The Worst Mistake in the History of the Human Race

The Worst Mistake in the History of the Human Race


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The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
26 Sep 11

Originally posted by shahenshah
Hello Sir, in a good mood today? 🙂
Just a little tired and bored is all. There is no one moving on my chess
games and I'm waiting until it is time to take my wife to her radiation

Quiz Master

RHP Arms

09 Jun 07
26 Sep 11

Originally posted by rwingett
OK, let's try this: art is a symbolic mode of representation that is removed from direct experience. ...
Hope that clears things up.
Surely art reflects the experience of the artist and appeals to the experiences of the audience? Without that connection "art" is self-indulgent and meaningless.


26 Aug 07
26 Sep 11
1 edit

Originally posted by RJHinds
Just a little tired and bored is all. There is no one moving on my chess
games and I'm waiting until it is time to take my wife to her radiation
I asked you to play me, i owe you a whuppin for our last game! you dishonour me in this way, is this the way of a Southern gentleman, to refuse a duel, shame on the South, it really is the last days of the system when a man cannot get a duel in the South, to play for the honour of his King! So pony up RJH and choose your weapons, pistols at dawn, for this dishonour! I slap you on the side of the face with my glove and
call you a cad!

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
26 Sep 11

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
I told you to play me, i owe you a whuppin for our last game! you dishonour me in this way, is this the way of a Southern gentleman, to refuse a duel, shame on the South, it really is the last days of the system when a man cannot get a duel in the South, to play for the honour of his King! so pony up RJH and choose your weapons, pistols at dawn, for this dishonour!
I've had you listed as a buddy for a good while, just waiting for your challege.
Remember you have the White pieces.


26 Aug 07
26 Sep 11

Originally posted by RJHinds
I've had you listed as a buddy for a good while, just waiting for your challege.
Remember you have the White pieces.
ok, i was unaware. You will teach me many things RJH, I am sure.


26 Aug 07
26 Sep 11

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
ok, i was unaware. You will teach me many things RJH, I am sure.
Lower the rating floor from 1800 to 1700, i just make it by 1 point, if you please.

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
26 Sep 11

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Lower the rating floor from 1800 to 1700, i just make it by 1 point, if you please.
I found out what the problem was. I forgot to check the enable box
for buddy priviledges. Go ahead now.


26 Aug 07
26 Sep 11

Originally posted by RJHinds
I found out what the problem was. I forgot to check the enable box
for buddy priviledges. Go ahead now.
ok, thanx so much, lets play!

Ming the Merciless

Royal Oak, MI

09 Sep 01
26 Sep 11

Originally posted by wolfgang59
Surely art reflects the experience of the artist and appeals to the experiences of the audience? Without that connection "art" is self-indulgent and meaningless.
Art reflects the alienated and heavily mediated experience of the artist as he tries vainly to tap into a genuine, direct and unmediated experience. This appeals to the audience, who have their own chronic sense of dissatisfaction with their own alienated and heavily mediated experiences. There is a connection based on their shared sense of living in a pathological state of alienation. It is akin to two cancer patients who form a bond due to their suffering from the same disease.

Not actually a cat

The Flat Earth

09 Apr 10
26 Sep 11

Originally posted by RJHinds
You can go to another forum to see if you can get more enjoyable
discussions and perhaps they want be colored by theism/atheism.
We have too many theists and atheists on this forum.
Er... what?

We have too many theists and atheists on this forum.
...too many theists and atheists...
...theists and atheists...

Whaddaya wanna replace 'em with?


02 Aug 06
26 Sep 11
1 edit

The worst mistake of man is what man continues to make. That is to think that God does not have human beings' best interest at heart.

"You will not surely die .... For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like god, Knowing good and evil."

The suspicion that God is an arbitrary tyrant, is the great lie, the mistake.
The suspicion that after creating man God was keeping humans in a position lower than what they deserved, this is the greatest mistake.

The fear that God is keeping man from his greatest potential and ability, continues to be the greatest mistake of man. The fear that God is keeping us in unreasonable subjection and keeping from us the highest happiness possible, this is the mistake.

