Witness Lee on the Need for Believing

Witness Lee on the Need for Believing


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16 Feb 08
21 Dec 21

@sonship said
Opps. A little too late.

What I wrote:
See Divegeester? Your imaginary wedge between Nee and Lee are just suspicious, bogus fabrications - strivings out of your own confused soul.

I would like to re-word.
See Divegeester? Your imaginary wedge between Nee and Lee is just not correct here.
Why are you “rewording” what you said?

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03 Jan 13
21 Dec 21
2 edits

Because something told me perhaps I should.

Now, to the alleged wedge between Watchman Nee and Witness Lee -

I bet that I could put up some quotes of both men and you would not be able to
always tell the difference. I have been reading both brothers' messages for over fifty years.

No, I DID NOT say I have been reading nothing else except Nee and Lee for that amount of time. And I bet you would be surprised at the similarity.

But does Calvin have to say exactly everything that Luther said?
Both could used greatly by the moving God.

So it won't work to overplay a case for a big discrepancy between these two brothers Watchman Nee and Witness Lee.

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03 Jan 13
21 Dec 21
2 edits

Tired of reading no doubt. Anyway, it is my personal opinion that there will likely be no more spiritual giants like there have been in the past church history.
My personal opinion is that it is now up to all us "little potatoes" to work out on the earth what God opened up to His people through exceptionally gifted ones like Watchman Nee and Witness Lee.

I could be wrong. But I think the age of God sending people like this is probably over. The one talented ones He wants to rise up and function with their talent.

Ten one talented ones who are faithful will accomplish more than one ten talented one. Sooner or latter all the one talented ones or lesser gifted ones have to be faithful to serve the Lord with what He has given them for that purpose.

Take that as my opinion. As we soon come upon the second coming of Christ, probably the age of unusually gifted spiritual men and women is over.

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03 Jan 13
21 Dec 21
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"After giving the example of a young man who was saved by contacting the living Spirit, Witness Lee applies the experience of the Spirit as the fire and the water to the matter to bringing unbelievers to the Lord. This is where he says that preaching is not necessary to reach unbelievers, for they can be saved simply by opening to the Lord and touching the seven Spirits of God by calling on the Lord’s name. If they open the “window” of their being, the “air” of the Spirit will come in. The purpose of this illustration and application is not to cover in an exhaustive way our belief concerning salvation; it is to point out that our need today is not mere doctrine, but living contact with the burning and flowing Spirit of God. "

Same webstie, same article. [my bolding]

14 Mar 15
21 Dec 21

@sonship said

"After giving the example of a young man who was saved by contacting the living Spirit, Witness Lee applies the experience of the Spirit as the fire and the water to the matter to bringing unbelievers to the Lord. This is where he says that preaching is not necessary to reach unbelievers, for they can be saved simply by opening to the Lord and touching t ...[text shortened]... t with the burning and flowing Spirit of God. [/b] "

Same webstie, same article. [my bolding]
If you continue to spam threads with multiple posts (in violation of the terms of service) I will start alerting them.

16 Feb 08
21 Dec 21

@sonship said
Because something told me perhaps I should.
Why did they tell you that do you think?

16 Feb 08
21 Dec 21

@sonship said
No, I DID NOT say I have been reading nothing else except Nee and Lee for that amount of time.
Ah, Here’s the little gem in the middle of one of your posts which I referred to.

I didn’t ask you what you had or hadn’t been reading, I asked you if you had witnessed or personally experienced Recovery members being pressurised to not read material which contradicted Lee or criticised the movement?

Are you going to answer that question?

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
21 Dec 21
3 edits


Another "Gotcha" ?

As older believers in any Christian congregation shepherd and assist younger ones, discernment will be had as to how best to care for their growth. It is not a legal matter. And it may be based on circumstances and age.

What did the Apostle Paul write to instruct people he shepherded? Here he instructed them to be careful of divisive people.

"Now I exhort you, brothers, to mark those who make divisions and causes of stumbling contrary to the teaching which you have learned, and turn away from them." (Rom. 16:17)

"Cult! Cult! Paul you are not encouraging your audience to be 100% open to ANY other teachers who just may not teach like you. "

Do you need more examples? It is proper that believers with more experience caution younger ones of things which may harm their growth in the Lord.

Peter made similar exhortations and so did John.

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03 Jan 13
21 Dec 21

Even in a Universalist / Unitarian congregation older ones may caution younger members about material which will be a distraction and harm to their progress in what they are cultivating.

I am under no obligation to direct someone I gave some useful teaching to to immediately consult Ghost of a Duke or Divegeester or Galveston or Rajk999 for a second opinion. I am under no obligation to encourage that.

I might tell them to check what someone like you counters after I feel they have been sufficiently grounded to be able to spot obvious errors.

I am caring for some young believers right now. Am I obligated to say:

"Now there is this guy at this website called chessatwork who sees things really different from me and is a strong critic of everything I say. Go read his stuff please."

It depends on what I ascertain about their capacity, maturity, stage of growth as to how I would talk to them about ingesting Divegeester's staunch and persistent opposition to what I point out in Scripture.

16 Feb 08
21 Dec 21


Your reluctance to answer the question says it all about you and your cult.

No different to the JWs

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
21 Dec 21
1 edit


What reluctance?

Look, I do not mind you or Ghost examining something I wrote here which you know was either copied or influenced by Witness Lee.

I only ask this. And I cannot force you to comply.
As you hear criticisms of teachings of the local churches from Witness Lee you should go to the SUBJECT matter devoted to that aspect.

If you have doubts about Trinity teaching you should go to the materials ON that subject.

If you have about some practice, you should go to the materials dedicated to expounding on that practice.

You should go to message dedicated to the explanations of those things you have questions about.

Picking up a word here or there in isolation and paying no attention to the context of some comment is not the mature and scholarly way to go about your research.

Conclusions from Six-year Primary Research Project by CRI and AIA (1)


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03 Jan 13
21 Dec 21

Expected pushback from Ghost - " I don't care. I'm an atheist ".

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03 Jan 13
21 Dec 21

For the record. I am not impressed with numbers of red thumbs down.
Cogent counterpoints which raise valid arguments which are stated well, concern me more.

Red thumb downers who can't point out something wrong don't impress me.

14 Mar 15
21 Dec 21

@sonship said
Expected pushback from Ghost - " I don't care. I'm an atheist ".
I think Dive's cult reference was bang on the money.

When a normal person encounters a religious group where two of their practitioners are all called Witness Lee and Watchmen Nee, cult alarm bells will start ringing.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
21 Dec 21
5 edits


Repetition much.

That is a characteristic of people who ignore being once corrected only to rehash
old criticisms as if nothing was ever written on that.

Number 1 again
Many Chinese Christians adopted translations of names which sounded like something biblical.

Faith Wong
Livingstone Wu
Faithful Luke
Titus Chu
James Lee
Martyr Ho
Christian Chen
Charity Wang
Silas Wu
Peace Wong
Abraham Chang
Isaac Lee
Watchman Nee
Witness Lee

Number 2 Neither brothers Witness or Watchman were official leaders of anything. They were both very instrumental, much utilized by the Holy Spirit. If even Peter was not an official leader and could be set aside if the Lord needed to correct something, any and every other servant of God has no official, guaranteed, hierarchical, permeant position of leadership in the organic Body of Christ.
