Why did Jesus (God) have to die?

Why did Jesus (God) have to die?


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16 Feb 08
12 Jan 22

@kellyjay said
He will be our judge, and when we stand before Him, who do you think is going to say, 'Depart from me I never knew you?' who is going to have the condemned cast into the lake of fire. Those that wronged Him, those that wronged those He died for, those that denied Him are going to be the ones standing before Him, all judgment is given to the Son, who is the Son?

Revelation ...[text shortened]... done thrown into the fiery furnace? He came for those He died for but did they all receive Him? No.
Thanks for the block of copy pasted text.

So… Is this the same Jesus who is described in Revelation as the Lamb, the one who is overseeing the eternal burning alive of those whom he loved so much that he came and died for?

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
12 Jan 22

@divegeester said
Thanks for the block of copy pasted text.

So… Is this the same Jesus who is described in Revelation as the Lamb, the one who is overseeing the eternal burning alive of those whom he loved so much that he came and died for?
There another?


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
12 Jan 22


I'm not going to get back into this. You and others have made it clear you believe in the trinity. So be it.

But yet you all continually use this scripture which totally proves the trinity is not real and in no way applys to this scripture.

Colossians 1
He is the image of the invisible God,
((((((((((((((((((((((((the firstborn of all creation.))))))))))))))))))))))))))).
For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him. And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together. And he is the head of the body, the church. He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in everything he might be preeminent. For in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, making peace by the blood of his cross.

((((((((((((((((((((((((the firstborn of all creation.)))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Do you really,really not understand what you are read here? I'd say no. Because if you did really see letter by letter what it says then the rest of this scripture that you think proves the trinity, would not, which it does not in anyway.

One point that trinity folks are missing here is this. Who wrote the book of Genesis? It was Moses who was a man and who would have written from a humans standpoint or viewpoint. So think about that and re read those scriptures........

06 May 15
12 Jan 22

@divegeester said
Is this the same Jesus who is described in Revelation as the Lamb, the one who is overseeing the eternal burning alive of those whom he loved so much that he came and died for?
Why bother with the Revelation of John?

Why bother with the verbiage of Paul the manic busybody, the usurper?

Why bother with the words of Jesus when only 20% are clearly attributable to Him, and when by 1890 Christian Theologians had concluded that He never existed?

Stuff away your stupid borrowed weapons, you stupid jackass.

What do you imagine would be the practical purpose of Christianity, and how are you enacting that purpose?

How many steps would it take for you, a presumably grown man of Earth, to begin demonstrating Christ's light and warmth in your interaction with others, instead of the clever harrowing that seems your unfortunate habit?

16 Feb 08
12 Jan 22

@kellyjay said
There another?
Yes mine. Very different Jesus to yours.

Mine doesn’t deliberately and supernaturally keep billions of people alive in a lake of fire while supervising their eternal torture, for simply not being Christians.

Yes yours is definitely a different Jesus to mine.

16 Feb 08
12 Jan 22
1 edit

@kevin-eleven said
Stuff away your stupid borrowed weapons, you stupid jackass.
You seem to be very upset Kevin Eleven.

06 May 15
12 Jan 22

@divegeester said
You seem to be very upset Kevin Eleven.
You seem to be the only person who seems to be motivated to post that incorrect perception.

06 May 15
12 Jan 22

@divegeester said
Yes mine. Very different Jesus to yours.

Mine doesn’t deliberately and supernaturally keep billions of people alive in a lake of fire while supervising their eternal torture, for simply not being Christians.

Yes yours is definitely a different Jesus to mine.
Thank you, Mister Egocentrism.

06 May 15
12 Jan 22

@divegeester said
Yes mine. Very different Jesus to yours.

Mine doesn’t deliberately and supernaturally keep billions of people alive in a lake of fire while supervising their eternal torture, for simply not being Christians.

Yes yours is definitely a different Jesus to mine.
What did Jesus ever have to do with all this?

What kind of cowardly Jesus-mocker would go on and on for years as you have done?

I'll help you stand, if you need help standing.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
12 Jan 22

@divegeester said
Thanks for the block of copy pasted text.

So… Is this the same Jesus who is described in Revelation as the Lamb, the one who is overseeing the eternal burning alive of those whom he loved so much that he came and died for?
I notice you neither addressed the things I said nor the quoted scripture; instead, you sidestep both as if nothing of relevance was said. It flys in the face of your everyone is safe dogma, you cannot pick and choose only those verses you like to support your claims, or you take them out of context of the whole scripture.

You are twisting the Word to suit you instead of reading the whole thing as is.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
12 Jan 22

@galveston75 said

I'm not going to get back into this. You and others have made it clear you believe in the trinity. So be it.

But yet you all continually use this scripture which totally proves the trinity is not real and in no way applys to this scripture.

Colossians 1
He is the image of the invisible God,
((((((((((((((((((((((((the firstborn of all creation.))) ...[text shortened]... tten from a humans standpoint or viewpoint. So think about that and re read those scriptures........
He is the only begotten, the firstborn, who has preeminence by right. The point stands, and you have not touched it that through Him, and for Him were all things created, nothing was made except through Him, challenging to achieve that He too was created without Him there to do it.

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
12 Jan 22

@galveston75 said

I'm not going to get back into this. You and others have made it clear you believe in the trinity. So be it.

But yet you all continually use this scripture which totally proves the trinity is not real and in no way applys to this scripture.

Colossians 1
He is the image of the invisible God,
((((((((((((((((((((((((the firstborn of all creation.))) ...[text shortened]... tten from a humans standpoint or viewpoint. So think about that and re read those scriptures........
How many times do I have to explain this passage to you?

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
12 Jan 22

@divegeester said
Yes mine. Very different Jesus to yours.

Mine doesn’t deliberately and supernaturally keep billions of people alive in a lake of fire while supervising their eternal torture, for simply not being Christians.

Yes yours is definitely a different Jesus to mine.
Well, one is within scripture; yours is not. No wonder you can say yours is a created Jesus since you created him.


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
12 Jan 22

@kellyjay said
He is the only begotten, the firstborn, who has preeminence by right. The point stands, and you have not touched it that through Him, and for Him were all things created, nothing was made except through Him, challenging to achieve that He too was created without Him there to do it.
Oh my.... Still so hard for me after 50+ years for someone to quote that scripture and not see what it says. But it still happens.

What do you think the word " Through" means?

How about a couple examples:

"In my position at work, my boss sends all messages "through" me to all other employees."

" The wind picks up speed as it passes "through" the narrow canyon."

This same word "through" means slightly different things here but it is still the same basic meaning just as it does in this scripture.
So with Jesus and the things that were created, they did not originate with him. It all originated with his Father Jehovah. But out of love for his son Jesus, he had his son very involved in the creation. Jehovah was the master designer and could have created all by himself. But he gave Jesus the needed power, wisdom and direction on how to create. All that Jesus needed to do this creation was from his Father Jehovah. The knowledge and power originated with Jehovah and he passed that on "through" his son Jesus.
If Jesus were almighty god Jehovah, why the need to have something come from himself and go through himself?
It makes no sense to have something like that said in the scriptures.


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
12 Jan 22

"He is the only begotten, the firstborn, who has preeminence by right."

What does this mean? No long drawn out explanation. Just 1-3 sentences.