The greatest mistake is man buying into a false picture of God which discredits His character and love for man. To assume God is a arbitrary despot bent on eliminating "rivarly" with Himself, is the greatest error of man.

31 May 06
26 Sep 11

Originally posted by rwingett
Art reflects the alienated and heavily mediated experience of the artist as he tries vainly to tap into a genuine, direct and unmediated experience. This appeals to the audience, who have their own chronic sense of dissatisfaction with their own alienated and heavily mediated experiences. There is a connection based on their shared sense of living in a path ...[text shortened]... It is akin to two cancer patients who form a bond due to their suffering from the same disease.
Can I state for the record, that I am emphatically not living in a pathological state of anything, let alone alienation.

And that rwingett is living in his own personal Euripides play.

31 May 06
26 Sep 11

Originally posted by shahenshah
Scandinavian civilisation- Which country are you referring to?

Do you have any stats on peacefulness and the numbers?

Agreed the cave paintings are not as complex as modern day paintings.
However, can one say for certain that art and technology would not have
developed if we remained a hunter-gather group; unless we had to repeat
history again or ...[text shortened]... ve a discussion" Does every discussion on RHP have to be on Theism/Atheism or coloured by it?
Scandinavian culture/civilisation is pretty similar and uniform, (from this perspective)
But lets go with Sweden for now.

I am not going to look up all the stats, and I am not claiming Sweden as some kind of perfect utopia,
But it does solve most (and more than anyone else) of the issues outlined in the "worst mistake" article.
Here is a hint of what I mean.

The reason hunter gathers not only couldn't, but didn't, remember they were hunter gatherers for over
200 thousand years before farming was introduced and suddenly made it from hunter gatherer to us in
only 10 thousand years, during which time technological development was almost nil.
Is because bigger groups, with specialists do better and develop more than small groups where everyone
does everything.
If your sole purpose (pretty much) is to make stone tools, you will get much better at it (and your probably
selected for being good in the first place.) than if you only did it occasionally fitting it in between all the other
stuff you had to do. Also if you learn some new trick to it, and pass it on to your apprentice who will learn
from you and take over when you die they will learn this new trick and can build from there.

Thus knowledge accumulates, rather than having to be rediscovered every generation.

If you make communities larger then more people can exchange ideas and pass on knowledge.

Then add writing and you have the beginnings of extelligence.

Extelligence is the thing that is truly unique to us, almost all other attributes you care to mention are duplicated
to some degree elsewhere in the animal kingdom.
Our ability to store knowledge in the world, that anyone can access and understand is what makes us different
and gives us the ability to build on the knowledge of each successive generation and advance our technology and
culture beyond mearly being better than average hunters through cooperation and tool use.

It is also the thing that might allow us to escape this planet and our certain doom if we were to remain on it.

I don't know how many could start a fire by rubbing sticks together... most would I imagine be able to work it out.
The fact is we don't need to, along with all the other (lost arts).
They are lost because no-one actually uses them any more.
This doesn't mean we couldn't 're-discover' them in a hurry if we ever really had to.
There are people experimenting to try to find out how people made ancient swords, for example, we don't need this
knowledge, but it is fascinating from a historical perspective, and also might tell us useful things about materials.
When this work is done nowadays the research gets published and recorded so that if anyone wanted to do it
again in the future they just need to look it up, this is the beauty of extelligence.

31 May 06
26 Sep 11

Originally posted by avalanchethecat
Er... what?

[b] We have too many theists and atheists on this forum.

...too many theists and atheists...
...theists and atheists...

Whaddaya wanna replace 'em with?[/b]
Reminds me of the adverts for products that 'contain no chemicals'....
So that would be a bottle of vacuum then.....

Ming the Merciless

Royal Oak, MI

09 Sep 01
27 Sep 11

Originally posted by googlefudge
Can I state for the record, that I am emphatically not living in a pathological state of anything, let alone alienation.

And that rwingett is living in his own personal Euripides play.
Your life is miserable. You just don't realize it.