“I will write my law on their hearts”

“I will write my law on their hearts”


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16 Feb 08
07 Jan 23
3 edits

From Corinthians, Ezekiel (twice) and Hebrews

And you show that you are a letter from Christ delivered by us, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts.

19 And I will give them one heart, and a new spirit I will put within them. I will remove the heart of stone from their flesh and give them a heart of flesh

26 And I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you. And I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh.

33 For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, declares the LORD: I will put my law within them, and I will write it on their hearts.

10 For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel
after those days, declares the Lord:
I will put my laws into their minds,
and write them on their hearts,
and I will be their God,
and they shall be my people.

Throughout the bible this theme is delivered clearly; that God will write his law on the hearts of his people. Today under the New Covenant contemporary Christians feel liberated from the law of the Old covenant, so clearly how Christian are expected to execute God’s law changed. Jesus broke the sabbath law, upset tables in the temple and pushed back against the religiosity of his time.

What is the significance of all this, and does anyone see in these scriptures the premise that God speaks and writes his law directly into the hearts of his people?


26 Dec 14
07 Jan 23

@divegeester said
From Corinthians, Ezekiel (twice) and Hebrews

And you show that you are a letter from Christ delivered by us, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts.

19 And I will give them one heart, and a new spirit I will put within them. I will remove the heart of stone from their flesh and give ...[text shortened]... criptures the premise that God speaks and writes his law directly into the hearts of his people?[/b]
I'm not sure what the significance is.
In the Old Testament days, nobody could follow the law, even when they knew it.
In the New Testament days, most Christians should agree that even if they know what Jesus would want them to do, they rarely do it.
It's all a "catch 22". As humans, we fail at obedience.


26 Dec 14
07 Jan 23
1 edit

@chaney3 said
I'm not sure what the significance is.
In the Old Testament days, nobody could follow the law, even when they knew it.
In the New Testament days, most Christians should agree that even if they know what Jesus would want them to do, they rarely do it.
It's all a "catch 22". As humans, we fail at obedience.
I must add here that through the years, I had much respect for Suzianne, because she at least made the effort to sacrifice and share her time to make life better for the less fortunate. That's what Jesus wants.

16 Feb 08
07 Jan 23
1 edit

@chaney3 said
I'm not sure what the significance is.
The significance is that God in the OT and Jesus in the NT are demonstrating that God’s higher calling for man (and woman) is to have a reliance on the inner voice of the living spirit rather than a religious adherence to a multiple-times translated, human filtered, committee selected, bound-and-boxed ancient text, which has been handed down through church denominations with the unsubstantiated claim that it is the inerrant, complete and exclusive word of God.

This is a big leap for most Christians who have been (as I was) indoctrinated into believing this claim.


26 Dec 14
07 Jan 23

@divegeester said
The significance is that God in the OT and Jesus in the NT are demonstrating that God’s higher calling for man (and woman) is to have a reliance on the inner voice of the living spirit rather than a religious adherence to a multiple-times translated, filtered, selected, bound-and-boxed ancient text.
As Paul pointed out, men and women generally succumb to the desires of the flesh, and basically ignore the spirit. We all know what to do, but don't do it.
So the significance of knowing what's right seems irrelevant.
Dive..... you are a great example of this. You know that Jesus wants you to treat people well, and you don't.
How many excuses will you use?


28 Oct 05
07 Jan 23

@chaney3 said
Dive..... you are a great example of this. You know that Jesus wants you to treat people well, and you don't.
How many excuses will you use?
Are you going to share your answer to this question when you ask it of yourself?

14 Mar 15
07 Jan 23

@chaney3 said
As Paul pointed out, men and women generally succumb to the desires of the flesh, and basically ignore the spirit. We all know what to do, but don't do it.
So the significance of knowing what's right seems irrelevant.
Dive..... you are a great example of this. You know that Jesus wants you to treat people well, and you don't.
How many excuses will you use?
Even the gentiles had this law written on their hearts. Even the unbeliever knows at the core of their being what is right, has a conscience.

On this basis, the significance of knowing what's right is 'not' irrelevant. If we have indeed all been given a moral compass, the irrelevancy is blaming the compass maker for our Earthly woes and the poor choices we make.

And I think the Dive thing is a low (unnecessary) blow. None of us really know what a fellow poster is like in real life, what they do and do not do. (I would quote the plank in our own eye thing, but can't be bothered to look it up).


26 Dec 14
07 Jan 23

@ghost-of-a-duke said
Even the gentiles had this law written on their hearts. Even the unbeliever knows at the core of their being what is right, has a conscience.

On this basis, the significance of knowing what's right is 'not' irrelevant. If we have indeed all been given a moral compass, the irrelevancy is blaming the compass maker for our Earthly woes and the poor choices we make.
...[text shortened]... and do not do. (I would quote the plank in our own eye thing, but can't be bothered to look it up).
The "Dive thing" is NOT an unnecessary blow.

If you claim to be a Christian in real life, then you do NOT relinquish that for a chess forum. Your persona must match your beliefs.

I'm quite surprised at your dismissal of this Ghost.


28 Oct 05
07 Jan 23

@chaney3 said
The "Dive thing" is NOT an unnecessary blow.

If you claim to be a Christian in real life, then you do NOT relinquish that for a chess forum. Your persona must match your beliefs.

I'm quite surprised at your dismissal of this Ghost.
I hope we're not going back to the days when your unhealthy fixation with divegeester resulted in you starting 3-4 threads a week with his name in the title.


28 Oct 05
07 Jan 23

@fmf said
Are you going to share your answer to this question when you ask it of yourself?
BUMP for chaney3


26 Dec 14
07 Jan 23

@fmf said
I hope we're not going back to the days when your unhealthy fixation with divegeester resulted in you starting 3-4 threads a week with his name in the title.
What good does it do if dive "knows" the law, then doesn't act on it?

He is SO fixated on arguing with KellyJay, that he missed the point.


28 Oct 05
07 Jan 23

@chaney3 said
What good does it do if dive "knows" the law, then doesn't act on it?
What do you mean he "doesn't act on it"? Do you mean you don't like his posting style?


28 Oct 05
07 Jan 23

@chaney3 said
He is SO fixated on arguing with KellyJay, that he missed the point.
I think the way divegeester is conducting himself in his attempts to discuss their shared beliefs is exhibiting more intellectual honesty than KellyJay is, Presumably, you disagree.


26 Dec 14
07 Jan 23

@fmf said
I think the way divegeester is conducting himself in his attempts to discuss their shared beliefs is exhibiting more intellectual honesty than KellyJay is, Presumably, you disagree.
One cannot claim to be a Christian, then act like the opposite.

If you can't understand that, we have nothing to discuss.

Note: the lengths you will go to defend dive make this discussion worthless.


26 Dec 14
07 Jan 23

Suzianne had it right.