Why Adam's Rib Became Eve

Why Adam's Rib Became Eve


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16 Feb 08
17 Feb 21

@secondson said
Well, if you don't think sonship is becoming more like Jesus, then who do you think he is becoming more like?
No one from this forum!

16 Feb 08
17 Feb 21

@secondson said
All "born again" Christians have the potential to be more like Jesus as that is the what the scriptures teach.
Would you categorise yourself as “becoming more like Jesus”?

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
18 Feb 21

Divegeester would you categories yourself as a model Unitarian?

16 Feb 08
18 Feb 21

@sonship said
Divegeester would you categories yourself as a model Unitarian?
No. Why would I? Why do you ask?

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
18 Feb 21
2 edits


No. Why would I? Why do you ask?

Borrowing from your play book - O, you sound upset.

You asked a Christian whether or not he thinks himself as like Jesus.
Would you categorise yourself as “becoming more like Jesus”?

You can be asked if you are a model, pristine, exemplary Unitarian.

How come what's good for the goose is no good for the gander?
The question didn't cause you to be "prickly" did it?


28 Oct 05
18 Feb 21

@sonship said
You can be asked if you are a model, pristine, exemplary Unitarian. How come what's good for the goose is no good for the gander?
This is low integrity posting on your part, sonship. The expression "what's good for the goose is good for the gander" presupposes that the "goose" and the "gander" are being offered or are facing the same thing. And yet you have not been asked if you think you are a "model, pristine, exemplary" Christian. You are attempting some rhetorical sleight of hand here, as you so often do.

16 Feb 08
19 Feb 21

@sonship said
No. Why would I? Why do you ask?

Borrowing from your play book - O, you sound upset.

You asked a Christian whether or not he thinks himself as like Jesus.
Would you categorise yourself as “becoming more like Jesus”?

You can be asked if you are a model, pristine, exemplary Unitarian.

How come what's good for the goose is no good for the gander?
The question didn't cause you to be "prickly" did it?
I answered the question directly, succinctly, unequivocally and honestly. I’m not prickly in the slightest.

Did you actually read my post?

16 Feb 08
19 Feb 21
1 edit

Here you go sonship, have another go...

@sonship said
Divegeester would you categories yourself as a model Unitarian?

@divegeester replied
No. Why would I? Why do you ask?

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
19 Feb 21
2 edits


Visa versa on you often rejecting straightforward honest answers.
And why would I not ask?

And why do you ask SecondSon?

Would you categorise yourself as “becoming more like Jesus”?

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
19 Feb 21
2 edits


In my opinion you are one of the most joyless posters here.

You have no joy often in hearing about what the Bible teaches. I know that.
Even when someone writes it with a good natured mood you reject it as waffle or hairdryer or some other expression.

Anyway it doesn't reduce some believers' celebration to know such things.
We rejoice "with joy unspeakable and full of glory".

Furthermore I have no idea what it is you stand for, other than telling people about your cult, promoting the teachings of your revered cult leaders and sniping at people who find you a dry long winded ideologue.

So you speak out of both ends of your mouth. You don't know what I stand for but you think you DO.

How can anyone have "joy" with such a crooked double tongued mouth. No wonder you're miffed. So you don't know what I stand for but you do assign some slander that you know all about what I stand for.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
19 Feb 21

There is a great prophecy in the New Testament. Christ said He would build His church. And no death would ever prevail against it, though the effort would be long and hard.

" . . . I will build My church and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it." (Matt. 16:18b)

That is joyful good news to the Christian. It may ruin the day of the unitarian or atheist. But that's too bad. Christ will build His church and cannot be stopped rom building it.

The type of this great prophecy is in God building a woman out of the rib taken from Adam in Genesis.

"And Jehovah God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and he slept; and He took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh in its place, and Jehovah God BUILT the rib, which He had taken from the man, into a woman and brought her to the man." (Gen. 2:22)

Adam rejoiced this time. This was more than all the other creatures brought before him that he had named. This was bone of his bones and flesh of his flesh - his match, his corresponding partner. She was taken out of man.

This is a joyful window into God's plan to bring forth out of the life of Christ His own corporate Wife. She concludes the entire 66 books of the Bible - the Bride city - New Jerusalem. She absolutely comes out of everything Christ is. It is a long process. It is not at all an easy process. But it is a process Christ WILL complete.

The gates of Hades will try to prevent it, but the gates of all kinds of death will ultimately fail. This is reason for every believer in Christ to rejoice for sure.



04 Apr 04
19 Feb 21
3 edits

@sonship said
There is a great prophecy in the New Testament. Christ said He would build His church. And no death would ever prevail against it, though the effort would be long and hard.

" . . . I will build My church and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it." (Matt. 16:18b)

That is joyful good news to the Christian. It may ruin the day of the unitarian or atheis ...[text shortened]... nds of death will ultimately fail. This is reason for every believer in Christ to rejoice for sure.
Christ's church is composed of the following:
- sheep [keepers of the commandments]
- His brothers and sisters and mothers [who do the will of God]
- the Good Samaritans [who help the needy]
- the peace makers etc, as described in Matt 5, 6 and 7

It would not contain
- Priests and Levites, and the religious who bypass those in need
- people who vainly profess faith with their mouth and not their heart
- born again Christian saints who continue on with sin and evil after baptism

What you call Christ's church is really the church of men.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
19 Feb 21
1 edit

The typical church in the New Testament was the church in Corinth.
As you can see that church had many problems.

There were various ages of maturity. There were also some who required divine discipline.

But in all her positive aspects she comes out of Christ. What is of Christ that goes into her building, will last.

Even in Corinth, the typical New Testament local church, Christ will not fail His promise "I will build My church and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it."

Everyone of those Christians who were in the church in Corinth will eventually be presented before God blameless, spotless, without reproach, conformed to the image of Christ and built up into the habitation of God in spirit.

Every LAST Christian has this destiny. Everyone who once received Christ the Lord being imparted into them. God has His time.

And Jesus is able to save us to THE UTTERMOST because He lives forever to intercede for His people.

"But He, because He abides forever, has His priesthood unalterable. Hence also He is able to save to the uttermost those who come forward to God through Him, since He lives always to intercede for them." (Heb. 7:24,25)

The New Testament if full of such indestructible hope we have to rejoice.



04 Apr 04
19 Feb 21
1 edit

@sonship said
Everyone of those Christians who were in the church in Corinth will eventually be presented before God blameless, spotless, without reproach, conformed to the image of Christ and built up into the habitation of God in spirit.
Paul said no such thing. You are therefore a liar and a deceiver. The wise Christians will read the bible for himself. He will see that Paul said this to the born again Christian saints at the church of Corinth

Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. (1 Corinthians 6:9-10 KJV)

If any man's work abide which he hath built thereupon, he shall receive a reward. If any man's work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved; yet so as by fire. Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.
(1 Corinthians 3:14-17 KJV)

If it were a foregone conclusion that they will all get eternal life in the Kingdom of God, there would be no need for this passage. Paul said there are 3 kinds of Christians
1. Those whose work is good and will be rewarded with eternal life
2. Those whose worked is not good but will still inherit eternal life
3. Those whose works are evil and will they will be destroyed.

The passage is crystal clear except for those whose aim is to twist and manipulate the bible and lead the innocent to their damnation. Pauls warns not to be deceived by these people.

16 Feb 08
19 Feb 21

@sonship said

Visa versa on you often rejecting straightforward honest answers.

I don’t think so, do you have an example or are you just lying?