Sumydid on Secular Liberal Progressives

Sumydid on Secular Liberal Progressives


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15 Oct 06
06 May 17
3 edits

Several years ago, PK started a thread posing the following for Sumydid:
"As i am someone who would fit your description for a 'Secular Progressive Liberal', tell me about my 'hatred, credibility and insecurity'."

The following was Sumydid's response:

Well since you've staked claim to being part of the group, then I'll list a few things that your group does consistently. Then, you can either separate yourself from the group and condemn those actions, or, embrace their actions and confirm yourself as one of them.

The Secular Liberal Progressives, in the United States, have shown a consistent pattern of

- hatred for traditional family values
- disgust, if not full-blown hatred for all things and all people, Christian
- complete disagreement with anything a Conservative politician has to say
- complete agreement with anything a Liberal politician has to say
- a strong attraction toward Socialism, Marxism, Communism, and/or Statism
- a strong dislike for Capitalism and Free Enterprise
- disdain and lack of respect for traditional American values and the Constitution
- convenient alliances with Feminists, gay rights advocates, labor unions, college professors and teachers, Hollywood, abortion rights activists, and other special interest groups
- (edit: possibly feigned) support, sympathy, and/or compassion for all Muslims, including fanatics

It's the 2nd and last items that--as you are aware--I was considering when I mentioned credibility and insecurity. Secular Progressives--as an activist group--seek to remove Christianity from the public square, while at the same time seek to incorporate Islam into the public square. This makes absolutely no sense, considering that Islam is infintely more hostile and aggressive than Christianity, toward the interest of Secular Progressives. However, I have concluded that the reason for their support for Islam and disgust/hatred toward Christianity is because they see no harm in supporting something they think is silly and impossible; they align themselves in support of Islam as a matter of "enemy of my enemy is my friend" convenience; while Christianity has at least some semblance of credibility, thus exposing a vulnerability. The best solution is to remove Christianity from the public square so they don't have to hear it or think about it (lest they start to take it serious and we can't have that!)... while Islam in their minds, can preach on the street corner all it wants because it's no different than someone preaching faith in Santa or the tooth fairy, i.e. harmless and silly. Easy to tune out.

Now if none of the patterned behaviors I described match you, then my first thought is, you're not a Secular Progressive; my second thought would be maybe you just don't want to admit having many common traits; and my third thought would be perhaps you are a rare individual who doesn't fit the mold.

There are those individuals in all groups, that don't conform, and I'm willing to concede the possibility, however small, that an individual can proclaim himself to be a Secular Progressive, yet not match the standard criteria.

So if you are that rare find, then I think that's great and I tip my hat to you.

That's my answer, although I could have just tossed several dozen web links at you, all of which come to the same conclusions since the pattern has been well known for a very long time.

The thread is fascinating in its own way

16 Feb 08
07 May 17

A fun title

Scoffer Mocker

27 Sep 06
09 May 17

"The thread is fascinating in its own way"

I guess that explains why no one has replied.


15 Oct 06
09 May 17

Originally posted by josephw
[b]"The thread is fascinating in its own way"

I guess that explains why no one has replied.[/b]
The most fascinating thing is how much "Christian" fundamentalist nutjobs like sumydid are like the "Muslim" fundamentalist nutjobs that they are so afraid of. How far both factions are removed from reality.

looking for loot

western colorado

05 Feb 11
09 May 17

Originally posted by josephw
I guess that explains why no one has replied.
Too many boxes.

16 Feb 08
09 May 17

Originally posted by ThinkOfOne
The most fascinating thing is how much "Christian" fundamentalist nutjobs like sumydid are like the "Muslim" fundamentalist nutjobs that they are so afraid of. How far both factions are removed from reality.
Yes it's astonishing how nutjob A is similar to nutjob B.

Interestingly though, when it comes to so called rational analysis we here that nutjob A's beliefs and actions and part of a minority and nothing to do with the macro group A, whereas nutjob B is a fair representation of macro group B.

16 Feb 08
09 May 17

Originally posted by apathist
Too many boxes.
Stay off the boxes.

Standard memberRemoved

08 Dec 04
09 May 17

Originally posted by ThinkOfOne
Several years ago, PK started a thread posing the following for Sumydid:
"As i am someone who would fit your description for a 'Secular Progressive Liberal', tell me about my 'hatred, credibility and insecurity'."

The following was Sumydid's response:

Well since you've staked cla ...[text shortened]... n has been well known for a very long time.

The thread is fascinating in its own way
I think he described Secular Liberal Progressives very well. They are not all as described, but you have to "call em like you see em". I tend to agree with him.


15 Oct 06
09 May 17

Originally posted by divegeester
Yes it's astonishing how nutjob A is similar to nutjob B.

Interestingly though, when it comes to so called rational analysis we here that nutjob A's beliefs and actions and part of a minority and nothing to do with the macro group A, whereas nutjob B is a fair representation of macro group B.
Presumably "group B" are Muslims.

If so, you've been seriously influenced by fundamentalist "Christian" propaganda.

16 Feb 08
09 May 17
1 edit

Originally posted by ThinkOfOne
Presumably "group B" are Muslims.

If so, you've been seriously influenced by fundamentalist "Christian" propaganda.
Wrong, it's the other way around, at least on these boards at times.


15 Oct 06
09 May 17

Originally posted by checkbaiter
I think he described Secular Liberal Progressives very well. They are not all as described, but you have to "call em like you see em". I tend to agree with him.
From what I've seen of your posts, that hardly surprises. Checkbaiter / Sumydid : po-tay-toe / po-tah-toe


15 Oct 06
09 May 17

Originally posted by divegeester
Wrong, it's the other way around.
Well, considering the fact that fundamentalist "Christians" seem to have a majority in the US, you might be correct.

16 Feb 08
09 May 17

Originally posted by ThinkOfOne
Well, considering the fact that fundamentalist "Christians" seem to have a majority in the US, you might be correct.
Which church do you attend?


15 Oct 06
09 May 17
2 edits

Originally posted by divegeester
Which church do you attend?
The Church of Christ Without Christ

16 Feb 08
09 May 17

Originally posted by ThinkOfOne
The Church of Christ Without Christ