Lack of Good Manners on RHP

Lack of Good Manners on RHP

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06 May 08
04 Sep 12

Originally posted by paulbuchmanfromfics
Yikes! I had the VHS tape and all the little metal action figures as a kid, and I still didn't remember that!
I didn't know it either - I just googled it, cut and the pasted was there to here.

I watched it with the kids years ago but can't remember much about it.
Toad of Toad Hall is the hero. I can remember that.


24 Aug 07
04 Sep 12

Originally posted by greenpawn34
I didn't know it either - I just googled it, cut and the pasted was there to here.

I watched it with the kids years ago but can't remember much about it.
Toad of Toad Hall is the hero. I can remember that.
I'm not sure if you're familiar with the (cheesy) Leprechaun horror films. Willow is the Leprechaun!

Chess Librarian

The Stacks

21 Aug 09
04 Sep 12

Originally posted by paulbuchmanfromfics
I'm not sure if you're familiar with the (cheesy) Leprechaun horror films. Willow is the Leprechaun!
His name is Warwick Davis, and he has a huge and impressive list of Cast credits. Here's his Internet Movie Database link:

I hereby declare that this thread has "jumped the shark".

Caninus Interruptus


11 Apr 07
04 Sep 12

Originally posted by Paul Leggett
His name is Warwick Davis, and he has a huge and impressive list of Cast credits. Here's his Internet Movie Database link:

[b]I hereby declare that this thread has "jumped the shark".
And he played an Ewok in Return of the Jedi.

Woohoo, let the thread hijacking begin! 🙂


06 May 08
04 Sep 12
1 edit

It's bad manners to hijack threads but as the OP has not posted
anything for ages (propably off opening doors for people, giving
up his seat to old ladies on crowded buses or down at his local chess club
telling people when to resign.) we shall continue...

...was this actor chappie not also the guy who was inside the costume
of the monster in the film. The Creature That Ate Washington.

Duckfinder General

223b Baker Street

25 Apr 06
04 Sep 12

And more recently with Ricky Gervais/Stephen Merchant in Life's Too Short


24 Aug 07
04 Sep 12

Originally posted by Paul Leggett

I hereby declare that this thread has "jumped the shark".[/b]
Ayyy! ... Ron Howard was on Happy Days too, before he made Willow! 🙄

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
04 Sep 12

Originally posted by greenpawn34
It's bad manners to hijack threads but as the OP has not posted
anything for ages (propably off opening doors for people, giving
up his seat to old ladies on crowded buses or down at his local chess club
telling people when to resign.) we shall continue...

...was this actor chappie not also the guy who was inside the costume
of the monster in the film. [b]The Creature That Ate Washington.
You are getting too funny for RHP. 😀


08 Jun 07
04 Sep 12


06 May 08
04 Sep 12
3 edits

Hi Duchess.

I think we have flogged this dead horse.

It is up to the player winning to win the game, the losing player can resign when ever
they want but is under no obligation to do so. If they chooses to they can play
on till they are checkmated. Those are the cold hard facts.

But let us bring the discussion onto corres chess and the players on RHP.
(remember our OP blamed RHP for endorsing such behaviour.)

"RHP appears to approve and institutionalize these bad manners...."

On here if a player has been involved in a stalemate in the past then there
is a very good chance they will play on and on.
And why not? Hs opponent will most likely be playing at least 5 other games
as well - some play 100's at once.

There is a chance, a much better chance than in a one to one OTB game
that he will get a stalemate or even win on a timeout.

OTB a K & Q v a K will at the very least be a draw if the Queen player runs
out of time.
On RHP you can be 9 Queens up v a Lone King and yet if you lose on time you lose the game.
It's a different set of rules.

Yes it is bad form to play on knowing you are lost but what can you do?
I tell the guys to resign if all is lost. But it's always up to them.

I'm more concerned with the amount of 2.Qh5's I see after 1.e4 e5 yet these
guys keep winning with it....what can you do?

Players like Marko Krale have 27 stalemates notches carved into his bed post.
What can you do?

Nothing. Let it go.

BTW noticed at least three games in the current OTB Olympiad with players
playing on 2 Queens down.....all three were mated pretty quickly.
I suppose we could asked the United Nations to place an embargo on the
Nationalities concerned but a good lawyer will get them off.
And the irony is.......? 😉

Cowboy From Hell

American West

19 Apr 10
04 Sep 12

Originally posted by Paul Leggett
His name is Warwick Davis, and he has a huge and impressive list of Cast credits. Here's his Internet Movie Database link:

[b]I hereby declare that this thread has "jumped the shark".


08 Jun 07
04 Sep 12


06 May 08
05 Sep 12
2 edits

Hi Duchess.

It was a wee joke. I know a lot of the players are there just for thrill
of playing for their country. I think the Olympiad is the most important
chess event of all. It's a shame that some countries let their politics or
religion get in the way and refuse to play other countries.
(usually it's Israel that is defaulted against.)
I like to think the players have been told not to play them rather than
the players deciding not too.

Ref K + B + N v K. From the 2012 Olympiad one 2000+ player just
made it in time with 5 moves to spare before the 50 move rule kicked in.

T.Vahtra (2014) - M.Stojanovic (2097) 2012 Olympiad

A stable personality

Near my hay.

27 Apr 06
05 Sep 12

On RHP you can be 9 Queens up v a Lone King and yet if you lose on time you lose the game.
Can you have a position with 9 queens where it's not stalemate if it's the King's move?

Anyway, while I'm here I'll just say that I really don't care whether my opponent resigns or not. I've often thought there's not a lot of point playing on, but never thought of it as a question of manners or etiquette. I see that the OP is a 6 games non-sub, which probably explains why he gets the hump about it

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
05 Sep 12
2 edits

Originally posted by greenpawn34
Hi Duchess.

I think we have flogged this dead horse.

It is up to the player winning to win the game, the losing player can resign when ever
they want but is under no obligation to do so. If they chooses to they can play
on till they are checkmated. Those are the cold hard facts.

But let us bring the discussion onto corres chess and the players Nationalities concerned but a good lawyer will get them off.
And the irony is.......? 😉
You said, "OTB a K & Q v a K will at the very least be a draw if the Queen player runs out of time."

I don't know were you get this idea. Anytime a player runs out of time he looses. You probable are thinking, if he does not mate in the 50 moves then it is a draw. But if he runs out of time before he gets to 50 moves he looses.

If he is running low on time and just has a few seconds before running out of time he could just move the queen and hit the clock as fast as he can to reach the 50 moves before running out of time.