What minorities need to hear before the election

What minorities need to hear before the election


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Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03


Trump Allies Plan to Reinterpret Civil Rights Laws to Protect White People: Report

by Nikki McCann Ramirez, writing for Rolling Stone magazine / April 1, 2024

Allies of Donald Trump and powerful conservative organizations are preparing to launch an offensive against “anti-white racism” should the former president retake the White House in November. According to a report from Axios, those in Trump’s orbit are gearing up for a widespread re-interpretation of civil rights laws to combat what they perceive as reverse racism against white Americans.

According to the report, this would include a mass gutting of government programs and diversity initiatives. “As President Trump has said, all staff, offices, and initiatives connected to Biden’s un-American policy will be immediately terminated,” Steven Cheung, a Trump campaign spokesperson, told Axios.

The initiative is already being spearheaded by former Trump adviser Stephen Miller, who founded the right-wing judicial activist outfit America First Legal after leaving the White House. Miller has leveraged Civil Rights-era laws intended to protect minorities from discrimination to challenge “woke” corporate policies of inclusion. America First Legal has sued Nike, Disney, United Airlines, the National Football League, and CBS Entertainment — among others— for allegedly discriminating against white men. Several of the lawsuits cite the 1964 Civil Rights Act, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin.

Miller and his organization are not acting alone. America First Legal was consulted by the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank, in the drafting of its “Project 2025” policy handbook. The handbook contains language calling for an end to “affirmative discrimination,” and calls for an incoming conservative administration to “reorganize and refocus the DOJ’s Civil Rights Division to serve as the vanguard for this return to lawfulness.”

Trump himself has repeatedly claimed to be the target of anti-white discrimination. As previously reported by Rolling Stone, the former president has directed his advisers to look into ways he might compel the Justice Department to investigate New York Attorney General Letitia James, who successfully sued the former president for fraud last year. Trump regularly refers to James as “racist” in his social media posts and public statements.

Last week, National Review contributing editor Deroy Murdock suggested on Fox Business that Trump has grounds to sue James on the basis of discrimination.

“I think what President Trump should do is sue her on the basis of the 1964 Civil Rights Act,” Murdock said. When asked if he had suggested this directly to the former president, Murdock responded that he “will,” and that the message will get to Trump “sooner or later.”


We know what this means. Will we soon start seeing crosses burning on lawns again? We're already seeing racist policies being adopted across America, hiding in plain sight as "anti-woke" laws.

We are still struggling with the vestiges of Trump policy in America by many Trump changes that cannot simply be waved away with a magic wand. Many of Trump's changes just cannot be stuffed back in the bottle. Just how much of America will we see destroyed by this man in his second term?

09 Sep 10

"white" people are 8 percent of the global population.

We are the minority dude.


Behind the scenes

27 Jun 16
5 edits

@suzianne said

Trump Allies Plan to Reinterpret Civil Rights Laws to Protect White People: Report

by Nikki McCann Ramirez, writing for Rolling Stone magazine / April 1, 2024

Allies of Donald Trump and powerful conservative organizations are preparing to laun ...[text shortened]... back in the bottle. Just how much of America will we see destroyed by this man in his second term?
I blame Donald J Trump for fanning the flames of racial hatred in this country - that said however, I'm forced to point out the fact that the white man (and ONLY the white man) is the face of racism in America. It's as if all other races are totally innocent of racial bigotry or of engaging in even minor racist behavior. I will never support Donald Trump or his ilk, but if the left wing wants white men to vote for them, Democrats need to stop portraying white men as "the enemy," and start admitting racism is not strictly a white male problem.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04

So that makes it ok for X45, the orange Anti Christ to implement reverse racism programs. Or make dudes like Steve Miller, the one who started the deal putting thousands of children in cages and now wants to do that again but triple the number this time.
Yep, a real bunch of hero's those dudes kissing Trumps ass.

