and have no desire to see one, just what I see with Paul doing his thing on TV and I definitely never CHOOSE to watch such things, it seems silly to me for adult males to prance around in drag but that is THEIR deal, nothing to do with me but I see it as harmless unless you can show like some large percentage of the shows are LITERALLY aimed at toddlers who BTW would not understand what the hell is going on with such a show.

I think it is just ultrarightwingnuts bitching about nothing unless you can provide evidence of something more sinister than a vid of school kids being shown a drag queen show.

Immigration Central


23 Aug 04
22 Mar 23

@jj-adams said
This ain't story hour in the video like they claim:

Immigration Central


23 Aug 04
22 Mar 23

@sonhouse said
Which toddlers are you talking about? Do you have links showing drag shows like what, in frigging KINDERGARTEN?

I have NEVER seen drag shows in schools, not that I am a fan of drag queens but it is for me totally harmless, just dudes dressing in female clothes, OMG, HANG THE SOBS.

So show me just how many toddlers have been exposed to this depravity? LINKS ...[text shortened]... r their citizens and are ACTING in responsible ways to make our lives better for the average family.
0:20 you can see the trannie acting like an erotic dancer at a strip club in front of a bunch of babies.

23 Feb 22
22 Mar 23

@sonhouse said
So out of all the drag shows, what percentage of them are aimed at toddlers?
I'm sure it's a very small percent, since most drag queen shows are in gay bars/sex show venues, etc.
The point is that it's being done at all in shows with small children present, and it is being defended by freaks like you.