darwin film

darwin film


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15 Nov 03
17 Sep 09

due out soon a film on the life of darwin, its been mentioned not to release it in america, due to the fact only 35% of americans accept his theory.
Im all for debate and truth and fnd this quite strange, even if you do not belive the theory or belive in it, its about a mans life who gave us knowledge.
I know some like hitler took his survival of the strongest a bit too far, but the same can be said for bible bashers who promote there doctine using terms from the bible.


11 Nov 05
17 Sep 09

Originally posted by stoker
due out soon a film on the life of darwin, its been mentioned not to release it in america, due to the fact only 35% of americans accept his theory.
Im all for debate and truth and fnd this quite strange, even if you do not belive the theory or belive in it, its about a mans life who gave us knowledge.
I know some like hitler took his survival of the stron ...[text shortened]... but the same can be said for bible bashers who promote there doctine using terms from the bible.
I think the 65% of the American people believing in creationism need some education.

07 Mar 09
17 Sep 09

Originally posted by FabianFnas
I think the 65% of the American people believing in creationism need some education.
Some people are unfortunately beyond the help that education can provide. If you are not capable of thinking. If you driven by fear. If you recoil with resentment against anyone or anything that threatens your world view - then you must be one of my fellow Americans! We've let stupid rule for so long here (a whole generation) that I personally think the only solution is cave-living. There are very few stupid people in caves. Darwin's essential point holds sway there. He just could not imagine what kind of world you would create by keeping people fat and happy and never challenging them to become better. Now we know. You can breed people who are fine with killing children and torturing prisoners and indulging in racism and being easily distracted from the consequences of any of their actions - so distracted that you can abuse them and take advantage of them repeatably and they will clamor for more abuse. "What rough beast, its hour come 'round at last, slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?"


11 Nov 05
17 Sep 09

I've been thinking...

65% creationists - 35% evolutionsts. Can this be true? It cannot. It's too black and white.

Among the 35% there must be a lot of people who has answered a question from Gallup (or from somewhere) "Do you believe in the bible?" or something, 65% says yes, and because the Gesesis says that everything was created, then Gallup thinks that 65% is pro creationism. Can it be like this?

I cannot believe that there are so many as 65% of all the Americans believe that the Earth was created by the biblical god 6000 years ago. I simply cannot belive that.

Of these 65% I think a part say that "If my preast/teacher/grandfather or any authority near me that I trust, then it must be so."
Another part say "Well, perhaps not 6000 years ago, but it is created by god."
Yet another part say "Perhaps not the biblical god, but rather some intelligent being designed it."
And another group says "I don't know.", "I don't care.", "I give them the answer they want", or something else, but still "Yes".

So how may of these 65% are real Young Earth Creationists. I refuse to think all of the 65% are YEC. Americans are just not so stupid!

02 Feb 06
17 Sep 09

Originally posted by FabianFnas
I've been thinking...

65% creationists - 35% evolutionsts. Can this be true? It cannot. It's too black and white.

Among the 35% there must be a lot of people who has answered a question from Gallup (or from somewhere) "Do you believe in the bible?" or something, 65% says yes, and because the Gesesis says that everything was created, then Gallup thin ...[text shortened]... I refuse to think all of the 65% are YEC. Americans are just not so stupid!
I think you're right. There is a lot more grey area than this poll indicates. There is no way that there are 65% YEC. Then again the numbers will vary state by state. I live in Massachusetts and I guarantee that the number of evolutionists is higher than 35% here. Oklahoma, for example, on the other hand is a much different story.


02 Aug 06
17 Sep 09
3 edits

Originally posted by Ullr
I think you're right. There is a lot more grey area than this poll indicates. There is no way that there are 65% YEC. Then again the numbers will vary state by state. I live in Massachusetts and I guarantee that the number of evolutionists is higher than 35% here. Oklahoma, for example, on the other hand is a much different story.
I lived in the Boston area for 10 years. During the school semester students come into Mass. colleges from all over the world. It is really a universal kind of place in the winter.

I have no idea as to the proportions of residents in Mass. who believe what as far as Evolution is concerned. Boston area is heavily Catholic. And the popular quip about New England being "the graveyard of Christianity" is somewhat overblown.

If you think you can go to Mass. to get away from evangelical Christians you're likely to be disappointed.

Granted it is not the Bible belt south. But evangelical Christianity thrives quite well right next door to Harvard and MIT, I can assure you.