Democracy Advocate

23 Oct 04

@mchill said
Democrats need to stop portraying white men as "the enemy," and start admitting racism is not strictly a white male problem.
In the movie "Lincoln" which mostly concerns the passage of the 13th amendment, at one point, George Yeaman (KY) rises to speak:

YEAMAN: "Although I’m disgusted by slavery I rise on this sad and solemn day
to announce that I’m opposed to the amendment. We must consider what will become of colored folk if four million are in one instant set free."
{Cheers and boos.}

ASA LITTON (NY): "They’ll be free, George! That’s what’ll become of them!"
{Discussion among lobbyists}

YEAMAN" "And, and! We will be forced to enfranchise the men of the colored race - it would be inhuman not to! Who among us is prepared to give Negroes the vote?
{Deafening cheers and boos.}

YEAMAN "And, and! What shall follow upon that? Universal enfranchisement? Votes for women?"
{Chaos in the House of Representatives}
Whenever someone says 'white men are portrayed as the enemy," I think of this scene.

White men don't come off very well by modern standards. And yet... progress WAS being made. In the end, Yeaman voted FOR the 13th amendment, which was ratified.

Racism is not over, but we have made progress. I'm not sure that raising 'white racism' as a backlash is any sort of progress.

09 Sep 10
1 edit

@mchill said
I blame Donald J Trump for fanning the flames of racial hatred in this country - that said however, I'm forced to point out the fact that the white man (and ONLY the white man) is the face of racism in America. It's as if all other races are totally innocent of racial bigotry or of engaging in even minor racist behavior. I will never support Donald Trump or his ilk, but if the ...[text shortened]... ortraying white men as "the enemy," and start admitting racism is not strictly a white male problem.
The racial division started with Obama.
Watch his clips.
Obama was the first with the cages.

Are you really this daft? Is it deliberate?

09 Sep 10

@sonhouse said
So that makes it ok for X45, the orange Anti Christ to implement reverse racism programs. Or make dudes like Steve Miller, the one who started the deal putting thousands of children in cages and now wants to do that again but triple the number this time.
Yep, a real bunch of hero's those dudes kissing Trumps ass.
The DEI programs are racist because they focus on race.
Trump being re-elected and ending those racist programs would help end racism.

Man alive you're dumb.

09 Sep 10

@spruce112358 said
In the movie "Lincoln" which mostly concerns the passage of the 13th amendment, at one point, George Yeaman (KY) rises to speak:

YEAMAN: "Although I’m disgusted by slavery I rise on this sad and solemn day
to announce that I’m opposed to the amendment. We must consider what will become of colored folk if four million are in one instant set free."
{Cheers and boos.} ...[text shortened]... have made progress. I'm not sure that raising 'white racism' as a backlash is any sort of progress.
This dude ⬆️ said...In the movie

Pawn Whisperer

My Kingdom fora Pawn

09 Jan 19


Are you afraid?

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
1 edit

@fartacus said
The DEI programs are racist because they focus on race.
Trump being re-elected and ending those racist programs would help end racism.

Man alive you're dumb.
White dudes talking about ending racism.

Good one.

Not one of you is standing up for a race not your own.

White people (as a race) don't need any help. 90% of lawmakers are white.

09 Sep 10

@suzianne said
White dudes talking about ending racism.

Good one.

Not one of you is standing up for a race not your own.

White people (as a race) don't need any help. 90% of lawmakers are white.
Hey dude...

Obama got elected by white dudes.

Failed experiment but still valid non the less.

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03

@fartacus said
Hey dude...

Obama got elected by white dudes.

Failed experiment but still valid non the less.
This goes to show that when white dudes aren't racist, great things can be done.

Now? Not so much. They're determined to drive us all down now.

09 Sep 10

@suzianne said
This goes to show that when white dudes aren't racist, great things can be done.

Now? Not so much. They're determined to drive us all down now.
Obama is catalogued as one of the worst performers as president.
What in tarnation are you talking about?

It's April fools right?

09 Sep 10


Your thread has been terminated.

09 Sep 10

LoL the thread title 😄

"What minorities need to hear before the election from their liberal white masters". 🤣