What is TRUTH in the Bible?

What is TRUTH in the Bible?


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04 Apr 04
04 Jan 12

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
.. we are the only organisation that ...
.. built a house for dead Apostles .


Beth Sarim (Hebrew for 'House of the Princes'😉 was a ten-bedroom mansion in San Diego, California, constructed in 1929 in anticipation of various resurrected Old Testament biblical patriarchs or prophets such as Abraham, Moses, David, Isaiah and Samuel. It was maintained by the Watch Tower Society, the parent organization used by Jehovah's Witnesses, and was also used as a winter home and executive office for Watch Tower president Joseph Franklin Rutherford.

I would imagine the JWs have quite a few 'only's' ... mostly embarrassing 'onlys' at that 😀


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
04 Jan 12

Originally posted by Suzianne
But, like all organized religion, you bring your over-abundant baggage with you, and that gets in the way of heart-to-heart discussion.
I disagree. I'm not aware of any baggage we have. It's non JW's that make the issues that all get worked up about, it non JW's that get all worked up about our beliefs.
The truths in the bible are easy to see and easy to understand.


26 Aug 07
04 Jan 12
2 edits

Originally posted by galveston75
I disagree. I'm not aware of any baggage we have. It's non JW's that make the issues that all get worked up about, it non JW's that get all worked up about our beliefs.
The truths in the bible are easy to see and easy to understand.
yes, these guys have so many issues, isn't it strange that we dont have any? did not
Jesus himself say if your eye is simple (focused), your whole body will be bright, but if
its distracted (so many issues) it will be detrimental to ones spirituality?



04 Apr 04
04 Jan 12

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
yes, these guys have so many issues, isn't it strange that we dont have any?
Excommunicating over 30,000 members every year ?
What a loving caring organisation. Christ would be so proud .. 😀

16 Feb 08
04 Jan 12

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Where is the open heartedness of a people willing to learn from God?

we are the only organisation that started by asking ourselves what the Bible actually
teaches, while you people are bound by traditions of men handed down through
persons who were not inspired by God, we are not termed Calvinists after a certain
individual, are we, we have ...[text shortened]... can you tell, a single
instance where Christendom have done the same? No i didn't think so.
Every denomination since the dark ages and the rise of Catholicism, Christianity and the churches have taken a step further towards greater truth and revelation; however each one of them has remained in the wilderness and gradually become a hideous caricature of itself. But there was a remnant of good, honest men and women of God in every one of them.

Your organisation is just another one of these in a way, except it was established in error and has grown as a cult - preaching not Christ and him crucified but, join us or die.


26 Aug 07
04 Jan 12

Originally posted by Rajk999
Excommunicating over 30,000 members every year ?
What a loving caring organisation. Christ would be so proud .. 😀
Its not a modern phenomena

(1 John 2:18-19) . . .Young children, it is the last hour, and, just as you have heard that
antichrist is coming, even now there have come to be many antichrists; from which
fact we gain the knowledge that it is the last hour. They went out from us, but they
were not of our sort; for if they had been of our sort, they would have remained with
us. But [they went out] that it might be shown up that not all are of our sort.


26 Aug 07
04 Jan 12
1 edit

Originally posted by divegeester
Every denomination since the dark ages and the rise of Catholicism, Christianity and the churches have taken a step further towards greater truth and revelation; however each one of them has remained in the wilderness and gradually become a hideous caricature of itself. But there was a remnant of good, honest men and women of God in every one of them.
...[text shortened]... d in error and has grown as a cult - preaching not Christ and him crucified but, join us or die.
one teaching you have revised and refined, just one and you could not do it, it makes
a mockery of your statement, learn from God. We dont have any issues, I love being
a Jehovahs witness, its awesome, you've never been one and have so many issues
related not to being one, its like a kind of bad joke gone wrong.

16 Feb 08
04 Jan 12
3 edits

Originally posted by galveston75
Well yes we do believe we are simply doing what God and his son Jesus has told us to do.
And yes we feel we are doing that and have been blessed with learning the deeper things of God and what he has written for us in the Bible.
But pride, I don't think so. I am a sinful human and fight with this sin that we all have and pray for the day that we can ion that uses Jehovahs name, and it's one that anyone here could be a part of too.
You completely miss my point.

