CA Senate candidate wants $50 minimum wage.  Funny.

CA Senate candidate wants $50 minimum wage. Funny.


Lake Como

27 Jul 10

@wildgrass said
You just pretend stuff now? Do you enjoy fantasy?
Only faeries use the word fantasy , just being helpful


20 Oct 06

@averagejoe1 said
Only faeries use the word fantasy , just being helpful
I know you are but what am I?


20 Oct 06
1 edit

@wajoma said
It's possible because there are countries that don't have a min wage and there are countries that don't give welfare to those in paid employment. Dims, Republicans, the deficit and some pollie got the boot all have no bearing on violating the right of people to engage in the voluntary exchange of value for value.

They're all dodges, you've tried them before.
I've not dodged, actually answered several times over.

Other countries do things different is not a good argument that the same can be adopted in the US. We have 90 years of new deal history, the current state of politic and a neutered conservative party. If there was anyone, anyone, ??? in a position of power to make that happen and expressed your viewpoint, then maybe we would have a different conversation.

We don't live in that world. I would rather take what I can get in terms of government shrinkage, rather than sticking with an idea that will never materialize.

Die Cheeseburger


01 Sep 04

@wildgrass said
I've not dodged, actually answered several times over.

Other countries do things different is not a good argument that the same can be adopted in the US. We have 90 years of new deal history, the current state of politic and a neutered conservative party. If there was anyone, anyone, ??? in a position of power to make that happen and expressed your viewpoint, then maybe ...[text shortened]... get in terms of government shrinkage, rather than sticking with an idea that will never materialize.
Previously you've just said it's not possible, I showed examples of how possible it is, and it is of course the default position absent goobermint interference.

After being presented with numerous arguments against it your final stand is; you feel like some pollies don't like it.

It doesn't need to happen over night, there's going to be pain caused by the previous interference, the first thing is stop increasing the min, and this is happening to a certain extent anyway, the pollies know how harmful jacking the min is so they make it look as if their doing something but it's the absolute bare minimum for appearances only.

Next roll back benefits for those in paid employment, or as per the minimum, stop raising it, let the market take over, when it becomes uneconomical for people to go to work they will stop doing it and Co's will have to lure them back by paying what you blokes call 'a living wage'.

All this costs goobermint and the taxpayer nothing. And some buratcracies may be disbanded and the parasites will have to find productive work.


20 Oct 06

@wajoma said
Previously you've just said it's not possible, I showed examples of how possible it is, and it is of course the default position absent goobermint interference.

After being presented with numerous arguments against it your final stand is; you feel like some pollies don't like it.

It doesn't need to happen over night, there's going to be pain caused by the previous interf ...[text shortened]... nothing. And some buratcracies may be disbanded and the parasites will have to find productive work.
examples of how possible it is

Possible.... with a new constitution, a new government, new laws, and new people. Sure, I will give you that.

Die Cheeseburger


01 Sep 04

@wildgrass said
examples of how possible it is

Possible.... with a new constitution, a new government, new laws, and new people. Sure, I will give you that.
A new constitution? You always get carried away trying to make your story bigger.


20 Oct 06
1 edit

@wajoma said
A new constitution? You always get carried away trying to make your story bigger.
Lol it's you getting carried away with fantasies of firing the nanny state.

90 years, 4 generations, goobermint always got bigger, except that one small Clinton era period, which was immediately reversed when George bush took office.

Our constitution enables politicians to spend like drunken sailors, buying campaign donors.

Die Cheeseburger


01 Sep 04
2 edits

@wildgrass said
Lol it's you getting carried away with fantasies of firing the nanny state.

90 years, 4 generations, goobermint always got bigger, except that one small Clinton era period, which was immediately reversed when George bush took office.

Our constitution enables politicians to spend like drunken sailors, buying campaign donors.
What has the constitution got to do with a minimum wage?

Or the late edit:

What has the constitution got to do with drunken sailors and campaign donors?

Where does the constitution refer to these things?

Die Cheeseburger


01 Sep 04

@wildgrass said
Right. Let's have world peace too. Hold hands and sing songs.