02 Feb 06
17 Sep 09

Originally posted by jaywill
I lived in the Boston area for 10 years. During the school semester students come into Mass. colleges from all over the world. It is really a universal kind of place in the winter.

I have no idea as to the proportions of residents in Mass. who believe what as far as Evolution is concerned. Boston area is heavily Catholic. And the popular quip about New E ...[text shortened]... gelical Christianity thrives quite well right next door to Harvard and MIT, I can assure you.
I basically agree with your comments.

I was born here and haved lived here all my life. Evangelical Christians, JW's, etc. exist but not in great numbers. There are more Irish and Italian Catholics and WASPs than anything else.


26 Aug 07
17 Sep 09

Originally posted by Ullr
I basically agree with your comments.

I was born here and haved lived here all my life. Evangelical Christians, JW's, etc. exist but not in great numbers. There are more Irish and Italian Catholics and WASPs than anything else.
we do not exist, we live!

02 Feb 06
17 Sep 09

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
we do not exist, we live!


02 Aug 06
17 Sep 09
2 edits

Originally posted by Ullr
I basically agree with your comments.

I was born here and haved lived here all my life. Evangelical Christians, JW's, etc. exist but not in great numbers. There are more Irish and Italian Catholics and WASPs than anything else.
IMO. Nevermind.

07 Jan 08
17 Sep 09

Originally posted by stoker
... not to release it in america, due to the fact only 35% of americans accept his theory.
Fact? What fact? Substantiate this, please; both in terms of 35% of Americans accepting his theory of evolution and in terms of the movie not being released in the US because of this supposed 'fact'. I deem both as crap until you prove it.

07 Mar 09
17 Sep 09
1 edit

Originally posted by FabianFnas
I've been thinking...

65% creationists - 35% evolutionsts. Can this be true? It cannot. It's too black and white.

Among the 35% there must be a lot of people who has answered a question from Gallup (or from somewhere) "Do you believe in the bible?" or something, 65% says yes, and because the Gesesis says that everything was created, then Gallup thin I refuse to think all of the 65% are YEC. Americans are just not so stupid!
It is not so much the raw numbers. These people manage to influence decisions beyond what their actual number would suggest. Look at what is happening in Texas right now as the state reviews history textbooks - these nuts want to remove Anne Hutchinson and replace her with Rush Limbaugh. That is quite simply a crime perpetrated on our ancestors. But if Texas adopts these books other states will follow and we will all become more stupid. Other than as a object lesson of how not to be a responsible man I have no clue what Limbaugh might offer the history student whereas Hutchinson (love her or leave her) was and remains an important figure for religious freedom and rights of women. These zealots are only interested in pushing their viewpoint regardless of the subject. They are not reasonable people and would be quite happy to oppress anything they see as heresy whether it was a homosexual, a jehovah's witness, a socialist, or a scientist. They'll tell you they hate the sin and not the sinner and then they'll talk until they are blue in the face in favor of restricting the rights of anyone who makes them uncomfortable. They are not worthy of our founders, who above all believed in human rights (tho the founders also recognized that they did not fully live up to that ideal.)

anybody seen my


01 Sep 06
17 Sep 09

Originally posted by FabianFnas
I've been thinking...

65% creationists - 35% evolutionsts. Can this be true? It cannot. It's too black and white.

Among the 35% there must be a lot of people who has answered a question from Gallup (or from somewhere) "Do you believe in the bible?" or something, 65% says yes, and because the Gesesis says that everything was created, then Gallup thin ...[text shortened]... I refuse to think all of the 65% are YEC. Americans are just not so stupid!
the 65% consists of a hodge podge of different opinions on creation. Many Christians believe that God created the universe and life, and then guided the evolution, some believe that the world was created billions of years ago, but the different unaccounted for species was God starting over, etc... and of course there are many young earth creationists


26 Aug 07
17 Sep 09
1 edit

Originally posted by Ullr
yes yes, thank you, thank you, it wasn't easy, but it all right now!


02 Jan 06
17 Sep 09
2 edits

Originally posted by stoker
due out soon a film on the life of darwin, its been mentioned not to release it in america, due to the fact only 35% of americans accept his theory.
Im all for debate and truth and fnd this quite strange, even if you do not belive the theory or belive in it, its about a mans life who gave us knowledge.
I know some like hitler took his survival of the stron ...[text shortened]... but the same can be said for bible bashers who promote there doctine using terms from the bible.
So let me get this straight, Hollywood can put out the last temptation of Christ and have Congress give "artistic" grants to people who urinate in a jar with a crucifix, but they can't put out a movie about Darwin? 🙄