No unity in beliefs.

No unity in beliefs.


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15 Oct 06
14 May 11
3 edits

Originally posted by galveston75
Geeezz dude. Can you not read the last few postings and see the answer? Your really thick aren't you?
I remember you pulling this stupid constant badgering before on other subjects when the answers were given so clear my dog would get it. I'm finshed with your plain ole dumbness.....
Evidently G75 has too much pride to acknowledge that he made a false claim and has irrationally lashed out in order to keep his pride intact.

Both he and RC regularly exhibit the emotional maturity of a young teen.

One can only wonder how much of it is the result of the constant ego stroking that they likely get from being a member of the JWs which is evident in their interactions on this forum.

The Axe man


11 Apr 09
14 May 11

Originally posted by ThinkOfOne
Evidently G75 has too much pride to acknowledge that he made a false claim and has irrationally lashed out in order to keep his pride intact.

One can only wonder how much of it is the result of the constant ego stroking that he likely gets from being a member of the JWs.
OOOOh!! He's not going to like that, maybe time for a personal dissing.

Seriously though, when it comes to spiritual matters I agree that to be as truthful as possible is of utmost importance.
There is already so much garbage out there, (in the bible as well), that to gloss over peoples words,scriptures or any other forms of information is perpetuating the ignorance that has envelopped our world for many a millenia now.
We must be vigilant with the "truth" and should always admit when we don't know, or know only partially. It is a dangerous practice to read into scripture what you want out of it. It is precisely this sort of skimming over and ignoring of certain truths that has led us into this world of disinformation/misinformation,which only 100% dilligence on the part of Everyone,(theists,athiests and the rest), will weed out the truth from the lies, which have damaged our world, turned neighbour against neighbour and sown the seeds of doubt in our collective conciousnesses.
The lies will be exposed if we all make telling the truth our primary goal. Thousands of years of bullcrap will be ended forever.


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
14 May 11

Originally posted by karoly aczel
OOOOh!! He's not going to like that, maybe time for a personal dissing.

Seriously though, when it comes to spiritual matters I agree that to be as truthful as possible is of utmost importance.
There is already so much garbage out there, (in the bible as well), that to gloss over peoples words,scriptures or any other forms of information is perpetua ...[text shortened]... ke telling the truth our primary goal. Thousands of years of bullcrap will be ended forever.
Actually it doesn't bother me at all. He or she or whoever it is has been reported before for harassment and I'm sure it will happen again to them.
As has been discussed before most of us here want civil discussions about spirituality and I enjoy most that have the common sense and decency to keep it at that. But some just don't fit into normal discussions that I know we all would like to have.
I actually feel really sorry for this person and hope some day things will change for the better for them.


15 Oct 06
14 May 11
5 edits

Originally posted by karoly aczel
OOOOh!! He's not going to like that, maybe time for a personal dissing.

Seriously though, when it comes to spiritual matters I agree that to be as truthful as possible is of utmost importance.
There is already so much garbage out there, (in the bible as well), that to gloss over peoples words,scriptures or any other forms of information is perpetua ke telling the truth our primary goal. Thousands of years of bullcrap will be ended forever.
Being truthful in non-spiritual matters is also of utmost importance.

What's really disconcerting is how often people who see themselves as religious/spiritual have a strong aversion to the truth. Many proclaim "God is truth", yet don't have an abiding love for truth. Somehow it never dawns on them that if they don't love truth, they don't love God and that if they have an aversion to truth, they have an aversion to God. They often see the truth as a personal attack and not "civil".

To get back to this thread, it's clear that there are those who allow their bigotry to get the better of themselves when they make statements such as "Jesus clearly condemned homosexuality" when it's just not true. They begin with this deceit and then heap deceit upon deceit in their efforts to "prove" their point. Of course, there's no getting them to admit it. Their bigotry demands that they believe that "Jesus clearly condemned homosexuality" even though all they have is their own conjecture.


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
14 May 11

Originally posted by ThinkOfOne
Being truthful in non-spiritual matters is also of utmost importance.

