Isaiah 9:6, For the JW

Isaiah 9:6, For the JW


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San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
15 Jun 13

When you read these two scriptures, how do you connect them in with the trinity?

Matthew 4:10

10 Then Jesus said to him: “Go away, Satan! For it is written, ‘It is Jehovah* your God you must worship, and it is to him alone you must render sacred service.’

Luke 4:8

8 In reply Jesus said to him: “It is written, ‘It is Jehovah* your God you must worship, and it is to him alone you must render sacred service.’

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
15 Jun 13
1 edit

Originally posted by galveston75
Deuteronomy 10:20

20 “Jehovah your God you should fear. Him you should serve, and to him you should cling, and by his name you should make sworn statements.

Joshua 24:14

14 “And now fear Jehovah and serve him in faultlessness and in truth, and remove the gods that YOUR forefathers served on the other side of the River and in Egypt, and se who? It says "God" not two Gods but only one and it never says that Jesus was worshipped.
You know it is dishonest to put Jehovah in the New Testament that you know is in Greek. Anyway, I have already pointed out to you that the One that spoke to Moses from the burning bush was the Son, not the Father. Jesus refers back to this incident when He says. "Before Abraham was I AM." (John 8:58). He was identifying Himself with the God of Abraham in telling Moses to tell the children of Israel that I AM has sent you.

And God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM.” And He said, “Thus you shall say to the children of Israel, ‘I AM has sent me to you.’” Moreover God said to Moses, “Thus you shall say to the children of Israel: ‘The Lord God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has sent me to you. This is My name forever, and this is My memorial to all generations.’

(Exodus 3:14-15 NKJV)

HalleluYah !!! Praise the Lord! Glory be to God! Holy! Holy! Holy!

The Instructyor

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
15 Jun 13

Originally posted by galveston75
When you read these two scriptures, how do you connect them in with the trinity?

Matthew 4:10

10 Then Jesus said to him: “Go away, Satan! For it is written, ‘It is Jehovah* your God you must worship, and it is to him alone you must render sacred service.’

Luke 4:8

8 In reply Jesus said to him: “It is written, ‘It is Jehovah* your God you must worship, and it is to him alone you must render sacred service.’
It actually says, "It is the Lord your God." Jesus is the Lord and maker of Satan and therefore Satan's God as well as our God.

The Instructor


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
15 Jun 13

Originally posted by RJHinds
You know it is dishonest to put Jehovah in the New Testament that you know is in Greek. Anyway, I have already pointed out to you that the One that spoke to Moses from the burning bush was the Son, not the Father. Jesus refers back to this incident when He says. "Before Abraham was I AM." (John 8:58). He was identifying Himself with the God of Abraham in ...[text shortened]... NKJV)

HalleluYah !!! Praise the Lord! Glory be to God! Holy! Holy! Holy!

The Instructyor
Not being dishonest and stop with the insults and you are not even close to having those scriptures right. Nothing at all talks about Jesus here and he's not even mentioned.


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
15 Jun 13

Originally posted by RJHinds
It actually says, "It is the Lord your God." Jesus is the Lord and maker of Satan and therefore Satan's God as well as our God.

The Instructor
Ok now your going off on some weird stuff. He made satan? Ok this is a waiste of time...

Can't win a game of

38N Lat X 121W Lon

03 Apr 03
15 Jun 13

Originally posted by galveston75
"The Lamb that was slaughtered is worthy to receive the power and riches and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and blessing.”

It doesn't say here that he was worshipped but yes worthy of the things it mentions.

