Invitation to prove evolution...

Invitation to prove evolution...


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San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
31 Oct 13

Ok here is your chance. Since evolutionist say we "those bible people" don't understand evolution as we are too simple, uneducated or dumb or whatever the word of the day is to describe us Bible people, here ya go.
Make it simple and even use pictures if you want. But give us the simple and easily understandable proof that evolution is indeed a "true" fact.
Also no name calling or the same ole "it's just a waist of time" excuse or just dodging this chance all together. Take your time, think about your comments and show us the facts...

The floor is yours.........

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
31 Oct 13

Originally posted by galveston75
Ok here is your chance. Since evolutionist say we "those bible people" don't understand evolution as we are too simple, uneducated or dumb or whatever the word of the day is to describe us Bible people, here ya go.
Make it simple and even use pictures if you want. But give us the simple and easily understandable proof that evolution is indeed a "true" ...[text shortened]... ke your time, think about your comments and show us the facts...

The floor is yours.........
Here is a debate between philosopher of science, Young Earth creationist, & Intelligent Design theorist Paul A. Nelson and atheist biologist & evolutionist Jerry A. Coyne & Evangelical theologian, biologist, & evolutionist Denis O. Lamoureux.

Jerry A. Coyne is the author of the book "Why Evolution is True" which is supposed to prove evolution is a fact according to Proper Knob.

The Instructor

29 Dec 08
31 Oct 13
1 edit

Originally posted by galveston75
Ok here is your chance. Since evolutionist say we "those bible people" don't understand evolution as we are too simple, uneducated or dumb or whatever the word of the day is to describe us Bible people, here ya go.
Make it simple and even use pictures if you want. But give us the simple and easily understandable proof that evolution is indeed a "true" ...[text shortened]... ke your time, think about your comments and show us the facts...

The floor is yours.........
There really is no need for evolution to be proven true here. If it is true, it will continue to be a useful naturalistic explanatory model of our observations (which is what "true" means, in science). If it fails to do that, another naturalistic model will take its place. If a supernatural model like supernatural creationism takes its place, that will no longer be science.

This is intended to set the "evolutionists" as far back on their heels as the "creationists". Not simple enough, I am sure. Think more than you all usually do.

Cape Town

14 Apr 05
31 Oct 13

Originally posted by galveston75
The floor is yours.........
First of all, you need to understand what evolution is. Evolution refers to the fact that if you have a collection of self replicating entities that do not replicate perfectly, the population will change over time.

The Theory of Evolution is a wide range of ideas that help to explain:
1. What happens in general for an evolving population. These are abstract concepts that apply to any instance of evolving populations whether real or simulated and whether it involves life or not.
2. The history of life on earth, taking into account:
a) the concepts in 1.
b) the evidence such as fossils and genetics, structures of current living things etc.

One key finding in 2. is that all known life forms appear to share common ancestry.

It must be noted that people often refer to the Theory of Evolution as 'evolution' for short, which can lead to some confusion when the context is not clear which meaning is intended.
In addition, many people think of evolution as meaning 'improvement' which is not in fact a conclusion of the Theory of Evolution.

Any questions so far?


North of the Tamar

02 Feb 07
31 Oct 13
1 edit

Originally posted by galveston75
Ok here is your chance. Since evolutionist say we "those bible people" don't understand evolution as we are too simple, uneducated or dumb or whatever the word of the day is to describe us Bible people, here ya go.
Make it simple and even use pictures if you want. But give us the simple and easily understandable proof that evolution is indeed a "true" ...[text shortened]... ke your time, think about your comments and show us the facts...

The floor is yours.........
Prove evolution is true?! What are you smokin' Galveston??

Evolution has been accepted as a scientific theory (cue the 'it's only a theory argument' ) for over a hundred years. You can go to any University in the world and take a degree course in evolutionary biology. In fact, why don't you take yourself down to the Washington State University biology department, I'm sure they would love to see you. You can tell the faculty there how what they've been studying all their academic lives still needs to be 'proven'.

Nil desperandum

Seedy piano bar

09 May 08
31 Oct 13

Originally posted by Proper Knob
Prove evolution is true?! What are you smokin' Galveston??

Evolution has been accepted as a scientific theory (cue the 'it's only a theory argument'😉 for over a hundred years. You can go to any University in the world and take a degree course in evolutionary biology. In fact, why don't you take yourself down to the Washington State University biology ...[text shortened]... aculty there how what they've been studying all their academic lives still needs to be 'proven'.
So why are 45% of Americans creationists? A staggering statistic that beggars belief!


North of the Tamar

02 Feb 07
31 Oct 13

Originally posted by Pianoman1
So why are 45% of Americans creationists? A staggering statistic that beggars belief!
I'm not sure. The answer is no doubt runs along the lines of poor education and religious indoctrination. In all my years of debating creationists on this site, there is a common theme which runs among them. None of them have read a book written by an evolutionary biologist explaining how the process works. I once offered an exchange with robbie carrobie, I would send him a book on evolution and in exchange he could send me any book he liked. He point blank refused, eventually admitting he was 'closed minded' and 'ignorant' and then added he didn't want to risk reading a book which might 'diminish his faith'. The driving force behind it all is fear.


