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San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
10 Mar 14
3 edits

Originally posted by divegeester
Do you feel a bit embarrassed at using a family members ill health as an excuse for not replying to posts in your worship thread? Even though you continued to play chess and post in other threads?
Wow dude!!!! What I post and when I do it, whether or not my parents are sick and how that affects me and the rest of my family is none of your business is it?
How rude and low can you actually go with your insults and reasoning is beyond me.
I see now your PM's to me about my parent health was only to decieve me into thinking you actually care when all it seems to be was setting me up to make me look bad. How callous and evil you are....
I now see your true colors.


26 Aug 07
10 Mar 14

Originally posted by galveston75
Wow dude!!!! What I post and when I do it, whether or not my parents are sick and how that affects me and the rest of my family is none of your business is it?
How rude and low can you actually go with your insults and reasoning is beyond me.
I see now your PM's to me about my parent health was only to decieve me into thinking you actually care when ...[text shortened]... etting me up to make me look bad. How callous and evil you are....
I now see your true colors.
wow real low down

16 Feb 08
10 Mar 14
1 edit

Originally posted by galveston75
Wow dude!!!! What I post and when I do it, whether or not my parents are sick and how that affects me and the rest of my family is none of your business is it?
How rude and low can you actually go with your insults and reasoning is beyond me.
I see now your PM's to me about my parent health was only to decieve me into thinking you actually care when ...[text shortened]... etting me up to make me look bad. How callous and evil you are....
I now see your true colors.
I'm only going by what you posted in this forum Galveston. As usual your over the top protestations in these situations are more revealling than you intend.


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
10 Mar 14

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
wow real low down
For a minute I thought he was actually being honest and concerned. I guess he showed what his real motives are.

16 Feb 08
10 Mar 14
1 edit

Originally posted by galveston75
For a minute I thought he was actually being honest and concerned. I guess he showed what his real motives are.
My PM to you was genuine as your situation is genuine, I have no doubt. However my claim is that you used it as an excuse to avoid posting on a topic you were being questioned on. You've done it before when you claimed that you were I'll and couldn't post, but were playing chess at the same time. I'm not going to apologise for calling you on it Galveston and if you choose to interpret that as me being disingenuous about the actual situation you have, then that is up to you. The two things are completely separate.


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
10 Mar 14
2 edits

Originally posted by divegeester
My PM to you was genuine as your situation is genuine, I have no doubt. However my claim is that you used it as an excuse to avoid posting on a topic you were being questioned on. You've done it before when you claimed that you were I'll and couldn't post, but were playing chess at the same time. I'm not going to apologise for calling you on it Galveston ...[text shortened]... t the actual situation you have, then that is up to you. The two things are completely separate.
Well your assumptions are wrong, dead wrong. I asked you last week to repost your question that from what I saw was not even addressed to me to begin with. I never saw the repost. Period.

Have you ever considered that when one is having their parents, especially my mother having health issues that are progressing quickly, that answering your post may not be on the top of my list of concerns????????????????

And my making chess moves is frankly none of your busines and answering your postings will happen when and if I want too. Get over yourself and maybe get a life....... Good day sir!


08 Jun 07
10 Mar 14
3 edits

16 Feb 08
10 Mar 14
1 edit

The post that was quoted here has been removed
Based our recent exchanges on another forum I could conclude that you are a pretentious prick. But I won't, because I don't know you and wouldn't presume the worst of you based on three of four posts.


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
11 Mar 14
1 edit

The post that was quoted here has been removed
I thought he was being honest and maybe in his mind he was. But there always seems to be a sly motive to it. Oh well....back to the forum at hand.


08 Jun 07
11 Mar 14
3 edits


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
11 Mar 14

The post that was quoted here has been removed
I would not post it if it were not true and would not post it on the public forum if he had only PM'd me with his concerns. He didn't but decided to go public with it so I had to answer him publicly..


08 Jun 07
11 Mar 14

16 Feb 08
11 Mar 14
3 edits

Originally posted by galveston75
I thought he was being honest and maybe in his mind he was. But there always seems to be a sly motive to it. Oh well....back to the forum at hand.
No actually Galveston you are being completely dishonest. You accuse me of making it public (your domestic situation) but it was you who brought it into the public forum a few days ago as an excuse as to why you couldn't respond to my posts, but in fact you were playing chess and responding in other forums. If you don't want to reply to my posts then just don't. But to use your sick relative as an excuse not to respond when you were posting at the time and have done since and continuing your games is not only dishonest it is quite dishonorable too. I'm just calling you on it and you don't like it.

You have done this before claiming you yourself were I'll and couldn't respond but continued playing chess and then posting in other threads. You're intent on playing the victim as usual Galveston and I'm afraid I'm not going to let you get away with it.

16 Feb 08
11 Mar 14

The post that was quoted here has been removed
Galveston will not do this princess, because if you bother to read around the subject and get your facts straight, you will see that it was he who first posted about his sick relative as an excuse for not responding to my posts. I sent him a PM exclaiming my sympathy that's all. I then noticed he was still playing chess and posting in other threads. Galveston has a history of this behaviour and I'm calling him on it.

On another note; sling your hook.


26 Aug 07
11 Mar 14

Originally posted by divegeester
No actually Galveston you are being completely dishonest. You accuse me of making it public (your domestic situation) but it was you who brought it into the public forum a few days ago as an excuse as to why you couldn't respond to my posts, but in fact you were playing chess and responding in other forums. If you don't want to reply to my posts then jus ...[text shortened]... playing the victim as usual Galveston and I'm afraid I'm not going to let you get away with it.
Can you tell us your organizations procedure for applying Paul's admonition to remove unrepentant sinners from the congregation and how many persons you have removed.