Is evolution a religion?

Is evolution a religion?


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A fun title

Scoffer Mocker

27 Sep 06
31 Jul 14

Originally posted by twhitehead
But given that, surely it is therefore unwarranted for you to call other people ignorant for making statements about evolution, and trying to tell them what evolution is and is not?
You can't even be bothered to read the first sentence of the Wikipedia page, yet you feel you can preach to people with a scientific education about what evolution is or is not. Of course you are going to get flack. And well deserved flack it is too.
Quote me where I called anyone ignorant.

As I recall, without looking back, I said "it's ignorant to say that evolution doesn't have anything to do with where and when and how the universe came into existence."

If you want to say that that means I called someone ignorant, then it's ignorant for you to say that.

Besides, it's no sin to be ignorant unless one is willingly so.

Still, no one seems to have the balls to reply to the main point of my original post. Whatever that was. So much obfuscating going on I can't keep track.

31 Aug 06
31 Jul 14

Originally posted by josephw
...I would like to see if one of you [...] can reply to my original post...
Would that be this post?

A religion is; any system of rites, rituals, ceremonies and dogma designed by man for the purpose of establishing a relationship with God based on man's own efforts.

It began with Cain who trod a path that is now broadened by usage, as apposed to the narrow way that few find.

Faith is the mechanism by which man has access to a relationship with God, which faith is given by God to the one that believes in the way that God has established for the purpose of reconciling man to Himself.

Christ. All of Him, nothing of us.

I already said I agree that evolution is not a religion.

A fun title

Scoffer Mocker

27 Sep 06
31 Jul 14

Originally posted by C Hess
Would that be this post?

A religion is; any system of rites, rituals, ceremonies and dogma designed by man for the purpose of establishing a relationship with God based on man's own efforts.

It began with Cain who trod a path that is now broadened by usage, as apposed to the narrow way that few find.

Faith is the mechanism by which man has a ...[text shortened]... . All of Him, nothing of us.

I already said I agree that evolution is not a religion.
That's not a reply to what I said, and neither does it have anything to do with the question in your OP.

I can only assume that you are obfuscating again.

31 Aug 06
31 Jul 14

Originally posted by josephw
That's not a reply to what I said, and neither does it have anything to do with the question in your OP.
This thread actually morphed into its subject line. I had forgotten what I really wanted to
discuss, originally. Well, in that case, I think you're excluding some beliefs that are
generally considered religious, such as buddhism. Would you say that buddhism is not a
religion? And when you say faith, does any faith count, or are we talking specifically faith in
the word of the bible?

That last line I don't even understand, so no comment there.

A fun title

Scoffer Mocker

27 Sep 06
31 Jul 14

Originally posted by C Hess
And when you say faith, does any faith count, or are we talking specifically faith in the word of the bible?
What is faith? Faith has an object. Is it the law? Or is it a person.

Thing is, all other faiths, outside the Biblical definition of faith, require one to adhere to a set of religious rules to achieve what that faith has to offer.

See my definition.

All of them, religions, require a level of service in order to be accepted by God, if they have one, but all of them require a work of performance.

That includes the Jewish faith.

The difference between true faith and a performance demanding religion is this; you can do nothing to earn eternal life. It is a free gift of God's grace.

Cipher it out.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
31 Jul 14

Originally posted by RJHinds
You don't know how life got here either, but I do.
Please, please. Leave us in the dark, let the big guys figure it out all by themselves. They will, you can take that to the bank, it might take a few decades but it will be figured out and no god need apply.

Losing the Thread

Quarantined World

27 Oct 04
31 Jul 14

Originally posted by josephw
Quote me where I called anyone ignorant.

As I recall, without looking back, I said [b]"it's ignorant to say that evolution doesn't have anything to do with where and when and how the universe came into existence."

If you want to say that that means I called someone ignorant, then it's ignorant for you to say that.

Besides, it's no sin to be ign ...[text shortened]... n point of my original post. Whatever that was. So much obfuscating going on I can't keep track.[/b]
If you can't remember what your original post was how do you know whether anyone has answered it or not?

Incidentally creation and evolution are different things. In the big bang theory the universe evolves only after the moment of creation. Darwin's theory for the Origin of Species only applies after the first life, or at least proto-life, came about.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
01 Aug 14

Originally posted by sonhouse
The problem with you eye before light sensor idea is there is clear fossil evidence for sensors like light sensors and electric field sensors way before any vertebrate came about. The sensors came first, there is no doubt about that. Eyes showed up hundreds of millions of years later.

