The Mouth in Worship

The Mouth in Worship


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04 Apr 04
01 Feb 21

@divegeester said

Thread 176991

Thread 175876
Blessed are the mouth worshippers for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven
[Witness Lee 5:12]

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
02 Feb 21


Thankyou, Divegeester for the links brought forward.

I hardly need to have this debate over again with the same person.



04 Apr 04
02 Feb 21

@sonship said

Thankyou, Divegeester for the links brought forward.

I hardly need to have this debate over again with the same person.
Are you trying to tell people that do forgot you started these very same threads several times? Thats only what Dive found. I bet there are 3 more over the last 12 years..

In any case the argument is not between us. Its between the doctrine of Christ v the doctrine of Witness Lee. You are on the losing side,

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
02 Feb 21
6 edits


In any case the argument is not between us. Its between the doctrine of Christ v the doctrine of Witness Lee. You are on the losing side,

I think most reasonable people will examine those threads Dive brought up and see your debate is with the Bible.

And because you cannot show it wrong, you opt for handwaving about Witness Lee. I think you are hunting for sympathy and scandalous gossip to conceal your poverty in denying the effectiveness of using our mouths to worship the living God.

You are relying on gossip, hearsay, disgruntled murmurings about one Brother Witness Lee who died in 1997. From here on out this will probably be your tactic. When the Bible exposes your bad teaching its "But Witness Lee! But Witness Lee! But Witness Lee !! "

Basically you're fishing around for sympathy.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
02 Feb 21
2 edits

I think there will always be atheists and agnostics here who will be much more tolerant of Rajk999 then they will be of me.

I think the reason is simple why he gets more of a free pass;

They do not believe God is real and can be known.
And they recognize Rajk999 is not countering them about an intimate relationship with God. But I am.

I think I will usually receive more strict counter examination.
And Rajk999 will be much more tolerated by skeptics of the Gospel.

I write about an intimate relationship with God as the bedrock, the foundation of spirituality, the starting point. Rajk999 just harps on being a self made good person with a loose association with Jehovah's Witness like doctrines.

This is much less a bother to the average atheist here.



04 Apr 04
02 Feb 21

@sonship said
In any case the argument is not between us. Its between the doctrine of Christ v the doctrine of Witness Lee. You are on the losing side,

I think most reasonable people will examine those threads Dive brought up and see your debate is with the Bible.

And because you cannot show it wrong, you opt for handwaving about Witness Lee. I think you a ...[text shortened]... s Lee! But Witness Lee! But Witness Lee !! "[/i]

Basically you're fishing around for sympathy.



04 Apr 04
02 Feb 21
2 edits

@sonship said
I think there will always be atheists and agnostics here who will be much more tolerant of Rajk999 then they will be of me.

I think the reason is simple why he gets more of a free pass;

They do not believe God is real and can be known.
And they recognize Rajk999 is not countering them about an intimate relationship with God. But I am.

I think I will usu ...[text shortened]... ehovah's Witness like doctrines.

This is much less a bother to the average atheist here.
Relationship with God / Christ - not in the bible
Personal Relationship with God / Christ - utter nonsense
Intimate Relationship with God / Christ - LOL .. you are creepy .. get a life and a wife, sicko

The only relationship someone can have is IF they KEEP the commandments, THEN God / Christ makes their abode with that person. The person then becomes a child of God.

Any other relationship with God / Christ, exist only in your deluded twisted mind.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
02 Feb 21


Relationship with God / Christ - not in the bible

You have GOT to be kidding.

Man, with followers of Jesus like you who needs atheists?

Personal Relationship with God / Christ - utter nonsense

You have GOT to be kidding.

Intimate Relationship with God / Christ - LOL .. you are creepy .. get a life and a wife, sicko

The only relationship someone can have is IF they KEEP the commandments, THEN God / Christ makes their abode with that person. The person then becomes a child of God.

