I'm sick of people remembering ...

I'm sick of people remembering ...


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06 May 05
02 Apr 09
2 edits

Originally posted by scherzo
Elie Wiesel supporting Israel is a racist action.

Elie Wiesel is a racist.

Israel is a racist state.

Maybe you're missing something, maybe I'm missing something, but the pieces seem to fit together.
You are missing something: what I actually said.

I do understand your position.

What you did not do is address what I actually said and in the end you resorted to inserting your words into mine in what I guess was an attempt to clarify what I was saying, but was completely off the mark in reality.


At the Revolution

15 Sep 07
02 Apr 09

Originally posted by PsychoPawn
You are missing something: what I actually said.

I do understand your position.

What you did not do is address what I actually said and in the end you resorted to inserting your words into mine in what I guess was an attempt to clarify what I was saying, but was completely off the mark in reality.
Then what do you mean?


06 May 05
02 Apr 09

Originally posted by scherzo
Then what do you mean?
I meant what I said - that your statement that someone "supporting Israel" is so vague that it could mean anything you want it to. That is essentially it.

The simple notion of "supporting a country" can go from simply supporting its existence to blind nationalistic fervor. It says nothing inherently about the person's actual views since it is so vague a statement.

I support the United States, but I don't support it using torture on inmates or the death penalty that some states apply, for example. So the simple statement "I support the United States" doesn't say anything about whether I like torture or not. It's barely meaningful, if at all.

It says nothing about the state at all.


02 Jan 06
02 Apr 09

Originally posted by Scriabin
any more religion injected into the mix would only make things worse.

as it is, the hatred and violence that persists among the Arabs has now bred at least two generations of Israelis born there who absolutely hate and despise Arabs with equal vigor.

you cannot cure that with religion. You cure it by non violence. The Israelis won't be the first to st ...[text shortened]... Kadima got more votes.

Hold on to your seats, it is going to be a bumpy ride here on out.
I didn't say to stand down and let the extremists run all over them. What I said was to begin to invest in the Palastinian people who are caught in the middle for whom neither side gives a damn. You must be able to mantane law and order no matter what country you live in.


02 Jan 06
02 Apr 09
1 edit

Originally posted by FabianFnas
What do I care what religion they have? Is the phosphoric bombs painted 'Jewish bomb'? Are the bobms aimed at hospitals and ambulances having the text 'Jahve forever'? No, they are only bombs of terrorists, nothing more.

Are you telling me that the jewish people are terroristic in their nature? I don't. Certainly not.
My point is that perhaps there are zionists who wish for a homeland but do not agree with some of the tactics of their government.
When you lump a group of people, such as Jews, into one lump sum you are bound to misrepresent the entire group on an individual level. You then misdirect your hate towards those who may not be in the same camp as those you oppose.

16 Feb 08
02 Apr 09
1 edit

Originally posted by scherzo
Apparently taking a leaf out of psycho's book, then. Some forms of hatred are justified.
Look here you objectionable little man, if you are going to have an argument with more than one person, then please try be relevant with your replies to each person.

Stop putting words in my mouth, and making ridiculous claims like the one quoted here. Try bothering to take the 2 seconds to actually read my posts instead of blathering on like a demented dog chasing squirrels up trees!


11 Nov 05
02 Apr 09
1 edit

Originally posted by whodey
My point is that perhaps there are zionists who wish for a homeland but do not agree with some of the tactics of their government.
When you lump a group of people, such as Jews, into one lump sum you are bound to misrepresent the entire group on an individual level. You then misdirect your hate towards those who may not be in the same camp as those you oppose.
If you read what I've written, nowhere I accuse jews for the terrorism conducted presently directed towwards innocent palestinian people. I accuse the Israeli governement being terrorists. I accuse every one supporting the Israeli goevernement to be terrorist supporters.

Do you think the Israely governement are terrorists because they are jews? I don't.

I am very strict of *not* lumping people together in order to not getting the accusations you just delivered.

Now I ask you, whodey - Are you happy with the Israeli terrorists bombing schools, hospitals, ambulances, innocent people, women and children not having to do with the war going on, and UN officials, using illegal splinter and phosphorous bombs? The answer is only a yes or no, and the answer you give me is the answer if you are a terrorist supporter too.


At the Revolution

15 Sep 07
02 Apr 09

Originally posted by whodey
My point is that perhaps there are zionists who wish for a homeland but do not agree with some of the tactics of their government.
When you lump a group of people, such as Jews, into one lump sum you are bound to misrepresent the entire group on an individual level. You then misdirect your hate towards those who may not be in the same camp as those you oppose.
These people are living in a dreamworld. There is no hope for peace unless one side leaves. I have no intention of it being our side.

Cape Town

14 Apr 05
02 Apr 09

Originally posted by scherzo
These people are living in a dreamworld. There is no hope for peace unless one side leaves. I have no intention of it being our side.
As long as one side has that attitude there is very little chance for peace. The only real hope for peace is similar to what has happened in South Africa. It is hard and takes time and both sides must give a lot, but in the end it works.


At the Revolution

15 Sep 07
02 Apr 09

Originally posted by twhitehead
As long as one side has that attitude there is very little chance for peace. The only real hope for peace is similar to what has happened in South Africa. It is hard and takes time and both sides must give a lot, but in the end it works.
But not during a colonial occupation.



04 Apr 04
02 Apr 09

Originally posted by scherzo
These people are living in a dreamworld. There is no hope for peace unless one side leaves. I have no intention of it being our side.
YOU have no intention .. YOU ?
I love that line .. 😀


At the Revolution

15 Sep 07
02 Apr 09

Originally posted by Rajk999
YOU have no intention .. YOU ?
I love that line .. 😀
I try.

Done Asking

Washington, D.C.

11 Oct 06
02 Apr 09

Originally posted by scherzo
I try.
you already failed.

you have a US passport -- case closed.


At the Revolution

15 Sep 07
02 Apr 09

Originally posted by Scriabin
you already failed.

you have a US passport -- case closed.
But I identify as Palestinian-American, and I don't let US politicians get their pathetic little black-and-white worldviews in the way.


02 Jan 06
03 Apr 09
1 edit

Originally posted by FabianFnas
If you read what I've written, nowhere I accuse jews for the terrorism conducted presently directed towwards innocent palestinian people. I accuse the Israeli governement being terrorists. I accuse every one supporting the Israeli goevernement to be terrorist supporters.

Do you think the Israely governement are terrorists because they are jews? I don' ...[text shortened]... ly a yes or no, and the answer you give me is the answer if you are a terrorist supporter too.
I take no pleasure in people losing their lives and people suffering. In fact, who does? I suppose you think that the Israeli government enjoys torturing and killing Palastinians. Is that what you are suggesting? Perhaps they enjoy it as much as their Palastinian counterparts enjoy doing the same to Israelis?

Until both sides quite demonizing the other side discussions about this are fruitless. We might as well all dig into our bunkers, clinch our weapons, and wait to slay the evil dragon in whom is no good.