Here is a piece by Scientific American on the subject:

http://www.s ...[text shortened]... ter much trial and error would those cilia be clumped together to allow hearing. Same with eyes.
I read what was there, it seems to me all that was done in the part of
the artical I read, that was free was restate what evolutionist believe,
which doesn't move the chains as far as I'm concern. Your explaination
leaves a lot to be desired too, having pieces show up piece meal then
later find a way to contect just seems a bit much for me.

It is as if the body knew these things needed to form, needed to contect,
and needed to know what needed to come next, none of which you are
going to get if random mutations are feeding all the changes within DNA.

Natural Selection acts as a fitler if I understand it properly, it keeps what
is good and removes the rest at a very basic level, that does not at all
direct changes that are required, direct the proper stop starts, or the next
thing needed to be built into a system within a life form such as what it
takes to see. As a matter of fact random changes can take away good
things more than likely easier than give you more good ones.

Cape Town

14 Apr 05
01 Aug 14

Originally posted by josephw
Quote me where I called anyone ignorant.

As I recall, without looking back, I said "it's ignorant to say that evolution doesn't have anything to do with where and when and how the universe came into existence."

If you want to say that that means I called someone ignorant, then it's ignorant for you to say that.
That piece you quote calls 'ignorant' anyone who says 'that evolution doesn't have anything to do with where and when and how the universe came into existence'.
And now you have just called me ignorant for saying so.

Besides, it's no sin to be ignorant unless one is willingly so.
I never said it was a sin. I do however think it is unwarranted for you to call people ignorant on subjects that they are clearly not ignorant on and you clearly (and self admittedly) are ignorant on. And you are willingly ignorant about what the word 'evolution' means in the context of this thread. So have you sinned?

Still, no one seems to have the balls to reply to the main point of my original post.
I for one have no particular interest in replying to it - nothing to do with whether or not I have balls.

So much obfuscating going on I can't keep track.
Well given that you appear to be deliberately trolling, I would say the obfuscation is mostly created by yourself.

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
01 Aug 14

Originally posted by sonhouse
Please, please. Leave us in the dark, let the big guys figure it out all by themselves. They will, you can take that to the bank, it might take a few decades but it will be figured out and no god need apply.
I predict God will laugh at those fools.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
01 Aug 14

Originally posted by RJHinds
I predict God will laugh at those fools.
I predict your god is laughing at YOU for thinking it will actually help humans. All you have to do is look at the atrocities of the last century to see no god is coming down to stop all that killing. Instead, it has it all on video, laughing its metaphorical ass off.

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
02 Aug 14
1 edit

Originally posted by sonhouse
I predict your god is laughing at YOU for thinking it will actually help humans. All you have to do is look at the atrocities of the last century to see no god is coming down to stop all that killing. Instead, it has it all on video, laughing its metaphorical ass off.
My God is certainly not coming down to help humans like you that do not believe in Him and deny His creation in favor of a random chance happening 14.6 billion years ago, as if you even have such a watch. How silly and foolish and laughable is that nonsense? Hysterically laughable, I would say.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
02 Aug 14

Originally posted by RJHinds
My God is certainly not coming down to help humans like you that do not believe in Him and deny His creation in favor of a random chance happening 14.6 billion years ago, as if you even have such a watch. How silly and foolish and laughable is that nonsense? Hysterically laughable, I would say.
So NONE of those 100 million people slaughtered in the 20th century believed in Christ?

Your god said, those 100 million people were just filthy atheists, let them burn. I don't give a crap about atheists, they disgust me.

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
03 Aug 14

Originally posted by sonhouse
So NONE of those 100 million people slaughtered in the 20th century believed in Christ?

Your god said, those 100 million people were just filthy atheists, let them burn. I don't give a crap about atheists, they disgust me.
A worthless person, a wicked man,
Is the one who walks with a perverse mouth,
Who winks with his eyes, who signals with his feet,
Who points with his fingers;
Who with perversity in his heart continually devises evil,
Who spreads strife.
Therefore his calamity will come suddenly;
Instantly he will be broken and there will be no healing.

There are six things which the Lord hates,
Yes, seven which are an abomination to Him:
Haughty eyes, a lying tongue,
And hands that shed innocent blood,
A heart that devises wicked plans,
Feet that run rapidly to evil,
A false witness who utters lies,
And one who spreads strife among brothers.

Proverbs 6:12-19 New American Standard Bible (NASB)


28 Oct 05
03 Aug 14

Originally posted by josephw
Quote me where I called anyone ignorant.
josephw to C Hess on Friday on this thread: "I try to explain what this or that may mean and you screw it all up with your own brand of ignorance."