Christian women

Christian women


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The Axe man


11 Apr 09
26 Dec 10
3 edits

I've found christian men to be preachy and "down looking" on me.
So much is said in the body language. They say they care for me and that Jesus loves me, (they wouldn't say THEY like or love me, I bet), but I just get a whole heap of nonsense in the end. Sometimes they have their women or wives present. The women just stay in the background, not wanting to come into the conversation, lest they say something that doesn't go along with the mens perspective that they are sharing.

Just before christmas me and my young son met a christian lady at a nativity scene. We had a nice CONVERSATION about Jesus. I found the lady (and her backup, a couple more women) very nice and "warm". They had very friendly body language and asked me where I got my info from.
Generally though, they agreed with my assesment of Jesus and found heart in me referring my son to such a fine example.
I told them ,as I was leaving, that I was not a christian but that if my son chose to become one, I would not stop him. They seemed to appreciate this comment ,whereas the christian men whom I had told this line to in the past, were definately not impressed.

Anyone got any thoughts on this apparent discrepency between chrsitan males and females, or do I just keep running into the wrong christian men?

16 Feb 08
26 Dec 10

Originally posted by karoly aczel
I've found christian men to be preachy and "down looking" on me.
So much is said in the body language. They say they care for me and that Jesus loves me, (they wouldn't say THEY like or love me, I bet), but I just get a whole heap of nonsense in the end. Sometimes they have their women or wives present. The women just stay in the background, not wanti ...[text shortened]... tween chrsitan males and females, or do I just keep running into the wrong christian men?
You just keep running into the wrong 'Christian' men - there are proud people in all walks of life. I'm sure I don't need to point out that women in general are more emotionaly in tune with other people whereas men's conversation is generally driven more by the pragmatic or problem solving mind-set.

The Axe man


11 Apr 09
26 Dec 10

Originally posted by divegeester
You just keep running into the wrong 'Christian' men - there are proud people in all walks of life. I'm sure I don't need to point out that women in general are more emotionaly in tune with other people whereas men's conversation is generally driven more by the pragmatic or problem solving mind-set.
I guess I just meet the loudmouths,eh? 🙂

A fun title

Scoffer Mocker

27 Sep 06
26 Dec 10

Originally posted by karoly aczel
I guess I just meet the loudmouths,eh? 🙂
No. You just keep running into the truth.

In your opening post you reveal your bias by projecting your own prejudices. You fail to approach the subject of Christianity objectively. Instead you fall into the trap of emotionalism when making judgements about the human condition and the Biblical answers to life's most perplexing issues.

You accuse Christians of being judgemental and fail to realize your own hypocrisy.

It is against Biblical truth for a Christian to pass judgement on an unbeliever. But it is not against Biblical truth to judge what people think, say, and do. You must learn to distinguish between the two concepts.

I, as a Christian, have no right to judge your person concerning your eternal existence, but as a fellow human being in a free world I have every right to say to you that you are wrong concerning the things you think, say, and do.

You don't have to listen, but I have every right to speak my mind.

We have the right to disagree, but we have no right to judge each others person.

The Axe man


11 Apr 09
26 Dec 10

Originally posted by josephw
No. You just keep running into the truth.

In your opening post you reveal your bias by projecting your own prejudices. You fail to approach the subject of Christianity objectively. Instead you fall into the trap of emotionalism when making judgements about the human condition and the Biblical answers to life's most perplexing issues.

You accuse Christi ...[text shortened]... k my mind.

We have the right to disagree, but we have no right to judge each others person.
But you sound so judgmental..
Anyhoo, I was happy to have a conversation about christianity to the women, the men not so much, not that I would describe being preached at a conversation.

You've made up your own mind about my experiences. Good for you.
My conscience alone can tell me whether there is truth to what you say or not.

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
26 Dec 10

Originally posted by karoly aczel
Anyone got any thoughts on this apparent discrepency between chrsitan males and females, or do I just keep running into the wrong christian men?
It's difficult to be too judgemental over a cup of hot cocoa, especially one with a big marshmallow added.


11 Nov 05
26 Dec 10

Originally posted by karoly aczel
But you sound so judgmental..
Anyhoo, I was happy to have a conversation about christianity to the women, the men not so much, not that I would describe being preached at a conversation.

You've made up your own mind about my experiences. Good for you.
My conscience alone can tell me whether there is truth to what you say or not.
I too see men as more preachy than women. Where I live we have accepted women as preaches and spiritual leaders. They are certainly less preachy and more listening. I rather speak spiritual matters from my heart to a female preast than a male preast.

