Something I want answered once and for all

Something I want answered once and for all


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Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
03 Aug 12

Chick-fil-A president Dan Cathy recently told a religious publication that the company backed "the biblical definition of a family" and later said: ""I think we are inviting God's judgment on our nation when we shake our fist at him and say, 'We know better than you as to what constitutes a marriage.'"

I just want to know exactly where in the Bible is this "biblical definition of a family" that Mr. Cathy and all these other folks from the religious right keep referring to. I don't recall any passages in the Bible actually "defining marriage". Anyone care to help me out?

Cowboy From Hell

American West

19 Apr 10
03 Aug 12

Originally posted by Suzianne
Chick-fil-A president Dan Cathy recently told a religious publication that the company backed "the biblical definition of a family" and later said: ""I think we are inviting God's judgment on our nation when we shake our fist at him and say, 'We know better than you as to what constitutes a marriage.'"

I just want to know exactly where in the Bible is th ...[text shortened]... ny passages in the Bible actually "defining marriage". Anyone care to help me out?
IMO whether one supports gay marriage or not, it is unconscionable to not allow a gay partner the same benefits as a traditional spouse. My 2 cents.

16 Feb 08
03 Aug 12

Originally posted by Suzianne
Chick-fil-A president Dan Cathy recently told a religious publication that the company backed "the biblical definition of a family" and later said: ""I think we are inviting God's judgment on our nation when we shake our fist at him and say, 'We know better than you as to what constitutes a marriage.'"

I just want to know exactly where in the Bible is th ...[text shortened]... ny passages in the Bible actually "defining marriage". Anyone care to help me out?
Are you talking about family or marriage? Your post mentions both.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
03 Aug 12

Originally posted by divegeester
Are you talking about family or marriage? Your post mentions both.
You can have gay families. Even in regular man-woman marriage they are a family even with no children, but gay's adopt and therefore have an official family.

2 mommies, or 2 daddies.

29 Dec 08
03 Aug 12

Originally posted by Suzianne
Chick-fil-A president Dan Cathy recently told a religious publication that the company backed "the biblical definition of a family" and later said: ""I think we are inviting God's judgment on our nation when we shake our fist at him and say, 'We know better than you as to what constitutes a marriage.'"

I just want to know exactly where in the Bible is th ...[text shortened]... ny passages in the Bible actually "defining marriage". Anyone care to help me out?
I don't know of any specific Bible verses that literally define marriage, and a little searching comes up empty. The injunction against engaging in or tolerating homosexual behavior and the "role model" of God creating Eve for Adam, and then their being blessed by God (seen as a sort of wedding) and told to be fruitful and multiply, have been interpreted that way.

Acts 13:48


21 May 03
03 Aug 12
2 edits

Matthew 19:4-6

Romans 1:26-27

1 cor. 6:9

1 tim. 1:10

Lev. 18:22

Malachi 2:14-16

16 Jan 07
03 Aug 12

Originally posted by Suzianne
Chick-fil-A president Dan Cathy recently told a religious publication that the company backed "the biblical definition of a family" and later said: ""I think we are inviting God's judgment on our nation when we shake our fist at him and say, 'We know better than you as to what constitutes a marriage.'"

I just want to know exactly where in the Bible is th ...[text shortened]... ny passages in the Bible actually "defining marriage". Anyone care to help me out?
why not forget about the bible for five minutes and just go with what you think rather than what you are told to think, do you always follow authority?

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
04 Aug 12

Originally posted by stellspalfie
why not forget about the bible for five minutes and just go with what you think rather than what you are told to think, do you always follow authority?
wow, stereotype much?

I know you're used to dealing with folks like RJH, but I'm not him. Yes, I have a brain and can (and do) think for myself.

What I'm talking about is all these blowhard religious right folks going on and on ad nauseam about "the biblical definition of marriage" etc. Well, I say put up or shut up. Show me this "biblical definition".

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
04 Aug 12

Originally posted by JS357
I don't know of any specific Bible verses that literally define marriage, and a little searching comes up empty. The injunction against engaging in or tolerating homosexual behavior and the "role model" of God creating Eve for Adam, and then their being blessed by God (seen as a sort of wedding) and told to be fruitful and multiply, have been interpreted that way.
Sigh... interpretation is not a "definition".

I just want all these fools who say the Bible "defines marriage as between a man and a woman" to prove it, or forever shut up about it. Show me the passage.

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
04 Aug 12

Originally posted by divegeester
Are you talking about family or marriage? Your post mentions both.
Either. Both. Whatever.

