Why Does God Reveal Himself to Some People and Not to Others?

Why Does God Reveal Himself to Some People and Not to Others?


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01 Jun 06
27 Jul 10

Derren Brown linked to this on his blog:


It's not as long as the page first appears (should take about 5 minutes to read) and I think is a really good dismantling of the 'free will' argument for God not making his existance explicit.

Apologies for not having anything original of my own to add to it but I'd like to hear theists views on this. Maybe then we can discuss.

--- Penguin.


Brisbane Qld

20 May 10
28 Jul 10
2 edits

Originally posted by Penguin
Derren Brown linked to this on his blog:


It's not as long as the page first appears (should take about 5 minutes to read) and I think is a really good dismantling of the 'free will' argument for God not making his existance explicit.

Apolo ...[text shortened]... to it but I'd like to hear theists views on this. Maybe then we can discuss.

--- Penguin.
I am never manifest to the foolish and unintelligent. For them I am covered by My internal potency, and therefore they do not know that I am unborn and infallible.
Bhagavad Gita Cpt 7 verse 25.

Well that speaks for just about everyone on the planet.

When your having a coversation with someone, and you finally get the point, you say: (oh, I see) the eyes are not involved actually!

You dont see God with these material eyes, but for the qualiified seeker, God is discerned, and discernement is a Spiritual type of seeing.

How does infinite Being appear before you so your material eyes can see? well (it cant happen) the Spiritual connection takes place in the loving heart.

The relationship a person has with God is within, its not an external display.

God is spiritual energy, and this world is material energy, so your eye is a material thing and desighned to see other material things in the 3 dimensional plane........so this material eye that we have will never be able to see God.

Also if you want to see God within, one must acquire transcendental knowledge, because transcendental knowledge burns to ashes the illusion, that covers us, and while we are in illusion, our intelligence will not work properly.


Boston Lad


14 Jul 07
28 Jul 10

Originally posted by Penguin
Derren Brown linked to this on his blog:


It's not as long as the page first appears (should take about 5 minutes to read) and I think is a really good dismantling of the 'free will' argument for God not making his existance explicit.

Apolo ...[text shortened]... to it but I'd like to hear theists views on this. Maybe then we can discuss.

--- Penguin.
Unfortunate that you embedded a major false premise in your thread title.

A fun title

Scoffer Mocker

27 Sep 06
28 Jul 10

Originally posted by Penguin
Derren Brown linked to this on his blog:


It's not as long as the page first appears (should take about 5 minutes to read) and I think is a really good dismantling of the 'free will' argument for God not making his existance explicit.

Apolo ...[text shortened]... to it but I'd like to hear theists views on this. Maybe then we can discuss.

--- Penguin.
Don't you get it?

God doesn't reveal Himself to some and not others.

Romans 1:20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:

Those who think "there is no God" are in denial. Nothing would exist if God had not created it. Therefore, all that exists is evidence for the existence of God.

Cape Town

14 Apr 05
28 Jul 10

Originally posted by josephw
Those who think "there is no God" are in denial. Nothing would exist if God had not created it. Therefore, all that exists is evidence for the existence of God.
No, all that exists is clear and undeniable evidence for the existence of fairies. You are just in denial.


11 Nov 05
28 Jul 10

Originally posted by josephw
Nothing would exist if God had not created it. Therefore, all that exists is evidence for the existence of God.
Is this the strongest proof that there is a christian god?

May I use proofs as weak as this to explain the evolution?
Like: "Look around and see animals of different kinds and then deny evolution, then you must a grave state of be delusion."


Milton Keynes, UK

28 Jul 04
28 Jul 10

As usual. Cue the usual disclaimers as to why God doesn't reveal himself, or that he does but most of us do not realise this. 😛

Immigration Central


23 Aug 04
28 Jul 10
1 edit

Originally posted by lausey
As usual. Cue the usual disclaimers as to why God doesn't reveal himself, or that he does but most of us do not realise this. 😛
It's ok. Now that Israel's back it's only a matter of time before Jesus comes and gets you because you're BAD! 😠


Milton Keynes, UK

28 Jul 04
28 Jul 10

Originally posted by AThousandYoung
It's ok. Now that Israel's back it's only a matter of time before Jesus comes and gets you because you're BAD! 😠
I will certainly revoke my atheism then and have some questions to ask.