The ultimatum from JWs is 'join our organisation or perish'.

Christ's ultimatum is 'join with him or perish'

There is a universe and an eternity of difference.

16 Feb 08
04 Jan 12
1 edit

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
one teaching you have revised and refined, just one and you could not do it, it makes
a mockery of your statement, learn from God. We dont have any issues, I love being
a Jehovahs witness, its awesome, you've never been one and have so many issues
related not to being one, its like a kind of bad joke gone wrong.
Correction, I have no issues about not being a JW. I could join tomorrow, easy. But never will.

The issue I have is for all the poor souls trapped in there!


26 Aug 07
04 Jan 12

Originally posted by divegeester
Correction, I have no issues about not being a JW. I could join tomorrow, easy. But never will.

The issue I have is for all the poor souls trapped in there!
Trapped, can you not tell that I love being a Jehovahs witness, that i think we are truly
awesome? I was not born a witness, in fact, i did not become one until i was twenty
three, by my own volition.

16 Feb 08
04 Jan 12

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Trapped, can you not tell that I love being a Jehovahs witness, that i think we are truly
awesome? I was not born a witness, in fact, i did not become one until i was twenty
three, by my own volition.
You are not awesome, you are a sinner the same as the rest of us. You just sound like a blowhard when you say that.

If what you said was true (that you are awesome because you are JWs), then I would join tomorrow and instantly I too would be awesome.

It's pride and error my friend and the fact that you love being in it doesn't make it any less so.


26 Aug 07
04 Jan 12
1 edit

Originally posted by divegeester
You are not awesome, you are a sinner the same as the rest of us. You just sound like a blowhard when you say that.

If what you said was true (that you are awesome because you are JWs), then I would join tomorrow and instantly I too would be awesome.

It's pride and error my friend and the fact that you love being in it doesn't make it any less so.
we are awesome, we help people big time over come all manner of problems, that's awesome.

No you couldn't join tomorrow, you need to study and agree with our beliefs, if you
dont, you cannot join. This takes time and effort and can last from anything up to a
year or two depending upon the students aptitude for learning. Once you started to
apply the knowledge then you would become awesome.

Nah mate, i really do think we are awesome, so many beautiful people, just trying
their best to live up to Biblical standards.

16 Feb 08
04 Jan 12

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
we are awesome, we help people big time over come all manner of problems, that's awesome.

No you couldn't join tomorrow, you need to study and agree with our beliefs, if you
dont, you cannot join. This takes time and effort and can last from anything up to a
year or two depending upon the students aptitude for learning. Once you started to ...[text shortened]... awesome, so many beautiful people, just trying
their best to live up to Biblical standards.
Yep I've also seen exaclty what you say here in the Mormons I know, and in people from many other denominations including the salvation army and the Catholics.

In fact I too have helped people with problems.


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
04 Jan 12

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Its not a modern phenomena

(1 John 2:18-19) . . .Young children, it is the last hour, and, just as you have heard that
antichrist is coming, even now there have come to be many antichrists; from which
fact we gain the knowledge that it is the last hour. [b]They went out from us, but they
were not of our sort; for if they had been of our sort ...[text shortened]... ained with
us. But [they went out] that it might be shown up that not all are of our sort.
Yes that is true. The Bible speaks of many that would listen and even get involved but then wither away like the weeds along the roadway.
So for many to leave either voluntarily or buy being disfellowshipped by conduct that God condemns, it only fits with scripture.
But Rajk is too blind to understand anything the bibe is clear about, isn't he?


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
04 Jan 12

Originally posted by divegeester
You completely miss my point.

The ultimatum from JWs is 'join our organisation or perish'.

Christ's ultimatum is 'join with him or perish'

There is a universe and an eternity of difference.
But who else is doing what Jesus said to do? Are you? Are you only saying you do his will but are you actually doing it?
Are you follwing all the commands in Matt the 24th and 28th chapters? Are you NO part of this world and remaining neutral with it politics?