"He who is joined the Lord is one spirit" (1 Cor. 6:17)

That is a very, VERY close and intimate relationship with "the Lord".

Any other relationship with God / Christ, exist only in your deluded twisted mind.

Would some Forum atheist PLEASE tell Rajk999, that even THEY understand that Christ Gospel is about having a relationship with Christ. I mean even they know that at least that's what's there in the Bible.



04 Apr 04
02 Feb 21

@sonship said
Relationship with God / Christ - not in the bible

You have GOT to be kidding.

Man, with followers of Jesus like you who needs atheists?

Personal Relationship with God / Christ - utter nonsense

You have GOT to be kidding.

Intimate Relationship with God / Christ - LOL .. you are creepy ...[text shortened]... a relationship with Christ. I mean even they know that at least that's what's there in the Bible.
BUT ...
Who is joined to the Lord?
Certainly not mouth worshipers.
Even the atheists know who these people are.
It is those who keep the commandments of Christ.
Let me know if you want the references AGAIN.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
02 Feb 21
1 edit


There are not BUTs about it.
Your unbelief in the Gospel of Christ cannot to be disguised by any "BUTs".



04 Apr 04
03 Feb 21

@sonship said

There are not BUTs about it.
Your unbelief in the Gospel of Christ cannot to be disguised by any "BUTs".
My unbelief?? You are a funny. The only thing I quote and tell people about is Christ and His teachings. You on the other hand preach Witness Lee, and a dozen other men and their teachings. You are a man worshipper, doing lip service to Christ.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
03 Feb 21
3 edits


Yes, what else can I call it. A person saying there is no relationship of knowing Christ in the Bible. I will never call that belief. That must be an evil heart of unbelief.

You wrote:

Relationship with God / Christ - not in the bible

I will never call that "belief" in the word of God.

Personal Relationship with God / Christ - utter nonsense

Frankly, this must be a "doctrine of demons" that has gripped you.

Intimate Relationship with God / Christ - LOL .. you are creepy .. get a life and a wife, sicko

God furnished me with a wonderful sister in the Lord with whom I have been happily married for 44 years.

The church is only going to MARRY Christ and be the Bride and Wife of Christ.

I think you have been obsessed with a doctrine of demons.
You need to repent and ask the Lord Jesus for His mercy to remove the blindness
covering the eyes of your heart of unbelief.


28 Oct 05
03 Feb 21

@sonship said
Your insistence the calling to the Lord exactly must equal disobedience and vain disregard for the commandments of Christ is a lie. Undergirding the lie is the Devil's work to keep people apart from Christ having confidence in their selves to muster up self effort in the fallen flesh.
Why do you talk so little about obeying Christ's commandments and actually walking the Christian walk [which is surely more than just singing and praying], and instead spend almost all your time regurgitating what sounds like the pseudo-intellectual masturbation of some cult leader or other who clearly appears to promote - as you do - simply thinking one's way to eternal life? Why not give links to his writings and then spend your time here trying to exhibit the benefits of following Jesus?


16 Feb 08
03 Feb 21

@sonship said

Thankyou, Divegeester for the links brought forward.

I hardly need to have this debate over again with the same person.
Yes I was wondering why you were blogging on this again, I suppose you are getting short of topics and low on interest.


16 Feb 08
03 Feb 21
1 edit

@fmf said
Why do you talk so little about obeying Christ's commandments and actually walking the Christian walk [which is surely more than just singing and praying], and instead spend almost all your time regurgitating what sounds like the pseudo-intellectual masturbation of some cult leader or other who clearly appears to promote - as you do - simply thinking one's way to eternal life? Wh ...[text shortened]... nks to his writings and then spend your time here trying to exhibit the benefits of following Jesus?
Because sonship is clearly more interested in himself and greening some intellectual recognition for the content he posts here, than he is on helping people escape the god of enteral torture which he believes in.

I would bet significantly on him blogging the same stuff on other websites.