Looking forward to it. 🙂

A fun title

Scoffer Mocker

27 Sep 06
28 Jul 10

Originally posted by twhitehead
No, all that exists is clear and undeniable evidence for the existence of fairies. You are just in denial.
My beliefs are based on the authority of the word of God.

On what authority do you base your beliefs? Your own? Some other?

Come on. Open your eyes. What you believe in is just dust in the wind, and is subject to the whims of human experience. You deny the existence of a creator simply because He hasn't walked up to you and slapped you in the face and said, "see, here I am!"

We have all the evidence we're going to get or need. All of creation, the word of God, and the historical figure of God's own son Jesus Christ.

Christ is the ultimate reality and absolute truth. Everything else is an illusion and a deception.

A fun title

Scoffer Mocker

27 Sep 06
28 Jul 10

Originally posted by lausey
I will certainly revoke my atheism then and have some questions to ask.

Looking forward to it. 🙂
At that point the only thing you'll be doing is confessing that Jesus is Lord while on your knees.


Milton Keynes, UK

28 Jul 04
28 Jul 10

Originally posted by josephw
At that point the only thing you'll be doing is confessing that Jesus is Lord while on your knees.
That is what you think from your point of view.

Cape Town

14 Apr 05
28 Jul 10

Originally posted by josephw
My beliefs are based on the authority of the word of God.
As I thought.

So you withdraw your claim that ".. all that exists is evidence for the existence of God."?

On what authority do you base your beliefs? Your own? Some other?
My own.

Come on. Open your eyes. What you believe in is just dust in the wind, and is subject to the whims of human experience. You deny the existence of a creator simply because He hasn't walked up to you and slapped you in the face and said, "see, here I am!"
You are right. He hasn't. And this thread asks the question "why hasn't he"?

We have all the evidence we're going to get or need. All of creation, the word of God, and the historical figure of God's own son Jesus Christ.
As you well know, I do not think your evidence nor your interpretation of said evidence is valid.

Christ is the ultimate reality and absolute truth. Everything else is an illusion and a deception.
Sure you can say that over and over till you are blue in the face. It will get neither of us anywhere.

You claimed all that exists is evidence for God, I claim it is evidence for fairies. Either refute my argument or admit that your claim is not valid.

Chief Justice

Center of Contention

14 Jun 02
28 Jul 10
1 edit

Originally posted by josephw
My beliefs are based on the authority of the word of God.
Unless God doesn't exist, in which case your beliefs are just delusions; no different than the schizophrenics wandering downtown Seattle. You see, simply claiming that your beliefs are based on the authority of God doesn't get you anywhere, since that claim is not one that any of us atheists are likely to accept, or even understand. And anyway, how can your beliefs be based on anything other than your own assessment of the evidence as you see it? Even if God exists, and your beliefs rest upon His revealed testimony, at some point you still had to assess whether the content of such revealed testimony was plausible. You had to think about whether what you were reading or hearing made sense. Surely this is the ultimate basis of your beliefs; your own authority as an epistemic agent who is tasked with believing that which is most clearly evident and plausible. You're nothing special in this regard. Just like me, and everybody else.

EDIT: Unless you never really thought about the evidence, or subjected your beliefs to serious and rigorous scrutiny. In that case, you're not like me, but more like a child repeating whatever inanity plagued his parents.

Immigration Central


23 Aug 04
28 Jul 10

Originally posted by twhitehead
As I thought.

So you withdraw your claim that ".. all that exists is evidence for the existence of God."?

[b]On what authority do you base your beliefs? Your own? Some other?

My own.

Come on. Open your eyes. What you believe in is just dust in the wind, and is subject to the whims of human experience. You deny the existence of a creator s ...[text shortened]... vidence for fairies. Either refute my argument or admit that your claim is not valid.