insane christian lady!!

insane christian lady!!


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24 Apr 05
01 May 06

Originally posted by Halitose
Do you picket prisons for the grave injustices they do in punishing convicted felons?
Anybody who administers 'grave injustice' should be picketed -- including your God.


24 Apr 05
01 May 06

Originally posted by Halitose
You can twist virtually anything to suit your agenda; you're not too bad at it.

I'm being particularly 'snarky' here. But I really do have a problem with the OT, like most people. I'm sure you do, too. I don't think a pair of newfangled NT goggles makes everything fine and dandy.

I stink, ergo I am

On the rebound

14 Jul 05
01 May 06

Originally posted by LemonJello
Anybody who administers 'grave injustice' should be picketed -- including your God.
Define "grave injustice"; this seems like an arbitrary concept.

I stink, ergo I am

On the rebound

14 Jul 05
01 May 06

Originally posted by LemonJello

I'm being particularly 'snarky' here. But I really do have a problem with the OT, like most people. I'm sure you do, too. I don't think a pair of newfangled NT goggles makes everything fine and dandy.
I'm sure you do, too. I don't think a pair of newfangled NT goggles makes everything fine and dandy.

Affirmative. 😉


24 Apr 05
01 May 06
2 edits

Originally posted by Halitose
Define "grave injustice"; this seems like an arbitrary concept.
What's arbitrary about it? Do we have good reasons to think that punishing a gay person to death (merely because he is gay) is a 'grave injustice'?


02 Jan 06
01 May 06

Originally posted by LemonJello
[b]He did not negate...their right to stone her.

That's exactly the problem, whodey! Only in some warped mind would you think this story demonstrates exemplary behavior on the part of Jesus.

If we apply this thought to the line from Leviticus, it follows that gays really do deserve death for their actions; but this death should not be administe ...[text shortened]... : it's not your place to administer such 'justice' -- God will take care of it later.[/b]
I understand how you feel. This is because I had similair thoughts at one time. Like it or not, however, we are all dying because of sin. You sin, you die. That was the warning that was ignored. It seems that for God there were certain sins that called for a persons death sooner than later. Granted, adultry is not a big deal in modern times. However, I have expereinced the effects of adultry within my own family and I can tell you it can be devestating. It is almost like dealing with a death in the family, only, you have been rejected on top of it all. For God it seems it was a sin that was worthy of death to prevent the spread of that sin to others. Through Christ we are able to break the chains of sin, however. Christ said that whoever sins is a slave of that sin. Through him we can overcome that sin and be forgiven. As far as God hating I would say that yes he hates sin. He is holy and therefore hates all sin. Sin is a destructive force. Is it good to lie, cheat, commit adultry, ect..?



21 Jan 04
02 May 06

Originally posted by whodey
I understand how you feel. This is because I had similair thoughts at one time. Like it or not, however, we are all dying because of sin. You sin, you die. That was the warning that was ignored. It seems that for God there were certain sins that called for a persons death sooner than later. Granted, adultry is not a big deal in modern times. However, I ...[text shortened]... re hates all sin. Sin is a destructive force. Is it good to lie, cheat, commit adultry, ect..?
Whodey, you very own profile states that "To err is human and therefore to win at chess is miraculous".
Thus you seem to admit that making mistakes is just a part of being a human, and that we are fallible.
However, in this badly spelled rant within this post, you claim that: "we are all dying because of sin".
This is incongruous with the concept of a merciful God. After all if, as you claim in your profile, 'to err is human', then we cannot help making mistakes and sinning. Why therefore would God punish us with death for something we could not avoid?

Adultery (notice the 'e' and go away and spell it 20 times until you get it right, you sinner against the English language) is hardly one of the worst crimes in a world full of torture, rape, death and corruption.

So someone had an affair in your family. Big deal. Get over it. Grow up and read something other than the book of lies (aka bible).

