Lets get this straight.

Lets get this straight.


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A fun title

Scoffer Mocker

27 Sep 06
07 Jul 08

At least you all made up your own minds.


03 Jun 08
07 Jul 08

It isnt in the atmosphere which holds 1,000th of a percent all known water and would cover the earth to a depth of about 1 inch. It isnt in the polar ice-caps, permanent snow and glaciers which hold 1.7% of all water.. therefore giving a depth of 1700 inches or 43 meter depth. Where did the water go!?


03 Jun 08
07 Jul 08

Where is the evidence. Where are the millions of bodies of animals and people in their mass graves?

A fun title

Scoffer Mocker

27 Sep 06
07 Jul 08

Originally posted by FabianFnas
So I take you're apologizing of your earlier outburst? Well, your apologized. I have a short memory of intermittent behaviours. Enough of this, let's go further...

But those who doesn't believe that all bible is true, can they really be true cristians? Or is it possible to interprete the letters, the words, the verses, the chapters, the books the testa ...[text shortened]... d, because of his closeness to god, his divine insights, or just his high beliefs of himself?
You want an apology? For what? Don't lecture me about outbursts! This forum is full of outbursts. I've been personally insulted in the vilest ways here, and so have alot of other Christians posting in here, by the majority of participants in this debate.

But those who doesn't believe that all bible is true, can they really be true christians? "Yes." Or is it possible to interpret the letters, the words, the verses, the chapters, the books the testaments, or the bible in whole differently, and still be good Christians? "That depends on what you mean by differently. How differently?"

A fun title

Scoffer Mocker

27 Sep 06
07 Jul 08

Originally posted by Rajk999
Some interesting questions here.
Im curious to see what his answers will be.
Are you curious? I'm curious to know your reply.


11 Nov 05
07 Jul 08

Originally posted by josephw
Or is it possible to interpret the letters, the words, the verses, the chapters, the books the testaments, or the bible in whole differently, and still be good Christians? "That depends on what you mean by differently. How differently?"
How differently?

I see the difference as a scale with two opposite extrems.
Like one end has polygami (and supports this by some passage in the bible) and the other end does not (and supports this by some passage in the bible).
Like Universe is created in 6 days (and supports this by some passage in the bible) and the other end thinks it took million of years (and supports this by some passage in the bible).
Like one end says you should not have sex unless a new child is intended (and supports this by some passage in the bible) and the other end is totally open, even sex with och between children (and supports this by some passage in the bible).
Like one end think that eating pigs is sinful (and supports this by some passage in the bible) and the other think that it is alright (and supports this by some passage in the bible).

All read the same bible. All think that they are interpreting the bible correctly, but yet they are interpreting the bible totally different. There seems to be christians of all kinds, and beween the christian extreems, the difference is wider than between christians and non-christians.

That's an paradox for me.

What is the definition of a christian? What is the least denominator?

A fun title

Scoffer Mocker

27 Sep 06
07 Jul 08

Originally posted by WWindmill
Where is the evidence. Where are the millions of bodies of animals and people in their mass graves?
That would be like finding a needle in a hay stack. Good luck finding all those bodies spread out all over the globe. You need to think these things through bud! With all that water, washing everything away, it would all be ground to mush, and then buried in silt, and smashed under all that weight for centuries.

It's easy to imagine the possibilities. A meteor would do it. If the earth shifted suddenly, the oceans would spill across all the land to over the mountain tops.

An earthquake can produce a tidal wave the moves at over 500 miles an hour. And that's just an earthquake.


11 Nov 05
07 Jul 08

Originally posted by josephw
That would be like finding a needle in a hay stack. Good luck finding all those bodies spread out all over the globe. You need to think these things through bud! With all that water, washing everything away, it would all be ground to mush, and then buried in silt, and smashed under all that weight for centuries.

It's easy to imagine the possibilities. A ...[text shortened]... e can produce a tidal wave the moves at over 500 miles an hour. And that's just an earthquake.
And I have to add to my last posting:

Like one end think that the flooding actually occurred (and supports this by some passage in the bible) and the other believe in scientific evidences (and supports this by observations).

