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Can't win a game of

38N Lat X 121W Lon

03 Apr 03
14 Sep 09
3 edits

Man I love this! This is better than Trinitarian argument. 🙂
The Theist has the one thing to fall back on and that is God did it. However this does not answer fundamental questions like how old is the earth. The Stars being so far away issue. If we believe in a young earth/creation 6000 years or so than we have to deal with those issues.
Old earth/creation might help a bit. My question is how exact or good is carbon dating? (I heard/read that it's not as precise as some claim) And about Star distances. I would believe someone here would have more knowledge on this. LOL I don't think the age of the universe is a deception of the Devil. I think it's there we just have to figure it out.



26 Aug 07
14 Sep 09

Originally posted by Ullr
Wait a second I thought Dinosaurs lived in the Garden of Eden? In that case my ancestors must have been dodging the TRex and not the Sabre Tooth Tiger.
who said that dinosaurs lived in the garden of Eden? I dont buy it, nor can it be inferred from scripture! therefore Kelly Jay and other young earth creationists are your target, not us who have a proper respect for science, without the masquerade of course.


26 Aug 07
14 Sep 09

Originally posted by menace71
Man I love this! This is better than Trinitarian argument. 🙂
The Theist has the one thing to fall back on and that is God did it. However this does not answer fundamental questions like how old is the earth. The Stars being so far away issue. If we believe in a young earth/creation 6000 years or so than we have to deal with those issues.
Old earth/crea ...[text shortened]... rse is a deception of the Devil. I think it's there we just have to figure it out.

see the bold and illustrious Galvestons post about this a few pages back. i would like to know myself why young earth creationists and i suppose others like Daniel hold the view, that the earth is a mere 6000 years old. i dont buy it. is seems to be some sort of interpretation of the length of the creative days.

02 Feb 06
14 Sep 09
1 edit

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
who said that dinosaurs lived in the garden of Eden? I dont buy it, nor can it be inferred from scripture! therefore Kelly Jay and other young earth creationists are your target, not us who have a proper respect for science, without the masquerade of course.
I see. Okay I wasn't quite sure how big of a nut job you are. So, Sabre Tooth Tigers then.


26 Aug 07
14 Sep 09

Originally posted by Ullr
I see. Okay I wasn't quite sure how big of a nut job you are. So, Sabre Tooth Tigers then.
i may be a nutjob, but im no young earth creationist! sabre tooth tigers it is then.


North of the Tamar

02 Feb 07
14 Sep 09
1 edit

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
i may be a nutjob, but im no young earth creationist! sabre tooth tigers it is then.
Robbie, you haven't answered my question.

Did i sum up your posistion at the top of the last page?

Truth? Gimme a break. You wouldn't know truth if it was in the shape of a dildo and rammed up your arse at 40mph!!!


North of the Tamar

02 Feb 07
14 Sep 09

Originally posted by menace71
Man I love this! This is better than Trinitarian argument. 🙂
The Theist has the one thing to fall back on and that is God did it. However this does not answer fundamental questions like how old is the earth. The Stars being so far away issue. If we believe in a young earth/creation 6000 years or so than we have to deal with those issues.
Old earth/crea ...[text shortened]... rse is a deception of the Devil. I think it's there we just have to figure it out.

Manny, scientists have figured out the age of the universe, somewhere around 13.5billion and 15billion yrs old.

Radio carbon dating is pretty accurate, although there are over 40 dating techniques that can be used so it's not the only dating technique.

Can't win a game of

38N Lat X 121W Lon

03 Apr 03
14 Sep 09

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
see the bold and illustrious Galvestons post about this a few pages back. i would like to know myself why young earth creationists and i suppose others like Daniel hold the view, that the earth is a mere 6000 years old. i dont buy it. is seems to be some sort of interpretation of the length of the creative days.
Indeed good explanation of Carbon dating. I want to research it more now.
I agree on one thing science in and of it's self is not the problem. Just as Religion per se is not the issue. It people who build whole dogmas & stances on limited knowledge.


Can't win a game of

38N Lat X 121W Lon

03 Apr 03
14 Sep 09

Originally posted by Proper Knob
Manny, scientists have figured out the age of the universe, somewhere around 13.5billion and 15billion yrs old.

Radio carbon dating is pretty accurate, although there are over 40 dating techniques that can be used so it's not the only dating technique.
I know thats the text book age at least 10-15 Billion. We know it's old there is no argument there.