Reducing spending is a realistic goal. Libs are honestly better at it.
What an odd tack you've taken here. World peace is an ideal and it should be striven for. A person taking back possession of their own time is an ideal and it should be striven for.

No idea why you're talking about holding hands and singing songs, guess you're trying to build up your story with some strawmen.


20 Oct 06

@wajoma said
What has the constitution got to do with a minimum wage?

Or the late edit:

What has the constitution got to do with drunken sailors and campaign donors?

Where does the constitution refer to these things?
It does not refer to these things, but it enables them.

Citizens united decision by SCOTUS allowing unlimited campaign contributions was the nail in this coffin. Government spending skyrocketed under trump and has shown no sign of slowing down. There's zero incentive in the system for politicians to cut spending.

Die Cheeseburger


01 Sep 04
5 edits

@wildgrass said
It does not refer to these things, but it enables them.

Citizens united decision by SCOTUS allowing unlimited campaign contributions was the nail in this coffin. Government spending skyrocketed under trump and has shown no sign of slowing down. There's zero incentive in the system for politicians to cut spending.
Haha, the founding father should have stipulated campaign spending? And that's why there's a minimum wage, which is actually rock bottom anyway.

I visited Saipan a few times back in the day, it's not a US territory as per Guam but they had US federal law and used USD. There was a thriving clothing industry there because manufacturers could put 'Made in USA' on their labels.

Uh oh look out Saipan clothing industry and hundreds of employees here comes wildgrass, the goobermint control freaks, and their minimum wage increases.

Killed it, literally ruined the clothing industry in Saipan, factories abandoned and hundreds of jobs for productive workers earning a living and supporting themselves, wonder if they'd like to thank wildgrass and her whacky interventionist economic experiments with them as the guinea pigs. Wrecked the lives of hundreds of people and damaged the Saipan economy as a bonus.

A real life, stark, practical example of the harm of a jacked min wage.


20 Oct 06

@wajoma said
Haha, the founding father should have stipulated campaign spending? And that's why there's a minimum wage, which is actually rock bottom anyway.

I visited Saipan a few times back in the day, it's not a US territory as per Guam but they had US federal law and used USD. There was a thriving clothing industry there because manufacturers could put 'Made in USA' on their labels ...[text shortened]... aipan economy as a bonus.

A real life, stark, practical example of the harm of a jacked min wage.
Awful story. In my limited googling, it seemed saipan may have had more going against it in addition to wage structural change. Do they vote for the representatives who made these decisions?

It would be cool if your dream of cutting military and benefits programs would be realized. Probably that would be good for taxpayers and future generations. But... It just won't happen.

It is the system we have. To implement change, one can work to limit goobermint or ask that the system, the government, be torn down. It would be nice if it could be rebuilt without the pesky insertion of high dollar donors to buy off politicians. Consider Amazon again as just an example, spending more than $20million every year for political influence.

I dunno, revolution seems unlikely. at least raising the minimum wage shrinks goobermint.


20 Oct 06

@wajoma said
What an odd tack you've taken here. World peace is an ideal and it should be striven for. A person taking back possession of their own time is an ideal and it should be striven for.

No idea why you're talking about holding hands and singing songs, guess you're trying to build up your story with some strawmen.
Strawman or attempted analogy? One can wish for and strive for world peace, but probably don't get rid of the jets and tanks until that happens. Your plans to excise minimum wage would be akin to assuming world peace and acting naively to the realities of human nature.

In our entitled era, the minimum wage is a protection against excessive goobermint spending. We want wages coming from employers not taxpayers.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04

So from your POV the dude with kids should have gotten abortions.

Lake Como

27 Jul 10

@wajoma said
A new constitution? You always get carried away trying to make your story bigger.
Givde him a break, he is following his marching orders. Marauder is to him as Obama is to Biden.
Marauder is the one to watch out for, he will settle for nothing less than communism, and his lieutenants like Wgrass (or whichever one is in the light at the moment) are on it with such posts. He prob just got a PM from Marauder, ' a Silver Star is coming your way!

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