The Beginning Of Relgion

The Beginning Of Relgion


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12 Jul 08
09 Jul 17

Originally posted by KellyJay
Jesus is all that matters, no one is to righteous enough without Him. Very true that there are going to be those who claim His name and die in there sins, He will say depart from me I never knew you. Again making Jesus all that matters for without His blood we are in our sins.
I suppose the important quesrion is what do you mean by Jesus being all that matters.

Does it mean putting Jesus' and thereby God's teachings into practice?

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
09 Jul 17

Originally posted by Eladar
I suppose the important quesrion is what do you mean by Jesus being all that matters.

Does it mean putting Jesus' and thereby God's teachings into practice?
Yes, but you need Him your list of rules will never be enough.


12 Jul 08
09 Jul 17

Originally posted by KellyJay
Yes, but you need Him your list of rules will never be enough.
Funny how you call identifying sin as a list of rules and make false claims about my beliefs.

looking for loot

western colorado

05 Feb 11
09 Jul 17

People the world over feel a need to invent religion.


12 Jul 08
09 Jul 17
1 edit

Originally posted by apathist
People the world over feel a need to invent religion.
Thanks for sharing your beliefs.

Btw, I agree with you.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
09 Jul 17

Originally posted by Eladar
Funny how you call identifying sin as a list of rules and make false claims about my beliefs.
You are putting words in my mouth I never said, the letter kills, it is the Spirit of God that gives us life.


12 Jul 08
09 Jul 17

Originally posted by KellyJay
Yes, but you need Him your list of rules will never be enough.
What list of rules have I presented?

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
09 Jul 17

Originally posted by Eladar
What list of rules have I presented?
When you talk about teachings and leave the life of God out of the equation you make
the NT no different than the OT where God does not enter into our lives. Yes, we need
to obey Christ, but living by a set of teachings from a book is no different than living by
a set of rules written in stone. The partition between the Holy of Holies, and the Holy
place has been ripped from top to bottom, we can have God in our lives now.

The love God sheds on all of us, is undeserved by all of us, yet Jesus shed His blood for
us so we could be saved, redeemed by the blood of the lamb. We are called to be Holy
I so agree with you there totally and completely, but let God be God and deal with each of
us as He sees fit. If you think you are showing the love of Christ to others and you think
God is directing you to condemn anyone I'm concern for you. Even those God says make
them leave isn't to condemn them, it is to show them the errors of their ways in the hopes
they turn back to God away from sin.

Even the verse that talks about those that turn away from Christ talks about them being
overcome by sin, there is hope as long as that hasn't happen. If it does happen, I pity the
poor soul, they have nothing but the wrath of God to look forward to and it will be shed
upon them in full.


12 Jul 08
09 Jul 17
1 edit

You never answered my question. What list? You accused me of simply having a list which I deny. Please give me the list you see.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
09 Jul 17

Originally posted by Eladar
You never answered my question. What list? You accused me of simply having a list which I deny. Please give me the list you see.
You have scripture that you think needs to be walked out in this life do you not?
That is your list.


12 Jul 08
09 Jul 17

Originally posted by KellyJay
You have scripture that you think needs to be walked out in this life do you not?
That is your list.
So you believe a Christian can be living a lifestyle that is in rebellion to God until the day the Christian dies and still be found righteous?

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
09 Jul 17

Originally posted by Eladar
So you believe a Christian can be living a lifestyle that is in rebellion to God until the day the Christian dies and still be found righteous?
I believe Christ became sin for us to condemn sin in us, so He can enter into those that call on Him. We receive His Spirit and start our life with Him. He transforms us, leading us, guiding us, teaching us to walk with Him learning His ways, He inhabiting us making us more like Him.

All of us are sinners. you, me there isn't a single one who is righteous on our own. Belonging to God does indeed mean we are to turn from our wicked ways, with some that takes longer than others. We are to encourage each other, love each other as He loves us, and forgive as He forgives us.

Biting and devouring one another shows us, we are not behaving as we should.


12 Jul 08
10 Jul 17
2 edits

Originally posted by KellyJay
I believe Christ became sin for us to condemn sin in us, so He can enter into those that call on Him. We receive His Spirit and start our life with Him. He transforms us, leading us, guiding us, teaching us to walk with Him learning His ways, He inhabiting us making us more like Him.

All of us are sinners. you, me there isn't a single one who is righteou ...[text shortened]... He forgives us.

Biting and devouring one another shows us, we are not behaving as we should.
Devour each other means attacking an actual brother or sister in Christ asking for forgiveness or telling someone they are going to hell for having church on Saturday instead of Sunday. It is not about the acceptance of sin.

If you can't make that distinction you are as much a heretic as Suzi. The spirit within you must think that an unrepentant sinful lifestyle is acceptable to God. This is not the Gospel found in the Bible. It is the gospel found in secular culture.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
10 Jul 17

Originally posted by Eladar
Devour each other means attacking an actual brother or sister in Christ asking for forgiveness or telling someone they are going to hell for having church on Saturday instead of Sunday. It is not about the acceptance of sin.

If you can't make that distinction you are as much a heretic as Suzi. The spirit within you must think that an unrepentant sinful l ...[text shortened]... le to God. This is not the Gospel found in the Bible. It is the gospel found in secular culture.
Do you ever wonder what drives you to attack those talking to you instead of just talking about a topic?


12 Jul 08
10 Jul 17

Originally posted by KellyJay
Do you ever wonder what drives you to attack those talking to you instead of just talking about a topic?
It is not an attack. It is a simple observation.