He was at mate in 2 and instead of resigning

He was at mate in 2 and instead of resigning

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08 Feb 07
12 Oct 07
6 edits

Game id 3924207


I had played Gaskit into a position where he was to be mated in 2 moves and then over the course of the weekend he took advantage of a time out opportunity and claimed a victory. I had been expecting to see his resignation. There was zero opportunity for him to avoid a loss, other than through the very unsportsmanlike behavior which he displayed.

Is it worth considering making it impossible to claim a time out victory if you are in an intractably losing position?
(Yes I can see where there would be problems with this, but I don't need to delve into them, with some working they could be resolved)

I would likely have not written this had Gaskit agreed to a rematch.

All around poor form. It's one thing to claim a victory when the game is undecided or you are in a winning position. Quite another when you have been fairly beaten.

Stealer of Souls

Waiting for You

16 Feb 07
12 Oct 07

Originally posted by ben mossberg
Game id 3924207

I had played Gaskit into a position where he was to be mated in 2 moves and then over the course of the weekend he took advantage of a time out opportunity and claimed a victory. I had been expecting to see his resignation. There was zero opportunity for him to avoid a loss, other than through the very unsportsmanlike ...[text shortened]... is undecided or you are in a winning position. Quite another when you have been fairly beaten.
Game 3924207

Man of Steel

rushing to and fro

13 Aug 05
12 Oct 07

Where's Bowmann when you need him? ©

leperchaun messiah

thru a glass onion

19 Apr 03
12 Oct 07

You lost, all you had to do was make a move, deal with it. 😠

RHP Prophet

pursuing happiness

22 Feb 06
12 Oct 07

Originally posted by ben mossberg
Game id 3924207


I had played Gaskit into a position where he was to be mated in 2 moves and then over the course of the weekend he took advantage of a time out opportunity and claimed a victory. I had been expecting to see his resignation. There was zero opportunity for him to avoid a loss, other than through the very unsportsmanli ...[text shortened]... her when you have been fairly beaten.
[fen]8/1R6/p2N3p/k6p/8/2p5/PPP2PPP/6K1 w - - 0 35[/fen]
Did you consider playing Rc4+ instead of waiting for him to resign?


08 Feb 07
12 Oct 07

I was loopholed.
There was a long weekend where I live that was spent with family.
As I mentioned, at a mate in I thought I could be confident that no one would stoop as low as claiming a time out win.

The way I would like to "deal with it" is a rematch.
Which the outclassed player is refusing.

I don't think you could seriously say that taking a win in this way is an very sportsmanlike thing to do.
This is chess, not "collect wins any way possible"


08 Feb 07
12 Oct 07

Originally posted by Red Night
Did you consider playing Rc4+ instead of waiting for him to resign?
It was his move when I left for the weekend.

Like I said, I had expected him to just resign. Not make a futile pawn move then claim a time out


19 Jun 06
12 Oct 07

Originally posted by ben mossberg
Game id 3924207


I had played Gaskit into a position where he was to be mated in 2 moves and then over the course of the weekend he took advantage of a time out opportunity and claimed a victory. I had been expecting to see his resignation. There was zero opportunity for him to avoid a loss, other than through the very unsportsmanli ...[text shortened]... is undecided or you are in a winning position. Quite another when you have been fairly beaten.
Profile of ben mossberg - "My strategy for victory is without mercy. Weakness will be hammered away. In my mind a system of play will develop before which my opponents will crumble. My game will be brutal, domineering, fearless, and cruel. My game must be that, and yet I too must bear pain. There must be nothing weak and gentle.
The fearsome beast of victory will rage across the board, and all will bleed.
That is how I will eradicate my opponents. That is how I shall play."

Not too surprising that your opponent timed you out.

leperchaun messiah

thru a glass onion

19 Apr 03
12 Oct 07

Originally posted by ben mossberg
I don't think you could seriously say that taking a win in this way is an very sportsmanlike thing to do.
This is chess, not "collect wins any way possible"
Yes i am serious in that regard. When someone leaves a piece hanging you grab it, no excuses need to be made.


03 Feb 07
12 Oct 07

Originally posted by ben mossberg
Game id 3924207


I had played Gaskit into a position where he was to be mated in 2 moves and then over the course of the weekend he took advantage of a time out opportunity and claimed a victory. I had been expecting to see his resignation. There was zero opportunity for him to avoid a loss, other than through the very unsportsmanli ...[text shortened]... her when you have been fairly beaten.
[fen]8/1R6/p2N3p/k6p/8/2p5/PPP2PPP/6K1 w - - 0 35[/fen]
He had you right where he wanted you. 🙂

If you don't know already, learn how to use vacation mode when you can't move.

RHP Prophet

pursuing happiness

22 Feb 06
12 Oct 07

Originally posted by ben mossberg
I was loopholed.
There was a long weekend where I live that was spent with family.
As I mentioned, at a mate in I thought I could be confident that no one would stoop as low as claiming a time out win.

The way I would like to "deal with it" is a rematch.
Which the outclassed player is refusing.

I don't think you could seriously say that taking ...[text shortened]... is an very sportsmanlike thing to do.
This is chess, not "collect wins any way possible"
Maybe you should consider using a timebank that is more appropriate to your lifestyle in the future


17 Dec 02
12 Oct 07

I think it's poor form of you to drag this into everyone's attention. Whiner.

Major Bone

On yer tail ...

28 Feb 05
12 Oct 07
1 edit

Originally posted by ben mossberg

All around poor form. It's one thing to claim a victory when the game is undecided or you are in a winning position. Quite another when you have been fairly beaten.
Your flag fell. You have no one to blame but yourself.


08 Feb 07
12 Oct 07


This whole post is clearly a bid to shame Gaskit into a rematch.

I thought you were chess players.

Do you really suppose I thought the magic Chess Fairy was going to flitter in and reverse the outcome of the game?


08 Feb 07
12 Oct 07
1 edit

Originally posted by Red Night
Did you consider playing Rc4+ instead of waiting for him to resign?
I suppose you meant Knc4?