My Confession (part 2)

My Confession (part 2)


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10 Jan 08
15 Oct 09

A continuation of Thread 105705

Curious about how my son was doing in the cruel world that I had given him I went back to 34AD to discover the mysteries surrounding the last year or so of jesus’ life. When I set off I was expecting to find a man of great power, a man with the charisma to lead an army into battle but what I found was a humble, noble man. A man going through life like any other in his time, a carpenter by trade and a man with the looks to pick up any girl he ever wanted but yet he was alone.

Wanting to get to know him more and find out how he had been living his life, what his childhood was like etc I went up to him and presented a problem only a trained carpenter could fix. There was an instant report between us, like we had been good friends for years that just hadn’t seen each other in a while. I looked him in his eyes, as he looked back, we smiled and I left.

The next day I returned, his work was the work of a master, I was so proud to have conceived such a handsome talented man but only two years away from his impending death I could all put wonder why, what happens to my son, what does he do to deserve such awful treatment and yet forever be immortalised in the eyes of the world in the years to follow.

I stayed there and to get to know him better every so often I would return with a new problem, we would talk, laugh but I would also be in awe of his work. I have to admit the more I got to know him the more I liked him, we would often gaze into each others eyes, only to quickly turn away before it got to intense. I know he is my son and the future ‘son of god’ or ‘king of the jews’ but I was starting to fall for him, his luscious, flowing dark brown hair, god like hazel eyes, this was a man that could tame anyone’s heart. Yet all the time that I had known jesus he had continued to be alone.

Having second thoughts about the whole thing I decided to go back and say my goodbyes to my son jesus, we were getting to close and I have to say I was starting to fall in love with him. I couldn’t believe it 32 years had gone by and the search to find the man of my dreams had taken me to the man of my own seed, conceived in an affair travelling through time.

And so I set off to say goodbye to my son, my secret love, the handsome man they called jesus for the very last time. When I got to his workshop I came across him with a frown on his face, jesus looked like a man who had just lost his soul and I asked him what was wrong. He wouldn’t say at first but after persisting, almost begging to find out what was making my love so gloom he told me. He said that over the past few months as we were getting to know each other that he had a growing sense of endearment for me, a tear came to his eye “all these years I’ve hidden who I really am” he cried “this is terrible, all this time from the fear of being caught and tortured I’ve kept it secret that I’m gay, I’ve always been gay but you dear friend you have light up my heart I can’t stop thinking about you” said jesus laying his heart, his soul and his pride in a bowl for me to feed on. “Please, go now I’ve offended you” tears running down his face.

10 Jan 08
15 Oct 09
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My heartbeat was getting faster and faster and he uttered those marvellous words, I felt like I was born again. I smiled at him and jesus looked back with a puzzled yet tentative and quizzical look on his face. I told him how I felt about him and a sea of joy lit up his face, his body and mind was set free as he finally could express himself in the way that he always wanted and we kissed, a slow passionate kiss our tongues meeting each other for the very first time and our hearts instantly connecting to what was to be the start of something special. My heart melted and knees trembled, this is what I believe bliss feels like, a moment so pure and perfect no words can do it justice.

Months had went by and jesus had taught me the art of carpentry, the things that hunk of a man could do with his hands was nothing short of extraordinary, he would stay up for hours pleasuring me and I returning the favor. But frightened for our lives we had to keep our love a secret and we did, for a whole year we managed to guard our lust from the harshness and the bigotry of the 1st century. Until one day on my way to work I met and started talking with a couple of guys, mark and peter, from the second we met I knew but to be sure and in search for a few friends for myself and jesus I started to get to know mark and peter. Later as we grew closer with them in confidence we told them about ourselves and our love for each other, mark and peter both grinding said that they had already knew and that they wanted us and met a few friends of there’s. A club if you will.

We were so pleased to finally know that we weren’t alone and that we could belong for the first time in our lives to a group that not only tolerated our love but also embraced it. Mathew, judus, luke and john were but a few of this 12 man strong society

About a year later everything was excellent, business was booming, our love had never been so strong and the hands united society as I liked to call us was running smoothly, we would get up to all sorts of things… sometimes a few of us would even experiment on each other, a new world had opened up for us and we were loving it. Until one-day disaster struck, judus and mark had a fight and while drowning his sorrows in a bar a very drunk judus told the world about our secret society. Outraged an angry mob besieged upon us and so we ran, we ran as fast as we could but it was hopeless we knew our fate had caught up with us, scared and in hiding jesus stood up and said