How many times have you heard some idiot in the media state "The Bible defines marriage as between one man and one woman." O rly? Show me where in the Bible it says this.

And now Dan Cathy gets up and says that his company backs "the biblical definition of a family". I just want his super-secret decoder ring so I can also see where this definition is in the Bible.

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
04 Aug 12

Originally posted by RBHILL
Matthew 19:4-6

Romans 1:26-27

1 cor. 6:9

1 tim. 1:10

Lev. 18:22

Malachi 2:14-16
These first two come very close to what I'm looking for.

The rest, not so much.

29 Dec 08
04 Aug 12

Originally posted by Suzianne
These first two come very close to what I'm looking for.

The rest, not so much.
Are they close enough that you can state your view on same sex marriage?


26 Aug 07
04 Aug 12

Originally posted by Suzianne
Chick-fil-A president Dan Cathy recently told a religious publication that the company backed "the biblical definition of a family" and later said: ""I think we are inviting God's judgment on our nation when we shake our fist at him and say, 'We know better than you as to what constitutes a marriage.'"

I just want to know exactly where in the Bible is th ...[text shortened]... ny passages in the Bible actually "defining marriage". Anyone care to help me out?
I am surprised that a professed Christian must ask this question, never the less, the
answer is simple, I will illustrate with scripture.

(Genesis 2:18-25) . . .And Jehovah God went on to say: “It is not good for the man
to continue by himself. I am going to make a helper for him, as a complement of
” . . . . . .And Jehovah God proceeded to build the rib that he had taken
from the man into a woman and to bring her to the man. Then the man said:
“This is at last bone of my bones And flesh of my flesh. This one will be called
Woman, Because from man this one was taken.”  That is why a man will leave his
father and his mother and he must stick to his wife and they must become one
 And both of them continued to be naked, the man and his wife, and yet
they did not become ashamed.

this is the first recorded marital arrangement, instituted by God himself, from it we
can discern,

1. That God actually brought the women to the man, much in the same way a father
gives his daughter away in marraige today.
2. That the persons involved were male and female
3. That the arrangement signified not two independent persons but 'one flesh', or a
whole, from which the marital vows are taken, 'what God has yoked together, let no
man put apart'.

Christ himself made reference to the gender which constitutes a marraige when
asked a question about divorce, from which he quotes directly from this passage,

(Matthew 19:4-6) . . .In reply he said: “Did you not read that he who created them
from [the] beginning made them male and female  and said, ‘For this reason a
man will leave his father and his mother and will stick to his wife, and the two will be
one flesh’?  So that they are no longer two, but one flesh.
Therefore, what God
has yoked together let no man put apart.”

Clearly the Biblical and thus the Christian standard, as set by God, as reiterated by
the Christ is that marraige is the exclusive right of male and female, NO PROVISION
having been extended to anyone else, in any other circumstance, under any guise.
It may be further argued that the purpose for the original couple, as stipulated and
blessed by God was that they procreate, an impossibility if one attempts to extend
the provision to homosexuals, except by artificial means.

One cannot be swayed by popular opinion and secular liberal ideology which has
sought to water down and invalidate the word of God, the effects for Christendoms
churches has been disastrous, schism and division has ensued as the teaching of the
Christ has been pushed aside in favour of an all encompassing, all inclusive moral
morass. Christianity is a privilege, not a right, for those who are willing to uphold its

16 Feb 08
04 Aug 12

Originally posted by Suzianne
Either. Both. Whatever.

How many times have you heard some idiot in the media state "The Bible defines marriage as between one man and one woman." O rly? Show me where in the Bible it says this.

And now Dan Cathy gets up and says that his company backs "the biblical definition of a family". I just want his super-secret decoder ring so I can also see where this definition is in the Bible.
Are you suggesting that God (Bible God) approves of same sex relationships and marriages?

16 Jan 07
04 Aug 12

Originally posted by Suzianne
wow, stereotype much?

I know you're used to dealing with folks like RJH, but I'm not him. Yes, I have a brain and can (and do) think for myself.

What I'm talking about is all these blowhard religious right folks going on and on ad nauseam about "the biblical definition of marriage" etc. Well, I say put up or shut up. Show me this "biblical definition".
i dont think i was stereotyping you. i was suggesting that when dealing with right wing christians you dont have to argue about whats in the bible, you should argue about whats right and wrong?

doesnt the bible say that homosexuality is an abomination? how is it possible to argue gay marriage is okay if you believe in a book that says they cant have sex?