San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
14 Sep 09

Originally posted by menace71
Man I love this! This is better than Trinitarian argument. 🙂
The Theist has the one thing to fall back on and that is God did it. However this does not answer fundamental questions like how old is the earth. The Stars being so far away issue. If we believe in a young earth/creation 6000 years or so than we have to deal with those issues.
Old earth/crea ...[text shortened]... rse is a deception of the Devil. I think it's there we just have to figure it out.

And the bottom line is why does it matter how old the universe and the earth are? Those who want to believe that some man made device such as carbon dating is accurate then that's fine for them. It's proved wrong but if that's what they want to believe that's fine.
But some of us put our faith, which evolutionist don't understand, in the Bible and we know that some day many things will be answered for us.
Pr 1:7. Isaiah 11:9. Heb 6:11,12.


North of the Tamar

02 Feb 07
14 Sep 09

Originally posted by galveston75
And the bottom line is why does it matter how old the universe and the earth are? Those who want to believe that some man made device such as carbon dating is accurate then that's fine for them. It's proved wrong but if that's what they want to believe that's fine.
But some of us put our faith, which evolutionist don't understand, in the Bible and we ...[text shortened]... ow that some day many things will be answered for us.
Pr 1:7. Isaiah 11:9. Heb 6:11,12.
And the bottom line is why does it matter how old the universe and the earth are?

Because we as a race like to seek knowledge and understanding of the world and universe we live in. How do you think we are sitting here able to have this conversation?? The answer has nothing to do with religion.

Those who want to believe that some man made device such as carbon dating

Man made device??!!!!! What on earth are you talking about?? You have just demonstrated you know nothing about RCD, RCD obeys the laws of nature, the so called laws you believe God set. Come on Steve, a little more intelligence please.



25 Jul 07
14 Sep 09

Originally posted by menace71
Man I love this! This is better than Trinitarian argument. 🙂
The Theist has the one thing to fall back on and that is God did it. However this does not answer fundamental questions like how old is the earth. The Stars being so far away issue. If we believe in a young earth/creation 6000 years or so than we have to deal with those issues.
Old earth/crea ...[text shortened]... rse is a deception of the Devil. I think it's there we just have to figure it out.

I fail to see any "issues" that must be dealt with. I am a Christian. I believe the Bible to be the inspired word of God (the ORIGINAL scriptures, or what there were of them, anyway). I also am an evolutionist and believe the earth is about 4 1/2 billion years old. What's the issue/problem?


North of the Tamar

02 Feb 07
14 Sep 09

Originally posted by PinkFloyd
I fail to see any "issues" that must be dealt with. I am a Christian. I believe the Bible to be the inspired word of God (the ORIGINAL scriptures, or what there were of them, anyway). I also am an evolutionist and believe the earth is about 4 1/2 billion years old. What's the issue/problem?
If i could ask, do you believe mankind evolved along with the Earth? Or whether as some Christains believe God created us and put us on this Earth around 6,000yrs ago?

Can't win a game of

38N Lat X 121W Lon

03 Apr 03
14 Sep 09

Originally posted by PinkFloyd
I fail to see any "issues" that must be dealt with. I am a Christian. I believe the Bible to be the inspired word of God (the ORIGINAL scriptures, or what there were of them, anyway). I also am an evolutionist and believe the earth is about 4 1/2 billion years old. What's the issue/problem?
Well the issue is if you look at it objectively you have scientist saying the earth is 4.5 billion years old and scientist saying the universe is in the 10-20 billion. Christians who agree with this & some who say no the earth is a lot younger than this it poses a problem for the thinking mind at least.
How do you reconcile Science with what you believe the bible to say? The bible is not a science book. I believe the bible is inspired but I also want to know truth and knowledge. I think a lot of Christians say God said so and that's it! End of discussion! So to the Atheist or non-bible believing person they are turned off by such. Explain stars 10,000 light years out? If the earth is only 6000 years old? The light from those stars just now reaching us would be older than the earth. So did God create the stars first? These are all very valid questions not to be dismissed.



26 Aug 07
14 Sep 09

Originally posted by Proper Knob
Robbie, you haven't answered my question.

Did i sum up your posistion at the top of the last page?

Truth? Gimme a break. You wouldn't know truth if it was in the shape of a dildo and rammed up your arse at 40mph!!!
another sabre tooth tiger dodger that has evolved the sense to read a persons motives, incredible! and you know how we feel about your profanities noobster old son ! We Christians like to conduct ourselves with at least a degree of dignity, and while it cannot be guaranteed by those who have not adopted the Christ as their model, we would appreciate if profanities were left in the minds of those who would use them for effect, rather than sprawled across cyber space like a pestilent bug that has been smeared on a windscreen!