What's really disconcerting is how often people who see themselves as religious/spiritual have a strong aversion to the truth. Many proclaim "God is truth", yet don't have an abiding love for truth. Somehow it never dawns on them that if they don't love truth, they don't love God an ...[text shortened]... rly condemned homosexuality" even though all they have is their own conjecture.
Show me BY SCRIPTURE then that he approves homosexuality? No comments, no bull...just one scripture where Jesus says: I approve of homosexuality!!!!


08 Feb 08
14 May 11

Originally posted by galveston75
Well silence in itself still does not mean it's approved. The point that some here are trying to press is that Jesus commanded us to love and to forgive all. But would that mean we are to accept all into our churches, to be our personal friends or invite to our house for a meal?
Not at all. Again the point here is if one is "praticing" a sin that God ...[text shortened]... f we accept them into or churches and homes if they are "still practicing" that sin?
Approved, accept no love and forgive yes. Without that how can we ever expect to be forgiven and accepted for our own sins. God loves, believes in, has hope and extends a hand to all of us. Without accepting into our churches, homes, as friends in Christ, how is there hope for any of us or Gods word to be truly spread and bring lost souls to our family. I think we all can say there is a sin we are practicing in our lives that God condems, but I pray he doesnt turn his back on me as a friend, teacher or push me away from him where all hope is lost.


26 Aug 07
14 May 11
2 edits

Originally posted by ThinkOfOne
[b]So what?

You made the following claim:
"his in a failure to differentiate between what was actually in the Mosiac law, that is what was written and what grew up as the oral law"

My post proves that your claim was false.

What's more, it also proves your following accusation was false:
"you are therefore left with the only des didn't understand the point of my post so as to avoid it.

You are what you are RC.[/b]
you may at any time make reference to the actual content of the post.

to summarise,

Christ was a Hebrew, not only did he uphold he Law of Moses, he taught and
directed others to do the same. He had much reverence for it, stating, 'Your word',
the Word of God at that time, 'was truth'.

The act of homosexuality is condemned elsewhere in scripture, notably in the law of
Moses, given to Israel, by God, through a mediator, Moses.

In the Christian Greek scriptures Paul condemns the practice and demonstrates that
early Christians who were formerly homosexuals, cast of the practice and were
'washed clean', afterwards becoming acceptable as a Christian.

Those who advocate accepting it do not have a scriptural basis, for it relies not on
what is written, but apparently what is not??? Its a purely secular stance. The
secular liberalists have influenced the church to such an extent that they have cast
off the word of God and adopted another teaching, having appointed another
teacher in the process. They have no scriptural basis for accepting the practice,
their house is abandoned to them.


26 Aug 07
14 May 11

Originally posted by mikemt89
Approved, accept no love and forgive yes. Without that how can we ever expect to be forgiven and accepted for our own sins. God loves, believes in, has hope and extends a hand to all of us. Without accepting into our churches, homes, as friends in Christ, how is there hope for any of us or Gods word to be truly spread and bring lost souls to our family. ...[text shortened]... doesnt turn his back on me as a friend, teacher or push me away from him where all hope is lost.
then stop practising sin.


26 Apr 11
14 May 11

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
then stop practising sin.
Hi robbie Im not trying to offend you, but are you without sin in your life, or in need of Gods love, forgiveness, guidance and grace? Im also curious if you agree or disagree with my earlier post.


26 Aug 07
14 May 11

Originally posted by price68
Hi robbie Im not trying to offend you, but are you without sin in your life, or in need of Gods love, forgiveness, guidance and grace? Im also curious if you agree or disagree with my earlier post.
One must differentiate between those who wilfully practice sin, and those, who
through inherited imperfection, sin, not because we want to, but because we cannot
help it, we are imperfect and are prone to aberration. No offence taken, you may
speak frankly, i would prefer that to be honest 🙂

(Romans 7:21-23) . . .I find, then, this law in my case: that when I wish to do what
is right, what is bad is present with me.  I really delight in the law of God according
to the man I am within,  but I behold in my members another law warring against
the law of my mind and leading me captive to sin’s law that is in my members. . .


