Why are no bible books written today?

Why are no bible books written today?


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03 Jan 13
16 Jan 16
4 edits

Originally posted by RJHinds
Yeah, but many today throw away the Holy Bible along with God and the creation and cling to the so-called science of billions of years of evolution and death and disease.

They couldn't care less about any sanctification for they probably don't even know what you are talking about.


The word of God says that the existence of the creation informs everyone of the eternal power and divine characteristics of God. And because of this all men are without excuse to believe in God.

If Paul wanted to emphasize that the AGE of the universe furnished that undeniable evidence, he probably would have written that.

Compare the text with the text with YEC dogmatics included.

" For the invisible things of Him, both His eternal power and divine characteristics, have been clearly seen since the creation of the world, being perceived by the things made, so that they would be without excuse."


" For the invisible things of Him, both His eternal power and divine characteristics, have been clearly seen since the creation of the world [X number of years ago] , being perceived by the things made [X number of years ago], so that they would be without excuse."

The same is true of Hebrews 11:3. Look at the two with a modification to include the dogmatics of YEC.

"By faith we understand that the universe has been framed by the word of God, so that what is seen has not come into existence out of things which appear."


"By faith we understand that the universe has been framed by the word of God [ X number of years ago] so that what is seen has not come into being out of things which appear."

Anyway, my exchange with ToO is really about the phrase "the will of God". Are we left totally in the dark about "the will of God" with only human argumentation to guide us.

In some instances of the phrase it should be clear.
And when we submit in obedience, deeper aspects of "the will of God" will be manifested to us, as we mature.

You, being a believer in Christ should know that "the will of God for you in Christ Jesus" is to rejoicing, giving thanks to God the Father, not quenching the Spirit, and not despising prophesying (speaking forth for God, not necessarily predicting). And being made holy in sanctification, people should be able basically to grasp something about regardless of their views on the earth's age.

Let ToO answer for himself if he still is confused about all aspects of God's will.


26 Aug 07
16 Jan 16

Originally posted by Ghost of a Duke
The first step towards enlightenment is a rapid change in football teams.
I have stopped supporting Glasgow Celtic my team from childhood because they elected a Tory peer to the board of directors , someone who is opposed to every value that Celtic football club stood for at its inception. What more do you want? a pound of flesh?

The 'edit'or

converging to it

21 Aug 06
16 Jan 16
1 edit

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
I have stopped supporting Glasgow Celtic my team from childhood because they elected a Tory peer to the board of directors , someone who is opposed to every value that Celtic football club stood for at its inception. What more do you want? a pound of flesh?
...What more do you want? a pound of flesh?
I suspect that to fully answer this question requires that you first declare your current weight

14 Mar 15
16 Jan 16

Originally posted by robbie carrobie

What more do you want? a pound of flesh?[/b]
Sure, why not.


26 Aug 07
16 Jan 16
1 edit

Originally posted by Agerg
[b]...What more do you want? a pound of flesh?
I suspect that to fully answer this question requires that you first declare your current weight[/b]
Don't you worry my illustrious friend, I have plenty to go around wouldbe Shylocks!


26 Aug 07
16 Jan 16

Originally posted by Ghost of a Duke
Sure, why not.
All i have is fruit flesh to offer, would a pound of bananas do?

14 Mar 15
16 Jan 16

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
All i have is fruit flesh to offer, would a pound of bananas do?
Vegans and their fruit.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
16 Jan 16

The subject is "Why are no bible books written today?"

My contribution today highlights that the Word of God as it has been closed, has a washing power. New information is not the need. But the washing power of the living word is what is needed.

This washing I speak of is besides the washing away of sins by the redeeming blood of Christ when we believe in Him for redemption. This washing is the removing of old elements and the depositing of new elements, similar to the process of petrification.

The Bible contains a kind of water that removes the old and imparts the new. The process continued over a long time does something to the personality somewhat like the turning of wood in a stream of water into stone.

This is called by the Apostle Paul - "the washing of the water of the word [rhema]"

"That He might sanctify her, [the church] , cleansing her by THE WASHING OF THE WATER IN THE WORD."

That He might present the church to Himself glorious, not having spot or wrinkle of any such things, but that she would be holy and without blemish. (Eph. 5:26,27)

New information, God deems is not now the priority. But the washing of our old being into a new being through His living word prepares man to meet God.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
16 Jan 16
1 edit

So a new book of the Bible God deems is not necessary. But the Bible has a work to do. If touching it and the living Spirit behind the Scripture a WASHING goes over the reader.

This is the "washing of the water in the word". When you come to the Bible with an open heart and a willingness to be changed by God, the word of God will wash something away and wash something in.

Something of the old fallen nature is washed out.
Something of Christ's life and nature is washed in.

This, over a period of long time, is like the process of petrification of wood in a flowing stream. Something of the wood element is removed in the stream. And some minerals are imparted into their place to replace them.

The shape is the same. The element is the result of a transformation.
This is called "the washing of the water in the word".

So reading the Bible each morning in a prayerful spirit will over time cause one to be transformed. This transformation is like a washing in the living word of God. And God's deems that this is a main function of the Bible.

It supersedes at this time His need to add an additional book to the already written 66 books.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
16 Jan 16
1 edit

If I can figure it out, I will link interested parties to a song I wrote about "The Water in the Word" (Eph. 5:26)



26 Aug 07
16 Jan 16

Originally posted by sonship
If I can figure it out, I will link interested parties to a song I wrote about [b]"The Water in the Word" (Eph. 5:26)

I like a band from Texas called the Wind and the Wave,


26 Aug 07
16 Jan 16

Originally posted by Ghost of a Duke
Vegans and their fruit.
Gurus and their guidance, where is it my man!

14 Mar 15
16 Jan 16

Originally posted by sonship
So a new book of the Bible God deems is not necessary. But the Bible has a work to do. If touching it and the living Spirit behind the Scripture a WASHING goes over the reader.

This is the [b]"washing of the water in the word"
. When you come to the Bible with an open heart and a willingness to be changed by God, the word of God will wash something a ...[text shortened]...
It supersedes at this time His need to add an additional book to the already written 66 books.[/b]
Are any of those 66 books surplus to requirements?

I also note you wrote 'at this time.' Are you therefore leaving the door open to future additional books?

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
16 Jan 16

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
I like a band from Texas called the Wind and the Wave,

It was pretty good - 4.11 mins.
Nice photo on the cover.

Nice to know some of the younger generation still know how to make a good melody.
Not too much downbeat.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
16 Jan 16

Originally posted by Ghost of a Duke
Are any of those 66 books surplus to requirements?

I am not sure what you mean by the question.
The Jews went through a process of discovering the books truly inspired (among the plethora of sacred writings)
Then the Christian church went through the same lengthy process.

I also note you wrote 'at this time.' Are you therefore leaving the door open to future additional books?


There is the 1,000 year millennial kingdom to come in the future.
There is after that "a little while" (Rev. 20:3) of duration I personally have no idea.
Then there is the eternal age.

i leave the door open on some unknown things God may do in the future.
But today, a major work of the word of God is to act as a cleansing agent as well as an informative revelation.