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
02 May 06

Originally posted by Halitose
Define "grave injustice"; this seems like an arbitrary concept.
Grave injustice is defined as putting the wrong dude in the casket....

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
02 May 06

Originally posted by Halitose
I'd love to take part in the fun should someone take up their cause. I wonder... do they do Internet debates?
I don't think you could actually debate with those dudes and dudettes, they would just spout scripture and never get to any underlying themes, like, oh, REALITY.

Chief Justice

Center of Contention

14 Jun 02
02 May 06

Originally posted by sonhouse
I don't think you could actually debate with those dudes and dudettes, they would just spout scripture and never get to any underlying themes, like, oh, REALITY.
Indeed. What they and their ilk lack is truthiness.


02 Jan 06
02 May 06
3 edits

Originally posted by howardgee
Whodey, you very own profile states that "To err is human and therefore to win at chess is miraculous".
Thus you seem to admit that making mistakes is just a part of being a human, and that we are fallible.
However, in this badly spelled rant within this post, you claim that: "we are all dying because of sin".
This is incongruous with the concept of a m deal. Get over it. Grow up and read something other than the book of lies (aka bible).
Thancks soe mutch forr thhe speling corections. Anyhew, I would say that to err and to sin are not one in the same thing. Granted, to sin is to err, however, just because we err does not mean we sin. For example, if I accidentally hit someone in my car that darted out in front of me that would be an error that would not be my fault. This assuming I was going the speed limit and obeying the laws of the road. However, if I purposefully hit that person with intent to kill, or if I were intoxicated and not obeying the rules of the road in some way, I would be culpable and it could be considered a sin.

By the way, don't ever glilbly smile and say to someone that their loss or the pain they are suffering is not a big deal and to simply get over it. It was not so much my suffering that I am speaking of and you have no idea the cirumstances surrounding the event I am speaking of. My pain was watching someone I love slowly die inside. Then to top it off their financial situation and physical health deteriorate in the process until they do actually die!!!!! which do you prefer, a slow painful death or a short one? I am sure the perons that wronged my family member also thought of their sins as "no big deal".



21 Jan 04
02 May 06

Originally posted by whodey
Thancks soe mutch forr thhe speling corections. Anyhew, I would say that to err and to sin are not one in the same thing. Granted, to sin is to err, however, just because we err does not mean we sin. For example, if I accidentally hit someone in my car that darted out in front of me that would be an error that would not be my fault. This assuming I was go ...[text shortened]... am sure the perons that wronged my family member also thought of their sins as "no big deal".
Well it's nice for you to imagine that God will kill the adulterer in return.
Does this eye for an eye approach make you feel better?


02 Jan 06
02 May 06

Originally posted by howardgee
Well it's nice for you to imagine that God will kill the adulterer in return.
Does this eye for an eye approach make you feel better?
You would make a fine judge. Remind me never bother going to court if you find yourself in such a position.



21 Jan 04
02 May 06
1 edit

Originally posted by whodey
You would make a fine judge. Remind me never bother going to court if you find yourself in such a position.
I would make a fine judge.

I am objective in my judgement. Not tainted by religious ideology like you.


Unknown Territories

05 Dec 05
02 May 06
1 edit

Originally posted by howardgee
Whodey, you very own profile states that "To err is human and therefore to win at chess is miraculous".
Thus you seem to admit that making mistakes is just a part of being a human, and that we are fallible.
However, in this badly spelled rant within this post, you claim that: "we are all dying because of sin".
This is incongruous with the concept of a m deal. Get over it. Grow up and read something other than the book of lies (aka bible).
However, in this badly spelled rant within this post, you claim that: "we are all dying because of sin".
This is incongruous with the concept of a merciful God.

Actually, this just reveals how ignorant you are of both the character of God as well as biblical doctrine. It is because of God's grace that we are preserved (spiritually) dead while (physically) alive.

Being ignorant of the very foundation upon which laws rest hardly supports your claim of an objective reasoning ability, itself a pre-requisite of any decent judge.