“Comrades, our time has come, the secrets can go on for no longer, they have found us, we cannot live in hiding forever and so it is time to stand up and fight for what we believe in. proclaim our love for each other, unit our souls together and they will not harm us, we our the children of the lord what comes before us, this is our destiny and we must embrace it. Come my friends we must go out and face the Roman bigotry, together as one we must march on and create our destiny”

Jesus walked out of the barn we had found ourselves trapped in, everyone remained, to afraid of the brutality of the Romans but I, now with a slightly clearer picture as to why my lover, my secret son had become the messiah that he is in the 21st century ran out pleading with him, begging him to come back and run with the rest of us but it was for no use, his mind had been made up and he faded into the distance.

10 Jan 08
15 Oct 09
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Two days and two nights had passed but we had heard nothing, our minds filled with the unknown we disguised ourselves and set off to look for jesus. As we walked into town it was our horror to find our friend, my soul, tied up with thorns, whipped, in pain and made to look foolish infront of a jubilant roman crowd “king of the Jews, burn him, burn him” they shouted. This had me puzzled but as the insults and heckling persisted it became apparent that “king of the Jews” translated into ‘king of the gays’ in our language but whatever he was called it didn’t matter the man that I loved and had so badly let down was being tortured and on his way to certain death. Blood dripping down his forehead, his swollen badly bruised ankles being dragged along the ground on his way to the impending doom that waited. A dead man barely walking but with a somewhat clam look on his face, his destiny that he spoke of had been written and it wasn’t pretty.

Laid down on a cross, nail through his left wrist, nail through his right wrist, nail through his left ankle and finally one last nail through his right ankle, the crowd cheering every beat of the hammer of justice. The crowd united in a low pitched gradual cheer as the cross was rising accumulating in one huge victorious yell as it reached its final upright position. The crowd pelting stones from all directions but jesus’ face stayed clam throughout as he refused to give in to the malicious crowd begging him to cry out, one last glance in my direction and he drifted off, closing his eyes and entering another world beyond this earth.

Still grieving I returned to the tome where jesus had been buried and forgetting the path that had went before him I was stunned to see that it had been opened and outraged as I entered and realized that the body of jesus had been stolen. At least that is what I thought until on my walk back into hiding I was approached by a man, at first I was startled and tried to shake off my mysterious follower but then came a, familiar voice “it is I” shouted jesus. I couldn’t believe it, I mean you read in the bible and people tell you what happened but coming back from the dead? Who honestly truly in their hearts believes it to be true. We ran as fast as we could to meet and embraced each other with a gargantuan hug and a long passionate kiss, my love was back from the dead and I didn’t care who saw us.

After what only can be described as the wildest most erotic crazy sex in history jesus and I sat down and he told me of his tale of the impossible. After his execution he woke in a place that he in his own words described as ‘heaven’ it wasn’t like the heaven that possibly you or I and countless movie makers had in mind, there was no white fluffy clouds with angles roaming around playing harps but a land that he himself had envisioned the world to be like, free from all hate and repression. In this land of eternal bliss he was approached by a woman, she told him of the admiration she had for him and what he had done on earth, she said that she sympathized with his struggles and infatuated with the charms of jesus she offered him the chance to go back and spread the word that being gay is ok. Jesus startled and in shock but also over come with joy agreed.

We shared in laughter, in sadness and reminisced on all the good and bad times we had together but we couldn’t be reunited for long as jesus had been sent back for a purpose and one that he was eager to fulfil and so he set off in the sunset to create the legend that is jesus christ.

10 Jan 08
15 Oct 09

During his travels jesus would come across a group of people not so dissimilar to our own ‘hands united society’ group but they called themselves ‘catholics’, after talking with them for some time, explaining what had happened to him and about the rest of us the catholics said that they would pass on his amazing story in the hope of spreading the joy that is homosexuality throughout the world. Unfortunately as time went by the catholic group were not having as much success at spreading awareness of the natural beauty of homosexuality that they had wanted and so they gradually adopted a subtler some could say devious approach to achieve what we now know today to be Catholicism. And so they set out to entice people into their new belief system and ultimately take advantage of them.

