Who Does Not Believe in God Here?

Who Does Not Believe in God Here?


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15 Apr 07
08 May 07

Why not?

Cape Town

14 Apr 05
08 May 07

Originally posted by Riddle2007
Why not?
All the atheists.

I am one of them.
My reasons include:
1. The lack of evidence.
2. The evidence against.
3. The lack of consistency in what believers tell me. (including writings of believers such as the Bible.)

Now, if you believe in God, why? Please think about it and try to answer correctly and don't just do what most Christians do when asked that question - they list their justifications and not their primary reasons.

Cancerous Bus Crash


06 Sep 04
08 May 07

Originally posted by twhitehead
All the atheists.

I am one of them.
My reasons include:
1. The lack of evidence.
2. The evidence against.
3. The lack of consistency in what believers tell me. (including writings of believers such as the Bible.)

Now, if you believe in God, why? Please think about it and try to answer correctly and don't just do what most Christians do when asked that question - they list their justifications and not their primary reasons.
Don't forget the agnostics.


01 Jun 06
08 May 07

Originally posted by Riddle2007
Why not?
I disbelieve in 1 more god than most of the theists on this forum:

I disbelieve in the Roman gods
I disbelieve in the Greek gods
I disbelieve in the Pagan gods
I disbelieve in the Norse gods
I disbelieve in the Hindu gods
I disbelieve in the Muslim gods
I disbelieve in the Christian gods
I disbelieve in the Sikh gods
I disbelieve in the Bahai gods
I disbelieve in the Candomblé gods
I disbelieve in the Jainist beliefs (they have no gods)
I disbelieve in the Rastafarian gods
I disbelieve in the Santerian gods
I disbelieve in the Sintu religion (they also have no gods in the traditional sense)
I disbelieve in the Taoist gods
I disbelieve in the Zoroastrian gods

and I disbelieve by default in many other religions that I've either forgotten or never heard of, as does everyone else.

I have seen no solid evidence for any of these religions. They all claim knowledge of The Truth. Every one has its own justifications that are firmly believed by their adherents and yet they cannot all be right.

Let me turn the question around ask why you believe in the particular God and teachings that you believe in and why you disbelieve in all the others. Did you assess them all impartially for their respective merits before choosing the one you now believe? Or is the one you believe in the same one that your parents believed in and bought you up to believe in?

For the vast majority of people (not all, I hasten to add, as I know that people do change their religion but it is a pretty rare occurance) they believe what they have been taught through childhood. So I maintain that the reason you believe in your god is not because he exists but because of where you grew up.

--- Penguin

Immigration Central


23 Aug 04
08 May 07


I have no need for that hypothesis. - LaPlace


14 Jul 06
08 May 07

I have a questioning, reasoning mind.
I don't have blind faith, sorry - it's just not who I am.
I'd say I was agnostic though, as I think the existence of a God (or Gods) is/are unlikely, though I cannot prove this to myself or anyone else.


28 Feb 07
08 May 07

Originally posted by Penguin
I disbelieve in 1 more god than most of the theists on this forum:

I disbelieve in the Roman gods
I disbelieve in the Greek gods
I disbelieve in the Pagan gods
I disbelieve in the Norse gods
I disbelieve in the Hindu gods
I disbelieve in the Muslim gods
I disbelieve in the Christian gods
I disbelieve in the Sikh gods
I disbelieve in the Bahai gods ...[text shortened]... u believe in your god is not because he exists but because of where you grew up.

--- Penguin
Where's Batman when you need him !!!!!😵


01 Jun 06
08 May 07

Originally posted by Jay Joos
Where's Batman when you need him !!!!!😵
Nice one. I liked that.

But seriously though, do you have a response to my question - why do you think you believe in a particular religion among all the possible religions that you could believe in?

--- Penguin


28 Feb 07
08 May 07

Originally posted by Penguin
Nice one. I liked that.

But seriously though, do you have a response to my question - why do you think you believe in a particular religion among all the possible religions that you could believe in?

--- Penguin
I believe in one god...no others... i accepted Jesus as my Lord and Saviour..... i dont knock people if they want to believe anything else....and i do not push my views on others (only when they ask).... i respect the right of every individual to believe or to not believe....🙂

Ming the Merciless

Royal Oak, MI

09 Sep 01
08 May 07

Originally posted by Riddle2007
Why not?
Why should I believe it? Christians have done nothing to convince me their god actually exists.



20 Oct 06
08 May 07

Originally posted by Penguin
Nice one. I liked that.

But seriously though, do you have a response to my question - why do you think you believe in a particular religion among all the possible religions that you could believe in?

--- Penguin
What if there is only one God?
What if he has been sending Messengers from the dawn of time, giving us a progressive education? The Bible sys:

"God, who at various times and in various ways spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets," Hebrew 1:1

What if it is mankind who is distorting the truth, creating all these religions and all the gods?

Ming the Merciless

Royal Oak, MI

09 Sep 01
08 May 07

Originally posted by Varqa
What if it is mankind who is distorting the truth, creating all these religions and all the gods?
Including your own religion and god?


28 Feb 07
08 May 07

Originally posted by rwingett
Including your own religion and god?
Why would God distort himself!!!! mankind are good at doing that.....


14 Jul 06
08 May 07

Originally posted by Penguin
...why do you think you believe in a particular religion among all the possible religions that you could believe in...
As an agnostic with atheistic leanings, I think there are a few basic factors which determine why someone adopts a particular religion:

1) Geography
2) Family/friends
3) People make an objective choice based on the overall merits of any given religion

Although I must say, I think 3) is very rare indeed.

Ming the Merciless

Royal Oak, MI

09 Sep 01
08 May 07

Originally posted by Jay Joos
Why would God distort himself!!!! mankind are good at doing that.....
Every religious text has passages asserting that their god is the one true god. Why is your bible any more trustworthy than their holy books?