Should Christians Celebrate Christmas?

Should Christians Celebrate Christmas?


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24 Apr 05
15 May 06

Originally posted by orfeo
How you decide whether a directive is 'reasonable' or 'arbitrary' seems to depend pretty much on whether you agree with it or not. If your parents had told you to do something you couldn't see the point of, I bet you would have kicked up a stink.

And so much of what you describe as demands, obligations and the like could equally be described as God simply ...[text shortened]... e because it was morally wrong. They told you because they knew it would hurt if you DID!
"Don't jump off the roof or you'll hurt yourself."

"Don't deny me love and attention or I'll hurt you."

See a difference? One is a prudent observation. The other is an open threat.



15 Sep 04
16 May 06
6 edits

Originally posted by LemonJello
You're truly lost. You are obviously not filled with the Holy Spirit since your interpretations do not match mine. I pray that you find your way to the ever loving, ever open arms of Jesus Christ -- and right quick too.
I see now why orfeo had a headache. ๐Ÿ˜ž


24 Apr 05
16 May 06

Originally posted by aspviper666
You weep because you have not tapped into the awesome powers of Jesus Christ. I pray that you do, so that your tears will becomes tears of joy and truth and justice. I was once like you, stubbornly only formulating belief in proportion to the available evidence. Now I know that one must surrender all his earthly possessions to Jesus Christ -- and that includes surrendering one's rationality and cognitive faculties. Jesus wants to save you, aspviper, even though you do have the devil's number in your username. Jesus will forgive you for that! Jesus will forgive you for all your dastardly transgressions against the Word of God!



15 Sep 04
16 May 06
6 edits

Originally posted by LemonJello
You weep because you have not tapped into the awesome powers of Jesus Christ. I pray that you do, so that your tears will becomes tears of joy and truth and justice. I was once like you, stubbornly only formulating belief in proportion to the available evidence. Now I know that one must surrender all his earthly possessions to Jesus Christ -- an r that! Jesus will forgive you for all your dastardly transgressions against the Word of God!
*Banging head on wall, to relieve headache.* ๐Ÿ™„


24 Apr 05
16 May 06

Originally posted by aspviper666
*Banging head on wall, to relieve headache.* ๐Ÿ™„
Only Jesus can relieve your headaches.

Paralysed analyst

On a ship of fools

26 May 04
16 May 06

Originally posted by LemonJello
"Don't jump off the roof or you'll hurt yourself."

"Don't deny me love and attention or I'll hurt you."

See a difference? One is a prudent observation. The other is an open threat.
How about "Stay in a relationship with me or you'll end up separated from me".

See the difference? My point is that how you choose to characterise God's statements is not the only way they can be characterised.

Zellulรคrer Automat

Spiel des Lebens

27 Jan 05
16 May 06

Originally posted by orfeo
"Stay in a relationship with me or you'll end up separated from me".
"Stay in a relationship with me and love me no matter how seemingly irrational or flatly bizarre my behaviour may seem to you or I will cast you out and make you pay so dearly you'll wish you were dead." God is so obviously a certain type of woman.


24 Apr 05
16 May 06
1 edit

Originally posted by orfeo
How about "Stay in a relationship with me or you'll end up separated from me".

See the difference? My point is that how you choose to characterise God's statements is not the only way they can be characterised.
"Stay in a relationship with me or you'll end up separated from me"

How is this not just tautological? Besides, as I have stated, I completely fail to see how separation from God is necessarily a bad thing. If God, in His infinite power, made it such that willful separation from Him entails that I suffer as a necessary consequence, then that is nothing more than the ultimatum 'relate with me, or I'll harm you'. And wouldn't you know it: that's basically what I wrote in the previous post (at the top of the page).


24 Apr 05
16 May 06

Originally posted by Bosse de Nage
"Stay in a relationship with me and love me no matter how seemingly irrational or flatly bizarre my behaviour may seem to you or I will cast you out and make you pay so dearly you'll wish you were dead."
That's the ticket.


Unknown Territories

05 Dec 05
16 May 06

Originally posted by LemonJello
"Stay in a relationship with me or you'll end up separated from me"

How is this not just tautological? Besides, as I have stated, I completely fail to see how separation from God is necessarily a bad thing. If God, in His infinite power, made it such that willful separation from Him entails that I suffer as a necessary consequence, then that is n ...[text shortened]... ou know it: that's basically what I wrote in the previous post (at the top of the page).[/b]
Besides, as I have stated, I completely fail to see how separation from God is necessarily a bad thing.
Just think: if you have never accepted the work on the cross done on your behalf by the Lord Jesus Christ, and if you can just make it throuth the rest of your time on earth refraining from doing so, you will get your wish.

