@ JWs on [your] Jehovah and killing

@ JWs on [your] Jehovah and killing


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16 Feb 08
31 Jan 13

Originally posted by Galveston79 in 'Guns' thread.

"But the second a person picks up a weapon to kill another human and actually does kill, God "WILL" ask back the blood of that dead one. A serious fact that most do not understand"

However in 1 Samuel 15 (and in other examples in the OT) we read:

Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass.

and of God's nature we also read:

Malachi 3:6a
I am the LORD, I change not


James 1:17
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom is no varying, and no shadow of turning.

How do you as Jehovah's Witnesses reconcile not only that God has killed, but that he states that he does not change, with your pontification on pacifism and pious statements such as this one at the top of the OP?

Child of the Novelty

San Antonio, Texas

08 Mar 04
31 Jan 13

The nature of Christianity mirrors the nature of man. It is merely culture masquerading as religion. Today it says one thing, yesterday something else, tomorrow will be another story.


26 Aug 07
31 Jan 13
1 edit

Originally posted by caissad4
The nature of Christianity mirrors the nature of man. It is merely culture masquerading as religion. Today it says one thing, yesterday something else, tomorrow will be another story.
Christianity is based upon the teachings of Christ, a Christian is one who adopts and applies those teachings. To talk of the nature of Christianity and to state that it is merely cultural is to completely miss its import, for Christianity transcends every known barrier, ethnic, religious, educational and national. You really should learn to differentiate between the actions of those who profess to be Christians and the teachings of Christ himself, who knows, you may even reach enlightenment in the process, I did.

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
31 Jan 13

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Christianity is based upon the teachings of Christ, a Christian is one who adopts and applies those teachings. To talk of the nature of Christianity and to state that it is merely cultural is to completely miss its import, for Christianity transcends every known barrier, ethnic, religious, educational and national. You really should learn to diffe ...[text shortened]... teachings of Christ himself, who knows, you may even reach enlightenment in the process, I did.
I am sure he is better off staying away from your type of enlightenment that comes from the Watchtower Society and not from the true "light of the World" - that being Christ Himself. 😏

HalleluYah !!! Praise the Lord! Holy! Holy! Holy!


26 Aug 07
31 Jan 13

Originally posted by RJHinds
I am sure he is better off staying away from your type of enlightenment that comes from the Watchtower Society and not from the true "light of the World" - that being Christ Himself. 😏

HalleluYah !!! Praise the Lord! Holy! Holy! Holy!
I did not mentioned the watchtower and Bible tract society, you did, but seeing that you are here what did Jesus teach us about the use of weapons?

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
31 Jan 13

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
I did not mentioned the watchtower and Bible tract society, you did, but seeing that you are here what did Jesus teach us about the use of weapons?
We do not need Jesus to teach us how to use weapons. Man instinctively knows how to use weapons. 😏


26 Aug 07
31 Jan 13

Originally posted by RJHinds
We do not need Jesus to teach us how to use weapons. Man instinctively knows how to use weapons. 😏
I did not ask you what man instinctively knows, you claim you are a Christian, what did Jesus teach with regard to the use of weapons?

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
31 Jan 13

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
I did not ask you what man instinctively knows, you claim you are a Christian, what did Jesus teach with regard to the use of weapons?
I only recall the sword incident with Peter cutting off the ear of the soldier to protect Jesus. So the lessons was to not use the sword to hastily. 😏


26 Aug 07
31 Jan 13

Originally posted by RJHinds
I only recall the sword incident with Peter cutting off the ear of the soldier to protect Jesus. So the lessons was to not use the sword to hastily. 😏
No the lesson was he who lives by the sword will perish by the sword, you made a living as a soldier, someone trained to kill other people, how is that in accordance with Christ words, to return the sword to its place?

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
31 Jan 13

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
No the lesson was he who lives by the sword will perish by the sword, you made a living as a soldier, someone trained to kill other people, how is that in accordance with Christ words, to return the sword to its place?
Well I don't consider myself living by the sword and I am nearly 69 years old, and I will more likely die of some old age disease, like heart attack, than by the sword. So maybe you are taking that phrase out of context and it means something different than you make out. 😏


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
31 Jan 13

Originally posted by RJHinds
Well I don't consider myself living by the sword and I am nearly 69 years old, and I will more likely die of some old age disease, like heart attack, than by the sword. So maybe you are taking that phrase out of context and it means something different than you make out. 😏
The point is Ron, yes you would still kill in a heart beat if you felt you had to and even more importantly you would do it in half a heart beat if your country told you to.
This is who you have followed in your life, your country, not Jesus. And you have made that clearly known over and over and over to everyone here.
We all clearly know where your allegiance is and it is not with Jesus.


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
31 Jan 13

Originally posted by caissad4
The nature of Christianity mirrors the nature of man. It is merely culture masquerading as religion. Today it says one thing, yesterday something else, tomorrow will be another story.
No iti sn't. Man has used it to their own selfish ends and that is the problem. If one or many truly followed the teachings of Jesus and actually applied them to all aspects of their life's the world would be a completely different place.
For one as Robbie is bringing up with ones like RJH, the issues with killings by guns, itwould be a much safer world if ones really applied what Jesus taught.


16 Feb 08
31 Jan 13

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Christianity is based upon the teachings of Christ, a Christian is one who adopts and applies those teachings. To talk of the nature of Christianity and to state that it is merely cultural is to completely miss its import, for Christianity transcends every known barrier, ethnic, religious, educational and national. You really should learn to diffe ...[text shortened]... teachings of Christ himself, who knows, you may even reach enlightenment in the process, I did.
Are you in any way at all going to address the point in the OP, or shall we dance the dance of deflection once again?


16 Feb 08
31 Jan 13

Originally posted by galveston75
The point is Ron, yes you would still kill in a heart beat if you felt you had to and even more importantly you would do it in half a heart beat if your country told you to.
This is who you have followed in your life, your country, not Jesus. And you have made that clearly known over and over and over to everyone here.
We all clearly know where your allegiance is and it is not with Jesus.
Are you in any way at all going to address the point in the OP, or shall we dance the dance of deflection once again?


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
31 Jan 13

Originally posted by divegeester
Are you in any way at all going to address the point in the OP, or shall we dance the dance of deflection once again?
Nope. Sorry. We have discussed this in length quite recently, so I bow out. I really get tired orf repeating something we have already discussed. By.