A fun title

Scoffer Mocker

27 Sep 06
07 Jul 08

Originally posted by FabianFnas
How differently?

I see the difference as a scale with two opposite extrems.
Like one end has polygami (and supports this by some passage in the bible) and the other end does not (and supports this by some passage in the bible).
Like Universe is created in 6 days (and supports this by some passage in the bible) and the other end thinks it took milli ...[text shortened]... t's an paradox for me.

What is the definition of a christian? What is the least denominator?
"That's an paradox for me."

But not for me. There's no paradox to it. Things are just the way they are. The confusion is not from knowing the truth.

Why don't you think of an example of a truth, and ask me what the Bible says about it, and then we'll see what all the confusion is about.

A fun title

Scoffer Mocker

27 Sep 06
07 Jul 08
2 edits

Very funny.


03 Jun 08
07 Jul 08

Originally posted by josephw
That would be like finding a needle in a hay stack. Good luck finding all those bodies spread out all over the globe. You need to think these things through bud! With all that water, washing everything away, it would all be ground to mush, and then buried in silt, and smashed under all that weight for centuries.

It's easy to imagine the possibilities. A ...[text shortened]... e can produce a tidal wave the moves at over 500 miles an hour. And that's just an earthquake.
The entire human race and all the animals is hardly a needle in a haystack and your explainations are drifting away from what is actually written in the Bible which says, if you read it, it rained for 40 days and 40 nights..

Cape Town

14 Apr 05
07 Jul 08

Originally posted by josephw
It's easy to imagine the possibilities. A meteor would do it. If the earth shifted suddenly, the oceans would spill across all the land to over the mountain tops.

An earthquake can produce a tidal wave the moves at over 500 miles an hour. And that's just an earthquake.
Why do creationists like to invent stuff to try to explain away their beliefs. What is so wrong with simply accepting it was a miracle and that it could not possibly have happened 'naturally'. Next you will be telling us that the polar bears on Noahs ark just happened to be on a seasonal migration when the accidentally wondered into the ark.

An earthquake can cause a tidal wave (not high enough to cover all land masses though). A meteor could theoretically cause a wave that would sweep across the whole world, though I suspect that the shapes of mountain ranges etc would cause it to divide and miss some mountains.
However, no known phenomena would cause all land masses to remain flooded for 40 days. Also, Noahs boat would not have survived a tidal wave - even a moderately small one. Even if it was made of titanium and structurally indestructible, a 500 mile an hour tsunami would have tumbled it about a bit and killed any animals or people inside the ark.

Why dont you simply stick with the usual 'creative interpretation' that is used on so many other Bible passages and say that 'the World' really only meant a small area near the red sea?


11 Nov 05
07 Jul 08

Originally posted by josephw
Very funny.
No fun intended.

My question remains: What is the definition of a christian? What is the least denominator?


04 Feb 05
07 Jul 08

Originally posted by WWindmill
So you live in a fantasy world of love. That is all good and well but what happens when people like you are placed in a position of power and over 2000 people died while you failed to stop it. i.e. Bush. What are you and your fantasy world of love then going to do?
if you think religion is to blame in the case of bush invading irak then you really are missing a lot of your marbles.

is it the law to blame when a psycho rapes and murders 10 women? is it religion? are the parents to blame because they didn't love the psycho enough? are the mudered women to blame?

or is it the psycho?

so you claim by your wacko logic that people who believe in jesus when placed in a position of power will murder left and right in his name? that when they steal, lie and murder, jesus is to blame. what happens when an atheist does the above? who is to blame then?


04 Feb 05
07 Jul 08

Originally posted by josephw
That would be like finding a needle in a hay stack. Good luck finding all those bodies spread out all over the globe. You need to think these things through bud! With all that water, washing everything away, it would all be ground to mush, and then buried in silt, and smashed under all that weight for centuries.

It's easy to imagine the possibilities. A ...[text shortened]... e can produce a tidal wave the moves at over 500 miles an hour. And that's just an earthquake.