A fun title

Scoffer Mocker

27 Sep 06
26 Dec 10

Originally posted by karoly aczel
But you sound so judgmental..
Anyhoo, I was happy to have a conversation about christianity to the women, the men not so much, not that I would describe being preached at a conversation.

You've made up your own mind about my experiences. Good for you.
My conscience alone can tell me whether there is truth to what you say or not.
The "sound" you hear isn't judgmentalism, it's the sound of confidence.

It makes people uncomfortable when confronted with the truth.

That statement alone will unsettle most folks. They say, " how can you be so sure? What makes you think you know the truth and others don't? And so on.

Romans 10:13-15

For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!

1 Corinthians 15:12

Now if Christ be preached that he rose from the dead, how say some among you that there is no resurrection of the dead?

1 Peter 1:3

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,..

Believe it and be confident, or deny it and be, what? Believe God or believe yourself. Follow God or follow your own way. It's your choice.


26 Aug 07
26 Dec 10
1 edit

Originally posted by FabianFnas
I too see men as more preachy than women. Where I live we have accepted women as preaches and spiritual leaders. They are certainly less preachy and more listening. I rather speak spiritual matters from my heart to a female preast than a male preast.
you visit a priest? to absolve you from what?


11 Nov 05
26 Dec 10

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
you visit a priest? to absolve you from what?
To discuss spiritual matters. Didn't I write that?


26 Aug 07
26 Dec 10

Originally posted by FabianFnas
To discuss spiritual matters. Didn't I write that?
As far as i am aware the Catholic church does not ordain females as priests, it must have been a minister that you have visited, not to make confession as i wrongly assumed, but simply to talk.



25 Jul 07
26 Dec 10

Originally posted by karoly aczel
I've found christian men to be preachy and "down looking" on me.
So much is said in the body language. They say they care for me and that Jesus loves me, (they wouldn't say THEY like or love me, I bet), but I just get a whole heap of nonsense in the end. Sometimes they have their women or wives present. The women just stay in the background, not wanti ...[text shortened]... tween chrsitan males and females, or do I just keep running into the wrong christian men?
I'd guess the latter. But I would bet against women being more open-minded about things in general than men.


09 Jul 10
26 Dec 10
1 edit

Originally posted by josephw
The "sound" you hear isn't judgmentalism, it's the sound of confidence.

It makes people uncomfortable when confronted with the truth.

That statement alone will unsettle most folks. They say, " how can you be so sure? What makes you think you know the truth and others don't? And so on.

Romans 10:13-15

For whosoever shall call upon the na ...[text shortened]... at? Believe God or believe yourself. Follow God or follow your own way. It's your choice.
Has Vishy been given you lessons in modesty?

Standard memberRemoved

15 Sep 04
26 Dec 10
1 edit

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
As far as i am aware the Catholic church does not ordain females as priests, it must have been a minister that you have visited, not to make confession as i wrongly assumed, but simply to talk.
Obviously the Catholic Church would not recognise any woman, whatever her ministry, as a priest -- but then again, the Catholic Church does not recognise the priesthood of any Protestant churches because she does not believe that Lutheran or Episcopal churches have apostolic succession. Nonetheless, there are female ministers who are called priests, as in the Anglican and Episcopal communions and in many schismatic communions, such as the Old Catholics. So there are in fact women who offer confession, although it is not very common.

On this point, though, while the Catholic Church does not recognise the ordination of a woman as sacramentally valid, it does recognise such a woman's ministry and does observe the appropriate honorifics of that woman. Consequently, when the Catholic Church engages in any dialogue with her church, the title 'reverend' is still to be used. Similarly, even though the Archbishop of Canterbury is not recognised as a bishop by the Catholic Church, the Pope still presented him with a pectoral cross when he visited Rome (the pectoral cross is usually worn exclusively by bishops or important religious such as abbots and abbesses.)


26 Aug 07
26 Dec 10
1 edit

Originally posted by Conrau K
Obviously the Catholic Church would not recognise any woman, whatever her ministry, as a priest -- but then again, the Catholic Church does not recognise the priesthood of any Protestant churches because she does not believe that Lutheran or Episcopal churches have apostolic succession. Nonetheless, there are female ministers who are called priests, as in t s is usually worn exclusively by bishops or important religious such as abbots and abbesses.)
sure i understand these things, it was not in any way a dig at the catholic church, it just seemed strange that Fabian said he preferred a female priest, when he must have meant a minister. What is also quite interesting is that the Catholic church has carved out a little niche to accommodate disaffected groups.