New world!!!!

New world!!!!


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28 Oct 05
04 Jul 12

Originally posted by galveston75
Sure but give me a few minutes as I didn't save it. But I will find it for you....
If it's on a CD, how or where or why would you "save" it?


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
04 Jul 12
1 edit

Originally posted by FMF
If it's on a CD, how or where or why would you "save" it?
The Watchtower 1/1 2010.

There is a file you can save anything articles you want to.


11 Oct 04
04 Jul 12

Originally posted by galveston75
Not the actual magazines but a downloadable disc of all our liturature.
OK. You have explained this. But I still think a quick "Awake, May 1963" and quotation marks would be appropriate. I for one would not criticise you for using these resources if you think they explain your position.

My next post will be back on the topic, I promise.


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
04 Jul 12

Originally posted by Rank outsider
OK. You have explained this. But I still think a quick "Awake, May 1963" and quotation marks would be appropriate. I for one would not criticise you for using these resources if you think they explain your position.

My next post will be back on the topic, I promise.
Thanks and if it will make everyone happy, I will do that. Is everyone ok now?


28 Oct 05
04 Jul 12

Originally posted by galveston75
The Watchtower 1/1 2010.
And why didn't you type "The Watchtower 1/1 2010" at the bottom of your OP?


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
04 Jul 12

Originally posted by FMF
If it's on a CD, how or where or why would you "save" it?
Because it is huge and to remember where you found something can be very hard to do....


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
04 Jul 12

Originally posted by FMF
And why didn't you type "The Watchtower 1/1 2010" at the bottom of your OP?
Geeeez.....come on. I stated why already but I promise you my dear friend that for you I will always post in great detail where it came from. Happy?


28 Oct 05
04 Jul 12

Originally posted by galveston75
Geeeez.....come on. I stated why already but I promise you my dear friend that for you I will always post in great detail where it came from. Happy?
Our posts crossed in cyberspace.


11 Oct 04
04 Jul 12
5 edits

Originally posted by galveston75
Geeeez.....come on. I stated why already but I promise you my dear friend that for you I will always post in great detail where it came from. Happy?
FMF - I am with galveston75 on this one. An explanation has been given and a promise made for the future. It explains the reference to JW in the OP. I think we have to accept that ZerVolf may have used this material without attributing it. The swine!

Anyway, as promised, back to the subject at hand. Looking at the OP, I think galveston75 confuses what people mean when accusing him (I am not saying validly) of the 'doom and gloom' nature of his posts. The OP basically talks about what good things are in store in future. This does not negate the idea of 'doom and gloom' about the present, and it could be argued it implicitly supports it.

But I do have a specific question. I am aware that the Bible says that the period from 1914 will be a bad time. But does it explicitly say it will be a worse time than any before in all aspects this might might manifest itself?


28 Oct 05
04 Jul 12
73 edits

Has this pos t crossed anything in cyberspa ce? because I have been finessing it a b it .

Caninus Interruptus


11 Apr 07
04 Jul 12

Originally posted by galveston75
Thanks and if it will make everyone happy, I will do that. Is everyone ok now?
Works for me.


28 Oct 05
04 Jul 12

Originally posted by galveston75
Thanks and if it will make everyone happy, I will do that. Is everyone ok now?
Yep, OK. I've had a glimpse of what job satisfaction a dentist must feel. For that I have you to thank. 😀


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
04 Jul 12

Originally posted by Rank outsider
FMF - I am with galveston75 on this one. An explanation has been given and a promise made for the future. It explains the reference to JW in the OP. I think we have to accept that ZerVolf may have used this material without attributing it. The swine!

Anyway, as promised, back to the subject at hand. Looking at the OP, I think galveston75 confuse ...[text shortened]... another cross in cyberspace!

Edit for FMF : ignore first edit for the post that follows.
Thanks for your comments and hopefully all will be well in the Land of Oz now!!!! Lol.

Well historians would probably be better to answer that then me but from all the stats I can bring up of these issues, probably most things we see today that are not good has always happened. We've obviously invented things that are more deadly then anytime in the past but the intent is the same which would be to kill another human no matter the reason behind the use of that weapon.
But the issue that the Bible is speaking of would be a noticiable change in these things that have always happened.
There has always been murder and no murder is ever a "nice" murder. But it's more the attitude of the people that has changed and the voilent ways that people have become that I think we all see.
Things that are bad are more easily done by humans. It's almost an intertaiment session for some to either do or to watch as I had referred to about YouTube.
It seems to many of our young that this is the cool thing to do. Kick someone senseless and then post it on line for all to see. Just look at the number of view hits that is recorded under those videos.
But then look at what Hollywood puts out for us to watch. No wonder our young have this twisted perception of life and what we can or can't do to another human.
So this is one of many issues that we see now with the attitude of life that has gotten worse.
The Bible says that things "will go from bad to worse" during this time.
I was fortunent to know my great grand parents and have read many thoughts from ones of that age. And many of them said the world changed after WW1. The earth they knew before that was never the same.


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
04 Jul 12

My finale comment on this.......
So I see where this misunderstanding came from and it was the link that SwissGambit found. And a few of you thought I highjaked that link to my own post here. I can understand that.
But then I explained that I did not, I never knew that link existed or who the person was that posted that and then showed where I did get that info from which is the original sourse which was a Watchtower magazine from 2010.
I really don't expect it to happen, in fact I know it won't happen, but just maybe I was accused of something ( plagiarism ) by a few here that I was not guilty of?
Just a thought......


28 Oct 05
04 Jul 12

Originally posted by galveston75
It seems to many of our young that this is the cool thing to do. Kick someone senseless and then post it on line for all to see. Just look at the number of view hits that is recorded under those videos.
Are you saying that there was no "number of view hits" before the internet? Is that your point?