Evidence please

Evidence please


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16 Feb 08
12 Jan 18
1 edit

Originally posted by @nicksten
Seriously? A written will and a written testimony (for use in court) are two different documents 🙄
Is there someone that can give an honest answer? Would be interesting to know.
I just gave you a perfect example. A will is an example of a "last will and TESTIMONY"...

Jo'Burg South Africa

20 Mar 06
12 Jan 18

Originally posted by @nicksten
Seriously? A written will and a written testimony (for use in court) are two different documents 🙄
Is there someone that can give an honest answer? Would be interesting to know.
You must have just edited more when I hit the reply button.

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16 Feb 08
12 Jan 18

Originally posted by @nicksten
You must have just edited more when I hit the reply button.
Well my words are lifted and copied in your reply so you must have seen them

Jo'Burg South Africa

20 Mar 06
12 Jan 18

Originally posted by @divegeester
Yes it's call a will 😕

But its writing is witnessed by other living beings who sign it, one of whom is a legally recognised professional or professional body or similar.

The words in the Bible do not have this so would not be considered permissible evidence in a court of law.
I thought that irrespective it will still count as evidence.
But I don't know the law - thx

Jo'Burg South Africa

20 Mar 06
12 Jan 18

Originally posted by @divegeester
Well my words are lifted and copied in your reply so you must have seen them
I actually didn't 😞

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16 Feb 08
12 Jan 18

Originally posted by @nicksten
I thought that irrespective it will still count as evidence.
But I don't know the law - thx
You think that text from the Bible would count as evidence in a court of law...

Jo'Burg South Africa

20 Mar 06
12 Jan 18
1 edit

Originally posted by @divegeester
You think that text from the Bible would count as evidence in a court of law...
I wouldn't say text in the Bible or even the Bible itself can count as evidence.
But what could be seen as evidence is in my view is historical scrolls, or would you not agree with that.
And yes, the Bible is made up of those scrolls (if I can say so) but the Bible has been translated which would be considered evidence been tampered with.

I actually do not have any idea. I'd have to go and find more info.

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16 Feb 08
12 Jan 18

Originally posted by @nicksten
I actually do not have any idea. I'd have to go and find more info.
Which is exactly the point of my OP 🙂

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16 Feb 08
13 Jan 18
1 edit

So to conclude this thread then:

- there has been no evidence provided by sonship to support Jesus having actually spoken the words attributed to him (remember that sonship was demanding that another poster provide evidence that Jesus didn’t say them)

- there has been no evidence (of any description, “signs”, nor “indications”, whatever, nothing) provided by dj2becker, that the Bible is itself evidence that god exists.

01 Oct 04
13 Jan 18

Originally posted by @dj2becker
[b]I say that it isn’t

According to which definition of 'evidence' isn't the Bible 'evidence' of God's existence? I gave you the definition of evidence that I was going with and I told you why I believe the Bible is a 'sign or indication' of God's existence, (i.e fulfilled prophecy).You simply rejected it without even telling me what criteria you u ...[text shortened]... xistence. I think any other Christian would a agree with this. You are just trying to be obtuse.[/b]
Bump for the geester

14 Mar 15
13 Jan 18

Originally posted by @dj2becker
Bump for the geester
The above poster is reminded that he is bumping a person who has specifically requested that he not respond to his posts, and that this is a violation of the terms of service in regards to harassment.

01 Oct 04
13 Jan 18
1 edit

Originally posted by @ghost-of-a-duke
The above poster is reminded that he is bumping a person who has specifically requested that he not respond to his posts, and that this is a violation of the terms of service in regards to harassment.
How does this work? You are allowed to respond to my posts but I’m not allowed to respond to yours? 😴

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16 Feb 08
13 Jan 18

Originally posted by @dj2becker
Bump for the geester
As I’ve said probably dozens of times; anything you like, anything, you have, any “sign” any “indication” anything you think constitues evidence, anything at all, anything you have the balls to post, anything. Anything. Anything.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
13 Jan 18
2 edits

Originally posted by @divegeester
- there has been no evidence provided by sonship to support Jesus having actually spoken the words attributed to him (remember that sonship was demanding that another poster provide evidence that Jesus didn’t say them)

When I ask a question about evidence that Jesus didn't say what the Gospels record him to have said, I only mean where is the better weight of evidence.

Of course no one can PROVE that Christ spoke anything in Matthew. If you think certain sayings were added latter by mean people with their own agendas then we can examine that.

There is the Apocryphal and non-canonical religious literature. There are also places where textural critics notice errors that copyists made.

The people who really care about this are meticulous to catalog all the problems. If you think something in the Gospels Jesus spoke is of this nature, you should be able to put your case forward.

I just want to know if we are on the right track to believe that Jesus said something. If you think we are taking in apocryphal errors on some verses you hate - make a textural case for it.

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16 Feb 08
13 Jan 18

Originally posted by @sonship
- there has been no evidence provided by sonship to support Jesus having actually spoken the words attributed to him (remember that sonship was demanding that another poster provide evidence that Jesus didn’t say them)

When I ask a question about evidence that Jesus didn't say what the Gospels record him to have said, I only mean where ...[text shortened]... think we are taking in apocryphal errors on some verses you hate - make a textural case for it.
You are the one who demanded evidence that Jesus DID NOT say something, it suited you fine to do so at that time. I’m simply taking the juxtaposition to your demand...prove that he did. I think I’ve made the point and there is nothing apocryphal about it.