I, for one, do not wish anyone to go that route, especially in light of the fact that the gift of salvation is free. Why go to hell when the price has already been paid? Why go to hell when entrance to heaven is as simple as accepting the work done by someone else as though it were one's own? Why go to hell when entrance to heaven is as easy as non-meritorious faith?

I stink, ergo I am

On the rebound

14 Jul 05
16 May 06

Originally posted by LemonJello
Sure, it would be reasonable to think God might have a purpose for us. But maybe you missed this key point: I don't give a shit about God's 'purpose'. If it happened to be the case that His purpose coincided with true normative claims concerning how I ought to live, then in striving to live how I ought to live, I would also be striving to follow God's d ...[text shortened]... esn't); then God will naturally grant me separation from Him. Sounds great to me!
But His directives do not coincide with true normative claims, as I already pointed out.

Care to substantiate? What exactly are the normative claims you hold which are in direct contradiction to God's directives?

Your confusion, of course, stems entirely from your stunted moral development. You still cling to the altogether infantile notion that something is morally right just in case God wills it.

My, my, my. I made no such claim. I would however, assert that you claim something is morally right because you have rationalized it as such.

Through one arbitrary means: by loving/glorifying Him. And it's clear to anyone with half a brain that there are better ways to imbue my life with meaning.

That directive is to those who have already chosen to serve. Christ said: "come to me all who are weak and heavily laden and I will give you rest." From a Christian perspective, God is the ultimate reality and any pursuit of meaning outside Him is a fleeting "chasing of the wind". Rather than command it, God invites us to "taste and see that the Lord is good".

I've asked this question previously without an answer from you: How do you imbue your life with meaning?


04 Nov 05
19 May 06

The bible tells only truth.
The word is the truth and the truth is God.
I celebrate On Christmas because It is the day that we remember that God sent his only Son to die on the cross for all that have sinned. ( which is all) duh, anyway that is why Christians celebrate it, And I think that we should Celebrate Christmas, For we are Honoring the Most Holy Father.


10 May 06
18 Jun 06

Originally posted by LemonJello
Exactly! And this is one reason why your God is such a schmuck. What did Jesus do? He mandated that us sinners do not throw the stones -- we do not fulfill the law. Nevertheless, the law [b]is fulfilled down to the last tittle -- God fulfills it. So, the gay persons, the adulterers, the sassy children -- they will all get their comeupance straigh ...[text shortened]... ltimatum. There's really no way around it Orfeo: as Twain said, your God is a 'malign thug'.[/b]
Love the sinner, hate the sin. Live by the Law or face the fire. That is why so many people are turned off by religion... They can't put aside their human weakness and selfish desires to try an live up to a moral standard.


10 May 06
18 Jun 06

Originally posted by orfeo
Define 'right' - it is SUCH a value laden idea.

I've read the dilemma on a couple of sites. Looks to me like Thomas Aquinas was onto something.

What is a person to do when they believe a law is wrong? There are two competing ideas. One is adherence to the rule of law and a belief in lawful authority. The other is a personal assessment of whether a la ...[text shortened]... nd a 'coward'.

And I will be alive, and you will be dead.

Which of us is right?
I don't normally copy my quotes, but if you miised it in another post I think it applies here, too.

Better to die believing, finding there is no judgement and saying "oh, sh!t" than to die not beleiving, finding out there IS a judgement and sayin "oh, sh!t!!"


10 May 06
18 Jun 06

Originally posted by LemonJello
So, God thrusts existence on a bunch of unwitting minds. Then he stipulates that these minds love and glorify Him; else they will be tossed in a lake of fire. And you don't see any problems here? First, playing by such a set of arbitrarily determined rules may be fine if the players involved give assent; I don't know about you, but I never agreed to be ...[text shortened]... othing[/i] to do with God or any sort of relationship with God) will have to suffice.
I am glad you have the intellectual capacity to repel this rubbish. Keep up the good work and stay strong. In the mena time, I will keep you in my prayers. May you find peace.