26 Aug 07
31 Oct 13
5 edits

Originally posted by Proper Knob
I'm not sure. The answer is no doubt runs along the lines of poor education and religious indoctrination. In all my years of debating creationists on this site, there is a common theme which runs among them. None of them have read a book written by an evolutionary biologist explaining how the process works. I once offered an exchange with robbie carrobie ...[text shortened]... o risk reading a book which might 'diminish his faith'. The driving force behind it all is fear.
Another EPIC fail and the usual bilge offered up by the materialist, why does it fail? Many creationists are highly educated, they simply do not buy the theory of evolution after examining its tenets. Whether they are guided by religious idealism remains a matter of conjecture. Scientific data is open to interpretation and the very same data may be used to establish differing theories. Despite the materialists delusions, they do not have a monopoly on the interpretation of scientific data.

Interesting is the fact that you have not read Darwin's book, the originator of the theory and I have yet to meet an evolutionist that has, yet here you are bitchin about what creationists apparently have not read, EPIC FAIL, in fact I have read more of Darwins books than you, 50 percent more to be accurate! making a mockery of your text.

Retrospective trolling on a comment that i made in jest does not nullify this fact! there is no fear of anything, simply let us know when you have read the book that originated the theory and then you may have recourse to talk about creationists and what they may have or may not have read, as for being closed minded, i remind you that you are the one that has limited your search for truth to unintelligent agencies, not the creationist, you know its true.


26 Aug 07
31 Oct 13

Originally posted by Pianoman1
So why are 45% of Americans creationists? A staggering statistic that beggars belief!
Its only staggering because of your very own preconceptions, ironic, all things considered.


North of the Tamar

02 Feb 07
31 Oct 13

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Another EPIC fail and the usual bilge offered up by the materialist, why does it fail? Many creationists are highly educated, they simply do not buy the theory of evolution after examining its tenets. Whether they are guided by religious idealism remains a matter of conjecture. Scientific data is open to interpretation and the very same data may b ...[text shortened]... limited your search for truth to unintelligent agencies, not the creationist, you know its true.


26 Aug 07
31 Oct 13

Originally posted by Proper Knob
whatever dude, I know its true, you know its true, the whole universe knows its true!


North of the Tamar

02 Feb 07
31 Oct 13

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
whatever dude, I know its true, you know its true, the whole universe knows its true!
Carrobie Junior - 'Daddy, what do you know about evolution? We're having classes on it at school'

Robbie - 'I don't read books on evolution son'

Carrobie Junior - 'Why's that daddy?'

Robbie - 'Well you see son, I'm closed-minded and ignorant and I don't like to read anything which contradicts my religious beliefs for fear that it might diminish my faith'

Robbie Junior - ' 😳 '

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
31 Oct 13
2 edits

Originally posted by Proper Knob
I'm not sure. The answer is no doubt runs along the lines of poor education and religious indoctrination. In all my years of debating creationists on this site, there is a common theme which runs among them. None of them have read a book written by an evolutionary biologist explaining how the process works. I once offered an exchange with robbie carrobie ...[text shortened]... o risk reading a book which might 'diminish his faith'. The driving force behind it all is fear.
The guy in this video presents his belief that Darwinian Evolution is an algorithmic process and also the reason why many people do not believe in Darwinian evilution. That is, that some view the complexity of life as top down and not bottom up. An example is that a potter makes a pot. Darwin turns this idea upside down so that a pot can make a potter.

Daniel Dennett - Is Evolution an Algorithmic Process? Part 2

The Instructor

Nil desperandum

Seedy piano bar

09 May 08
31 Oct 13

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
whatever dude, I know its true, you know its true, the whole universe knows its true!
Disappointing that even in the face of the most incontrovertible science you will not change your opinion of evolution because some wandering Jew 4,000 years ago said that it took six days to create all life about 10,000 years ago. The greatest modern scientific brains are all wrong because they contradict this nomadic tribesman who was not even a scientist! Sad that your mind should be so closed off to new discoveries. Oh, by the way, the earth is not flat, nor is it the centre of the Solar System.


11 Oct 04
31 Oct 13
1 edit

Originally posted by galveston75
Ok here is your chance. Since evolutionist say we "those bible people" don't understand evolution as we are too simple, uneducated or dumb or whatever the word of the day is to describe us Bible people, here ya go.
Make it simple and even use pictures if you want. But give us the simple and easily understandable proof that evolution is indeed a "true" ...[text shortened]... ke your time, think about your comments and show us the facts...

The floor is yours.........
Why are you posting this? I have pointed you in the direction of Coyne's book 'Why evolution is true'. It is an excellent summary of the main forms of evidence for evolution.

It is better written and more comprehensive than anything anyone could reasonably achieve here. So, if you are interested, why not just get a copy and read it? It is written in layman's terms and aimed at non-scientists. I can thoroughly recommend it as a first work on the topic.

I suspect that you are hoping that people will just lose interest over time in this thread, so you can claim some kind of 'Told ya so' victory.

I'll even pay for a copy and post it to you, if you want, as long as you promise to read it.
