Can each of us have diff version of American dream?

Can each of us have diff version of American dream?


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Lake Como

27 Jul 10

Is it OK if we do? The posts of liberals on the RHP Forum appear to not think so. What is their underlying theme of posts?


31 May 12


Each can have his own opinion and his own dream, but not his own facts, and that is where the shoe is pinching right now.


Behind the scenes

27 Jun 16
5 edits

@averagejoe1 said
Is it OK if we do? The posts of liberals on the RHP Forum appear to not think so. What is their underlying theme of posts?
What is their underlying theme of posts?

The underlying theme of "their" posts takes many forms, from the environment, to criminal's having access to guns, to Mexico paying for that border wall, to a convicted fraudster and sexual abuser selling himself as the very best candidate for President, to huge corporations getting billions of dollars in government "free stuff" while complaining about a lower middle-income student who got a discount on her college tuition, to conservatives passing laws that will force 13 year old rape victims to carry their children to birth, even though it would severely injure or kill the mothers under developed young body in the process

Does that answer your question, or are you still struggling with your reading comprehension? πŸ™„

05 Nov 06

@mchill said
What is their underlying theme of posts?

The underlying theme of "their" posts takes many forms, from the environment, to criminal's having access to guns, to Mexico paying for that border wall, to a convicted fraudster and sexual abuser selling himself as the very best candidate for President, to huge corporations getting billions of dollars in government "free stuff" whil ...[text shortened]... s

Does that answer your question, or are you still struggling with your reading comprehension? πŸ™„
thanks for displaying how the lib posters cling to lies

Lake Como

27 Jul 10

@mchill said
What is their underlying theme of posts?

The underlying theme of "their" posts takes many forms, from the environment, to criminal's having access to guns, to Mexico paying for that border wall, to a convicted fraudster and sexual abuser selling himself as the very best candidate for President, to huge corporations getting billions of dollars in government "free stuff" whil ...[text shortened]... s

Does that answer your question, or are you still struggling with your reading comprehension? πŸ™„
Too many varying opinions on environment, you fellers are struggling, not us.
Criminals should not have guns, don’t know what that has to do with this. Comprehension problem?
Yes, there could be a better president! Maybe me. That is irrelevant to this issue.
Corps were voted free stuff by your reps. That means you voted for it.
There is no quid pro quo money for non-college students, McHill. The concept is simply not fair.
We all agree to abort rape or incest. So you AND Sonhouse haven’t realized that yet?

In closing, you have ‘answered’ naught. Just rambling, writing to yourself with your pet peeves. The Wall??? Haha. He needed 8 years, slanthead. May yet get it done. Trump w squeeze Mexico.
See if you can write about the American Dream, and key in on your people ruining dreams of others. Why, my yardman was trying to get to some jobs by driving over the bridge being blocked by y’all. He got stuck there, all day, lost any income and was fired from future jobs. Your dream, to accomplish something At The Expense Of Others, has been ruining the dreams of others. Let’s say I have millions$, the result of MY American dream…….Am I correct that you people want to get it from me? McHill?

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04

Oh? It's a lie Trump said he would be a dictator on day one?
Trump didn't say ingest bleach, kills covid in minutes?
Trump didn't talk about our colonial soldiers protecting the airports?
You just categorize anything democrats do as bad and anything Trumpites do as golden.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04

I want an end to the idea of republicans starting coup's again. I want fair and uncontested elections. I want people to be treated equal in education, housing, employment and medical issues. I guess that puts me out on the fringes of society in this fukked up century.


The wrong side of 60

22 Dec 11

@averagejoe1 said
Is it OK if we do? The posts of liberals on the RHP Forum appear to not think so. What is their underlying theme of posts?
There is no such thing as the American dream, it’s a fairy tale you tell your kids when you tuck them in at night
P.s there is no tooth fairy or Easter bunny either Joe, soz.


20 Oct 06

@averagejoe1 said
Is it OK if we do? The posts of liberals on the RHP Forum appear to not think so. What is their underlying theme of posts?
It would be weird if it were the same dream, eh?

Lake Como

27 Jul 10

@sonhouse said
Oh? It's a lie Trump said he would be a dictator on day one?
Trump didn't say ingest bleach, kills covid in minutes?
Trump didn't talk about our colonial soldiers protecting the airports?
You just categorize anything democrats do as bad and anything Trumpites do as golden.
It is accepted that his dictator thingy was not literal, as you certainly know it was not. Why don’t you quit on that, and while you are at it quit on railing about incest and rape victims not being able to have abortions. Of course they can. That is really getting old.
itry to relax, take a valum, and Google Trump having said to ingest bleach, he did not , that his false. See Snopes et al. You get so emotional, and seems you repeat yourself a lot. Try being a bit creative.

Lake Como

27 Jul 10

@wildgrass said
It would be weird if it were the same dream, eh?
But it cannot if one covets the possessions of others. You do. Are you so daft, or being run of the mill dependent liberal?

Lake Como

27 Jul 10

@kevcvs57 said
There is no such thing as the American dream, it’s a fairy tale you tell your kids when you tuck them in at night
P.s there is no tooth fairy or Easter bunny either Joe, soz.
You are right, there is no American dream per se. There are around 300M of them, all different. Shav has a dream to work as little as possible. I want to work as hard as I can, build a big nest egg. That is a logical concept on the whole, but many people try to encroach or change the dreams of others
That just ain’t right, is it.

Lake Como

27 Jul 10

@sonhouse said
I want an end to the idea of republicans starting coup's again. I want fair and uncontested elections. I want people to be treated equal in education, housing, employment and medical issues. I guess that puts me out on the fringes of society in this fukked up century.
Good post, but you’d have to elaborate on ‘treated equal’. In what way? To what end? Mamala Kamala wants everyone to end up at the same place at the end of the day. It could mean anything. What do You think it means?


20 Oct 06

@averagejoe1 said
But it cannot if one covets the possessions of others. You do. Are you so daft, or being run of the mill dependent liberal?
I'm not a lib. But I stopped supporting Republicans after they abandoned the essential rule that the government needs to spend within its means.

Lake Como

27 Jul 10

@wildgrass said
I'm not a lib. But I stopped supporting Republicans after they abandoned the essential rule that the government needs to spend within its means.
I would have ridden that train with you, but there was no where else to go. You got off at the last stop, I still gaze longingly out at the passing fruited plains. But why dwell on the past? We are where we are and we have to take the best road that is available to us. We agree.!