the metalheads making a move

the metalheads making a move


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Victor, New York

08 May 09
28 Aug 22

@Very-Rusty If it indeed was a private message. I believe the one from Vespin was addressed to the whole clan. It would have remained private except for the circumstances. If he had just responded saying that he wanted to keep the rule, then I would have resigned quietly. Not sure if I would have responded when he lied in the forum or not in that case.

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
28 Aug 22
1 edit

@lstcyr said
@Very-Rusty If it indeed was a private message. I believe the one from Vespin was addressed to the whole clan. It would have remained private except for the circumstances. If he had just responded saying that he wanted to keep the rule, then I would have resigned quietly. Not sure if I would have responded when he lied in the forum or not in that case.
This dispute is between you and VESPIN, I don't plan in getting involved any further other than what I did sending feed back to find out about the P.M.? Even things said in the Clan forum I wouldn't say anything about. Geeze if I made public every P.M., I was sent it would certainly stir up the hornets nest so to speak. I wouldn't do that and people trust me not to. My old clan members can back me up on that, as I never mentioned anything was said to me in a P.M. to anyone including VESPIN. That is called loyalty.



07 Feb 09
28 Aug 22

@very-rusty said
You love repeating your own drivel over and over don't you mghrn55?

What was said in a P.M. to another member of the clan should have never been put out in public, and we both know it!!! No one will soon forget what VESPIN'S own member and Clan Leader himself did, which is against the TOS Guidelines. Lets see what if anything will become of that situation.

What on earth are you babbling about ?
Your reply to my post has absolutely nothing to do with what I posted !!
I was talking about Vespin having cleaned up his act after his involvement with Carrobie and McTayto in 2016.
What does my comment that Vespin being in as thick as thieves with Carrobie and McTayto have to do with what he may have said in a PM ??
And do remember that, don't you ??
And you clearly remember whose side you were on at that time, don't you ??
I thought Vespin put a clan forum muzzle on you.
It's bad enough that he makes himself look stupid here. But you're not helping him !!


Victor, New York

08 May 09
28 Aug 22

@Very-Rusty I've never disclosed anything said to me in a PM or in the clan forum until now. Circumstances change.

Standard memberRemoved

12 Nov 05
28 Aug 22

Sounds very similar to 2016 and the four anti-Metallica clans.

However, up to clan leaders how they run their clans - if you don’t agree then just walk (I did that a long time ago for a clan) - if I had a message saying not to play certain clans as a leader I’d decline too


07 Feb 09
28 Aug 22

@silverstriker said
Sounds very similar to 2016 and the four anti-Metallica clans.

However, up to clan leaders how they run their clans - if you don’t agree then just walk (I did that a long time ago for a clan) - if I had a message saying not to play certain clans as a leader I’d decline too
At the end of the day, Vespin is the clan leader of Breaking Bad clan.
He doesn't get to decide what challenges another clan accepts.
Shelrock57 is the clan leader of Nemesis Challenge. Shelrock57 decides who his clan can enter challenges with. Not Vespin.

The question that should be raised here is that what position does site admin take on players belonging to more than one clan.
Maybe that is the issue.

RIP Mghrn55

United States

03 Jun 09
29 Aug 22

@mghrn55 said
At the end of the day, Vespin is the clan leader of Breaking Bad clan.
He doesn't get to decide what challenges another clan accepts.
Shelrock57 is the clan leader of Nemesis Challenge. Shelrock57 decides who his clan can enter challenges with. Not Vespin.

The question that should be raised here is that what position does site admin take on players belonging to more than one clan.
Maybe that is the issue.
Do you know about half the clans don't play us. But they play you guys. It wasn't until this year I figured it was you guys who had a hand in it with all those tons of points coming in from clans that won't play us.

Just like you are accusing us. If Sherlock wants to play you guys he can. The rule did not last a day. If you want more matches with them then make it happen.

I have half the clans who don't play us.

But he can play you all he wants. You guys are idiots. That rule you guys are going nuts over does not exist. lol lol

I only have one rule in my clan. And it does not affect any other clan. .

16 Feb 08
29 Aug 22

@very-rusty said
My old clan members can back me up on that
Where are they then…”backing you up”?

16 Feb 08
29 Aug 22

@silverstriker said
Sounds very similar to 2016 and the four anti-Metallica clans.

However, up to clan leaders how they run their clans - if you don’t agree then just walk (I did that a long time ago for a clan) - if I had a message saying not to play certain clans as a leader I’d decline too
That’s because like Istcyr, you’re honourable.

16 Feb 08
29 Aug 22

@vespin said
Just like you are accusing us.
Why did you tell the members of your clan, who were leaders of other clans, not to play Metallica?

16 Feb 08
29 Aug 22

@vespin said
You guys are idiots. That rule you guys are going nuts over does not exist. I only have one rule in my clan. And it does not affect any other clan.
So Istcyr is lying then?

16 Feb 08
29 Aug 22

@mghrn55 said
What on earth are you babbling about ?
Your reply to my post has absolutely nothing to do with what I posted !!
I was talking about Vespin having cleaned up his act after his involvement with Carrobie and McTayto in 2016.
What does my comment that Vespin being in as thick as thieves with Carrobie and McTayto have to do with what he may have said in a PM ??
And btw......yo ...[text shortened]... zzle on you.
It's bad enough that he makes himself look stupid here. But you're not helping him !!
Looks like you’ve upset Very Rusty SO much, that he’s been forced to alert your post.

16 Feb 08
29 Aug 22

@very-rusty said
You love repeating your own drivel over and over don't you mghrn55?
Do ever read your own posts in the GF?

You should take some time out to do so, because they have always been industrial grade drivel.

st johnstone

14 Nov 09
29 Aug 22

@divegeester said
Why did you tell the members of your clan, who were leaders of other clans, not to play Metallica?
Maybe get facts correct before posting.
That was never said.
Vespin pmed all members I think not sure if it was all or only clan leaders
Don't play any clan in the top five including breaking bad this idea was dropped after 9 hours some members did not even read original message as due to time differences
I said it was a silly idea as did a couple of others.
Vespin dropped it.
What happened in the pms between others I don't know and don't really care TBH.

common manners no one should be posting pms in general forums not against the tos but I guess players have lower standards than others in life and on here.
Also why automatically believe one player saying something what another player said.
I got a pm today from a Metallica member saying they think you are a hindrance to the clan and are an obnoxious idiot
Now ask yourself.
Who was it?
Did it even happen?
Believe what you want.

I asked ages ago why we don't play Metallica
It's fair enough wanting an advantage but some of the challenges sent more lop sided than a certain tower in pisa.
Did you think it was clan India?

16 Feb 08
29 Aug 22

@roma45 said
Maybe get facts correct before posting.
That was never said.
@VESPIN Actually you just told your clan that you don't want your players who run other clans to play the top 5 clans. When I said that I couldn't accept that, you kicked me out of the clan. (Granted I said that I would leave if you didn't reverse the "rule" but you kicked me out