And by Jesus's own words in the Bible it is "only his father that is to be worshipped". You do see that when you read those script ...[text shortened]... spirit in all of this? Is he or it to be worshipped? If so where does the Bible say this?
In Revelation 5 it is no longer Jesus speaking and once again read it carefully there is No division The Elders fall down and worship in front of the throne and the Lamb. There is no differentiation in who they are worshiping. It does not say the Elders were only worshipping the one on the throne. The One on the throne and the Lamb are both given the same praise Honor and glory and power and wisdom



San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
15 Jun 13

Originally posted by menace71
In Revelation 5 it is no longer Jesus speaking and once again read it carefully there is No division The Elders fall down and worship in front of the throne and the Lamb. There is no differentiation in who they are worshiping. It does not say the Elders were only worshipping the one on the throne. The One on the throne and the Lamb are both given the same praise Honor and glory and power and wisdom

Of course it doesn't mention some division as there is no need too. The whole Bible says Jesus is inferior to his Father in all things. The bible says "Jesus never gave it a thought to be equal to him" so how can you not see those scriptures Manny?
You only want to make things seem like when in fact they are not. Why do you ignor Jesus's own words?

Can't win a game of

38N Lat X 121W Lon

03 Apr 03
15 Jun 13

Originally posted by galveston75
Ok now your going off on some weird stuff. He made satan? Ok this is a waiste of time...
It sounds weird in the way RJ worded that but I get what He is trying to say.

Colossians 1:15

15 He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. 16 For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things have been created through Him and for Him.

John 1

1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God. 3 All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being.

Now this Word is Christ and all things came into being by Him including Satan as He was created by God


The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
15 Jun 13
1 edit

Originally posted by galveston75
"The Lamb that was slaughtered is worthy to receive the power and riches and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and blessing.”

It doesn't say here that he was worshipped but yes worthy of the things it mentions.

And by Jesus's own words in the Bible it is "only his father that is to be worshipped". You do see that when you read those script spirit in all of this? Is he or it to be worshipped? If so where does the Bible say this?
Here is the Holy Spirit

And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything in My name, I will do it.

“If you love Me, keep My commandments. And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever— the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you.

(John 14:13-17 NKJV)

The Holy Spirit is to be dwelling within the believers - the saints.

The Instructor


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
15 Jun 13

Originally posted by menace71
It sounds weird in the way RJ worded that but I get what He is trying to say.

Colossians 1:15

15 He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. 16 For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things have been created throug ...[text shortened]... Christ and all things came into being by Him including Satan as He was created by God

Jehovah created the angel that made himself satan so he needs to clearify his statement.


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
15 Jun 13
1 edit

Originally posted by RJHinds
Here is the Holy Spirit

[b]And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything in My name, I will do it.

“If you love Me, keep My commandments. And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever— the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot r ...[text shortened]... w Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you.

(John 14:13-17 NKJV)

The Instructor[/b]
I asked about the holy spirit being worshipped. Where is that said in the Bible?

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
15 Jun 13

Originally posted by galveston75
Jehovah created the angel that made himself satan so he needs to clearify his statement.
I already told you that the one you call Jehovah is not the Father, but the Son.

The Instructor


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
15 Jun 13

Originally posted by RJHinds
I already told you that the one you call Jehovah is not the Father, but the Son.

The Instructor
You can wish and think that all you want and keep announcing it to the world but that still does not make it so. So you might as well stop waisting your time telling me your opinions.

Can't win a game of

38N Lat X 121W Lon

03 Apr 03
15 Jun 13

Originally posted by galveston75
Of course it doesn't mention some division as there is no need too. The whole Bible says Jesus is inferior to his Father in all things. The bible says "Jesus never gave it a thought to be equal to him" so how can you not see those scriptures Manny?
You only want to make things seem like when in fact they are not. Why do you ignor Jesus's own words?
Jesus while on the earth emptied Himself and humbled Himself and was obedient to the father (But He was never inferior to the father) He did this in order to pay for sin. He temporally gave up His glory. In John 17:5

5 Now, Father, glorify Me together with Yourself, with the glory which I had with You before the world was.

What is this ?


The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
15 Jun 13
1 edit

Originally posted by menace71
Jesus while on the earth emptied Himself and humbled Himself and was obedient to the father (But He was never inferior to the father) He did this in order to pay for sin. He temporally gave up His glory. In John 17:5

5 Now, Father, glorify Me together with Yourself, with the glory which I had with You before the world was.

What is this ?

And this:

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made.

(John 1:3)

The Instructor