At least 160 children died digging tunnels for Hamas

At least 160 children died digging tunnels for Hamas


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08 Jun 07
01 Aug 14
1 edit


08 Jun 07
01 Aug 14


12 Jul 08
01 Aug 14

Originally posted by finnegan
You are one sick European hating guy
I don't hate Europeans, I just hate the way Europeans have been brainwashed by their nanny states. I suppose any European blood that thinks for itself left Europe long ago.


04 Feb 05
01 Aug 14

Originally posted by Eladar
I don't hate Europeans, I just hate the way Europeans have been brainwashed by their nanny states. I suppose any European blood that thinks for itself left Europe long ago.
i suppose you mean to imply you are that blood? the nation that has 40% of its people s state "i don't believe in evolution"? the nation that denies global warming.

i am not going to discuss your retarded claim that "europeans who can think for themselves left". it's is just that: retarded. but the idea that these hypothetical europeans would leave for the US is laughable.

Die Cheeseburger


01 Sep 04
01 Aug 14

Originally posted by Zahlanzi
[bthe nation that denies global warming.

How's that global warming going for you zahlanzi? What is the temperature now, and what should it be?


26 Aug 07
01 Aug 14
3 edits

Originally posted by Wajoma
How's that global warming going for you zahlanzi? What is the temperature now, and what should it be?
What about May/June 2014 being the warmest ocean temperatures on record?

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration reports that June was the globe’s warmest in 134 years of records following its report that May was also the hottest on record. These reports are feeding anticipation that 2014 could become the warmest year on record.

sooooo you were slobbering about the empirical evidence were you not? care to explain the above? I suspect that if the sun emitted a solar flare that embalmed you in your own carbon commissions and fried you to a cornflake you would still deny it. No amount of empirical evidence can convince the truly biased or wilfully ignorant.

Die Cheeseburger


01 Sep 04
01 Aug 14

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
What about May June 2014 being the warmest ocean temperatures on record?

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration reports that June was the globe’s warmest in 134 years of records following its report that May was also the hottest on record. These reports are feeding anticipation that 2014 could become the warmest year on record.

ht ...[text shortened]... sooooo you were slobbering about the empirical evidence were you not? care to explain the above?
I was slobbering? really? Why such language Robbie?

I asked a reasonable question. What is the temperature now? What should it be if man remained in caves and never learnt to light a fire?


26 Aug 07
01 Aug 14

Originally posted by Wajoma
I was slobbering? really? Why such language Robbie?

I asked a reasonable question. What is the temperature now? What should it be if man remained in caves and never learnt to light a fire?
the temperatures now are the hottest on record, that is what the temperature is now. What is should be is an irrelevancy, the fact is, its the hottest on record and instead of appealing to what we don't know, why don't you try and explain or at very least assimilate what we do know?

Die Cheeseburger


01 Sep 04
01 Aug 14
2 edits

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
the temperatures now are the hottest on record, that is what the temperature is now. What is should be is an irrelevancy, the fact is, its the hottest on record and instead of appealing to what we don't know, why don't you try and explain or at very least assimilate what we do know?
We need to know what the temperature 'should be' (i.e. if man had never lifted himself beyond dumb beast). We need to make that comparison, so we know how much of the temperature change is due to mans activity.

Surely you're not claiming the temperature should remain static.

I didn't want to hijack the thread. But those making claims of global warming must be in possession of this simple fact.

And again: Do you really think it is appropriate to react with such language from the get go?

Die Cheeseburger


01 Sep 04
01 Aug 14

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
I suspect that if the sun emitted a solar flare that embalmed you in your own carbon commissions and fried you to a cornflake you would still deny it.
I'm familiar with a good few scare stories, at one time we were headed for an ice age, remember those days, then we had oceans rising by meters etc, and temperatures accelerating, remember the hockey shctick. There needs to be a graph charting the ICCs downward revision of their predictions.

But this one...whoooo weeeee that's a dandy.


26 Aug 07
01 Aug 14
1 edit

Originally posted by Wajoma
We need to know what the temperature 'should be' (i.e. if man had never lifted himself beyond dumb beast). We need to make that comparison, so we know how much of the temperature change is due to mans activity.

Surely you're not claiming the temperature should remain static.

I didn't want to hijack the thread. But those making claims of global warming ...[text shortened]...

And again: Do you really think it is appropriate to react with such language from the get go?
What the temperature should be is an appeal to ignorance, THE FACTS ARE that they are now the HOTTEST that has ever been recorded, i don't see why saying that we don't know what the temperatures should be in any way explains why they are the HOTTEST ON RECORD, infact, its nothing more than a rather crude irrelevancy and explains nothing, not a single thing and on that basis the language is most opproriate for if you cannot even assimilate or address what we do know and instead make some ludicrous appeals to what we may never know then you are slobbering and until you do address the FACT that there ARE now the HOTTEST temperatures on record I will continue to use such language for its entirely fitting. You have been asked now twice to explain the actual data we have and as yet you have not done so.


26 Aug 07
01 Aug 14

Originally posted by Wajoma
I'm familiar with a good few scare stories, at one time we were headed for an ice age, remember those days, then we had oceans rising by meters etc, and temperatures accelerating, remember the hockey shctick. There needs to be a graph charting the ICCs downward revision of their predictions.

But this one...whoooo weeeee that's a dandy.
Isn't it just.


04 Feb 05
04 Aug 14

Originally posted by Wajoma
How's that global warming going for you zahlanzi? What is the temperature now, and what should it be?
this betrays ignorance on your part. all misinformed global warming deniers state how the last three winters in the us have been the coldest ones in history. when in fact that is not what it's about.

the average temperature of the earth is up, because of greenhouse gases made by humans. as a result you have droughts, more extreme weather (that includes colder winters), rise in sea levels, shrinking coral reefs, etc.

only weak minded fools would look at the title of a theory, say how that one time they were totally cold, and dismiss it without any reasoning.


25 Jun 06
04 Aug 14

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
What the temperature should be is an appeal to ignorance, THE FACTS ARE that they are now the HOTTEST that has ever been recorded,...You have been asked now twice to explain the actual data we have and as yet you have not done so.
Asking Wajoma to explain climate change - now that really is an appeal to ignorance! Or is it an appeal to bigotry?

Die Cheeseburger


01 Sep 04
04 Aug 14
1 edit

Originally posted by finnegan
Asking Wajoma to explain climate change - now that really is an appeal to ignorance! Or is it an appeal to bigotry?
I know what climate change is dolt boy, it has changed through out the history of the world.

My question was, and it remains a legitimate question, even if I've given up asking the fanatics, is: What is the temperature now, and what should it be if man never ventured out of the caves and learned to light a fire?