26 Apr 11
14 May 11

sorry I didnt notice my sons account was pulled up when I sent the post. Mine is the mikemt89 post that Im referring to.


26 Aug 07
14 May 11

Originally posted by price68
sorry I didnt notice my sons account was pulled up when I sent the post. Mine is the mikemt89 post that Im referring to.
Lol, sure i was just going through the thread looking for it, ill read the other again 🙂


26 Aug 07
14 May 11
1 edit

Originally posted by price68
Hi robbie Im not trying to offend you, but are you without sin in your life, or in need of Gods love, forgiveness, guidance and grace? Im also curious if you agree or disagree with my earlier post.
(Ephesians 5:10-12) . . .Keep on making sure of what is acceptable to the Lord;
 and quit sharing with them in the unfruitful works that belong to the darkness
but, rather, even be reproving them,  for the things that take place in secret by them
it is shameful even to relate. . .

It seems to me my friend that while your motives are admirable, in that you want to
reach out to others, Christianity is a privilege, and those who are to be deemed
Christians, have to be worthy of that privilege. This is not an inducement to any
pretence of superiority, simply that we are to be spiritually, morally and physically
clean. By all means , if you want to invite or encourage persons to your place of
worship do so, but i contend that unless they have freed themselves of the practice
of sin (not involuntarily sinning but wilful practice), then they cannot be fully termed
a Christian, for Christians are to be sanctified, a Holy nation, a people set aside as a
special property. Its a privilege my friend for those who try to meet the
requirements and others should be helped to meet those high standards without us
lowering the bar, so to speak.


08 Feb 08
14 May 11

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
(Ephesians 5:10-12) . . .[b]Keep on making sure of what is acceptable to the Lord;
 and quit sharing with them in the unfruitful works that belong to the darkness
but, rather, even be reproving them,  for the things that take place in secret by them
it is shameful even to relate. . .

It seems to me my friend that while your motives are ...[text shortened]... others should be helped to meet those high standards without us
lowering the bar, so to speak.[/b]
I dont find homosexuality acceptable at all, but it seems like your trying to decide for God who should or shouldnt be a Christian and for what reasons. It doesnt matter how great of a Christian you or any of us think we are, were not worthy of him and the salvation he offers. We do not have his level of all knowing, understanding, love for his children, know his plans for us the list goes on and on. Christianity is a privilege I agree, but it is also a gift from God and its not up to you or your church to decide who gets it and for what reasons. Your goal should be to do Gods will and bring his lost sheep back to him because we are all his children and brothers in Christ not just the so called perfect ones you mention. By your standards how do you know your worthy, Im sure your doing the best you can with the knowledge you have but how do you really know until judgement day. This scares me a little to judge others so harshley when there could be a really big plank in your own eye. Usually when we think we have all the answers God throws something in to show us how little we really know and to lead us on a new path of knowledge and understanding.


26 Aug 07
14 May 11
2 edits

Originally posted by mikemt89
I dont find homosexuality acceptable at all, but it seems like your trying to decide for God who should or shouldnt be a Christian and for what reasons. It doesnt matter how great of a Christian you or any of us think we are, were not worthy of him and the salvation he offers. We do not have his level of all knowing, understanding, love for his children, k ...[text shortened]... o show us how little we really know and to lead us on a new path of knowledge and understanding.
You know i really resent these types of arguments, you are making it personal to me when it has absolutely nothing to do with me. I did not write the scriptures, i judge no one, the scriptures make it very plain and clear that the practice is unacceptable. why are you transgressing what has been written and trying to establish your own criteria on the basis that its better to be all inclusive? Christianity was never all inclusive, on the contrary, its exclusive, exclusive to those who are willing to put their personal preferences aside and subject themselves to Gods sovereignty and what that entails, accepting his moral standards. Why must they be watered down to accommodate the sexual preferences of others, why must that be the case? To reiterate, i have judged no one, the scriptures themselves make it plain what is acceptable and what is not, indeed, a Christian is counselled to make his mind over, so that , through discernment he is able to distinguish between what is right and what is not, you people through your liberalising have almost negated the word of God, so that its nothing but a moral morass where everything is relative to the individual.