No one knows exactly when the shift from public openness spreading the true message of jesus ended and the lies of jesus the saint sent down from heaven by god to sacrifice himself for our sins began but with Catholicism being one of the most popular religions today you really can’t fault the early catholics drive and commitment to the lie after such an overwhelming success. One wonders what they would think today seeing millions follow their false religion and the rape of thousands, possibly millions of young boys at the hands of catholic priests, I wonder if they themselves would condone this actively or did they solely seek to be accepted into society regardless if it was build on any mistruths only for it to get out of hand? Only one man will know for sure but he died nearly two thousand years ago, god did allow the reincarnation of my love jesus christ once, I wonder if she’ll allow it again and let the truth be known and uncover the dark lies that lay within Catholicism.


26 Aug 07
15 Oct 09
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why must you people reduce everything to sexuality, take it to the Gaydo and Lesbo forum, this is the spirituality forum.

10 Jan 08
15 Oct 09

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
why must you people reduce everything to sexuality, take it to the Gaydo and Lesbo forum, this is the spirituality forum.


26 Aug 07
15 Oct 09

Originally posted by trev33
nope, most of the Gaydos and Lesbos i know are defined by their sexuality, why would i be jealous of that?

Caninus Interruptus


11 Apr 07
15 Oct 09

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
why must you people reduce everything to sexuality, take it to the Gaydo and Lesbo forum, this is the spirituality forum.
Will you sign the petition?

Thread 120409

"If you build it, they will come [out]."


26 Aug 07
15 Oct 09

Originally posted by SwissGambit
Will you sign the petition?

Thread 120409

"If you build it, they will come [out]."
Lol, if it keeps them from posting their sexual fantasies on the spirituality forum, by all means!


24 Apr 05
16 Oct 09

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
nope, most of the Gaydos and Lesbos i know are defined by their sexuality, why would i be jealous of that?
No, gay persons are no more "defined by their sexuality" than you are. It's more like, you look at them and all you see is their sexual identity. That's really your problem and failing, not theirs. Right?


26 Aug 07
16 Oct 09

Originally posted by LemonJello
No, gay persons are no more "defined by their sexuality" than you are. It's more like, you look at them and all you see is their sexual identity. That's really your problem and failing, not theirs. Right?
nope, its not correct and has not been my experience, when one sees a gay bar, why is it designated a gay bar, because it has nothing to do with the sexual orientation of the people who frequent it, please spare me your apologetics, why are the people who frequent it there, because it has nothing to do with their sexuality, oh deluded fool, please wake up and smell da cofee! please try to refrain for doing my thinking for me, it may have escaped your notice , but i have a mind of my own.


15 Oct 06
16 Oct 09

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
nope, its not correct and has not been my experience, when one sees a gay bar, why is it designated a gay bar, because it has nothing to do with the sexual orientation of the people who frequent it, please spare me your apologetics, why are the people who frequent it there, because it has nothing to do with their sexuality, oh deluded fool, please w ...[text shortened]... ain for doing my thinking for me, it may have escaped your notice , but i have a mind of my own.
Is your bigotry a result of your Jehovah's Witness training or did you pick it up on your own?


26 Aug 07
16 Oct 09

Originally posted by ThinkOfOne
Is your bigotry a result of your Jehovah's Witness training or did you pick it up on your own?
please refrain from unsubstantiated and slanderous statements and banding about your opinion as if it contained an element of truth, its not a good reflection on your reasoning ability, nor your credibility, considering your last performance with knightmeister.


24 Apr 05
16 Oct 09
1 edit

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
nope, its not correct and has not been my experience, when one sees a gay bar, why is it designated a gay bar, because it has nothing to do with the sexual orientation of the people who frequent it, please spare me your apologetics, why are the people who frequent it there, because it has nothing to do with their sexuality, oh deluded fool, please w ...[text shortened]... ain for doing my thinking for me, it may have escaped your notice , but i have a mind of my own.
I'm confused here: how are you not just making my exact point for me? Yes, I'm sure if you saw a bunch of gay persons together at a bar, you would designate it a "gay bar" and see nothing more than the fact that all these persons happen to be gay.

I really don't understand your point. Lots of people go to "straight bars" too; and such a designation would have something to do with their sexuality, too. But you don't claim that straight persons are defined by their sexuality.


15 Oct 06
16 Oct 09

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
please refrain from unsubstantiated and slanderous statements and banding about your opinion as if it contained an element of truth, its not a good reflection on your reasoning ability, nor your credibility, considering your last performance with knightmeister.
You really seem to like the "slander" defense regardless of its relevance.

Only a bigot would use the terms you used earlier as well as have such an obviously prejudiced position.

It's a valid question:
Is your bigotry a result of your Jehovah's Witness training or did you pick it up on your own?