Quebec flag

Quebec flag


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I'm A Mighty Pirate™

PaTROLLING the forum

01 Dec 04
16 May 07

Originally posted by climb2high
i have a little question for rugby fans :

Why is it called the nations cup not the countries cup ?
You should ask it in the Sports Forum then.

Montréal, Québec

18 Sep 06
16 May 07

Originally posted by Daemon Sin
You should ask it in the Sports Forum then.


11 Nov 05
16 May 07

Originally posted by Daemon Sin
You should ask it in the Sports Forum then.
I think I know what he is after:
What is the difference between a country and a nation.

Can there be more than one nation in a country or is it the same thing?, right climb2high? Is the border of a country the same as the border of a nation?

In the case of Canada - what about the Inuit nation, does its border coincide with any province borders, or the country border? Or does it just float around?, defined by the Inuits themselves as where they are by the moment?

Now, is Quebec a country or a nation? I say, I call it a nation when, and only then, they are a fullworthy member of United Nations, the UN. Not before. Until them I see them as the people of the province of Quebec (at the most), and citizens of Canada.

By the way, I don't know nothing about rugby. What is it?, a nation somewhere? 🙂

Montréal, Québec

18 Sep 06
16 May 07

Originally posted by FabianFnas
Now, is Quebec a country or a nation? I say, I call it a nation when, and only then, they are a fullworthy member of United Nations, the UN. Not before. Until them I see them as the people of the province of Quebec (at the most), and citizens of Canada.
So, following your logic, England, Scotland, Wales, are not nations.




22 Aug 05
16 May 07

England was a country hundreds of years before Quebec was even thought of.
Same goes for Wales and Scotland.

The UN only came into being after World War Two so membership there has no bearing on anything really.


11 Nov 05
16 May 07

Originally posted by climb2high
So, following your logic, England, Scotland, Wales, are not nations.
Ah, you say that - If England is not a country, then Quebec is not a country either?

commente moi donc ça


28 Dec 06
17 May 07

Originally posted by FabianFnas
Now, is Quebec a country or a nation? I say, I call it a nation when, and only then, they are a fullworthy member of United Nations, the UN. Not before. Until them I see them as the people of the province of Quebec (at the most), and citizens of Canada.
Being a member of UN is not a criteria for being a nation (not even all countries are there, let alone a group of United Nations...not ALL nations).

Just so people who don't follow canadian politics get some background here....Quebec has been recognised as a nation by Canada and many other countries for a long time. Even the current Canadian government voted a motion in the canadian parliament recently to reiterate that fact. (The word the motion uses is "nation" not country.) The government of Quebec is a national government, much like Canada's. It is called the National Assembly and was formed in 1968 (Quebec had a provincial government before that reform). The fact that Quebec's Assembly is a "National" one has been saluted by France at the time and has not been challenged by Canada. The capital of Quebec is a National Capital and the political leader is the Prime Minister of Quebec, much like Canada (as opposed to "regular" provinces who have a Premier as chief of government).

Quebec is undoubtely a nation. That debate was setteld and closed way back in 1968 (it was already a nation before that, it got officliased and recognised by the government then). The current debate in Quebec and Canada is wether Quebec should become a country or not...but not wether it is a nation.

I don't know why anyone would want to put that in doubt when even the canadian government doesn't (the current political party in power in Canada is not from Quebec btw, it's formed by a political party from the english-speaking western part of the country so it's not the Quebec influence that makes the canadian government agree to this fact.)

As for flags on RHP, they're not political (anyone can see that many of the flags are not countries in the political sense) and their use in my opinion has nothing to do with borders (so who cares about the Inuit nation's borders when playing chess really....). My Quebec flag has enabled me to establish contacts more rapidly with people in Quebec, Canada and the rest of the world. People have challenged me and PMed me expressly because of my flag and that has made the site and the game more fun. Geographical identification on the internet really has no other use...we're not "somewhere" for real anyways...this is cyberspace....political status has no use here.

I've had fun with the people from the rest of Canada and from France, Quebec, etc who sent me messages and challenges because they wanted to establish contact with someone from Quebec. And that really is the only use a flag on this site should have imo. (I had the Canada flag before btw and it didn't get this type of response, not even close). Flags on the site are useful to present your identity, when you come from a country that isn't a Nation-State, that flag is not as useful. Sweden doesn't have that problem. The UK do, Greenland does, Tibet, Hong Kong and Taiwan do, Puerto Rico does too, Quebec does...and they all had a flag to accomodate them and that made the site work better and more fun.

I really don't know why people are opposed to a flag anyways, it's really no skin off anyone's butt. And Québécois are paying customers too so why shouldn't we get a product that reflects our needs?

I hope the administrators eventually come clean about why it was really taken off because all the response we have had so far couldn't have been more vague and some were clearly lead to mislead people. This is not very respectful for members and leave people to imagine motives that are probably worse than the real thing.

ps: sorry for the long post and not using the word "silly"


11 Nov 05
17 May 07

Why don't you put this in the Debate Forum or General Forum? Why do you put it in the Help forum? Is there something you want help with that is chess or RHP oriented?

This is a political discussion, and further, a domestic Canadian issue. Yes, Canadian, because you want to persuade the governement of Canada to set you free and independent from Canada. What can we do about it here at RHP?

Basically this is about a flag, the qeubeckians has said averything there is to say about it, and you roll it another turn and another turn again. Not only in your own threads but in others too.

The history of quebec has nothing to do here in the Help Forum. It is off topic. Go to Debaste Forum. I'm not there, you can have your discussion with no interference of some no-sayers like myself.

I still say that only regions, nations or otherwise, being members of UN, FIDE or IOC should have their flag here, no others.

commente moi donc ça


28 Dec 06
17 May 07

Originally posted by FabianFnas
[bI still say that only regions, nations or otherwise, being members of UN, FIDE or IOC should have their flag here, no others.[/b]
You are smart enough to know by now that that isn't the criteria used by the site.

As for this being political, it is only political if you want to make it political but personnaly I doubt that members of parliament or a significant amount of voters read this forum for this to be.

As for the Help forum, you've used the site's forums already so you should know that when replying to topics you cannot move them from one place to another. Only the original poster can choose where to put it. And if you read the original post it is quite appropriate in the Help section. People wanted to know how to choose their flag. You might not know this not having a Quebec flag when it happened but the site admins didn't tell the users their flag had been taken first it only appeared to be a glitch in the site and a very appropriate subject fo the help forum.

You already know what this thread is about by the way...the subject line doesn't change so you recognise the thread each time you chose to click on it. So if you don't want to read it, the solution isn't moving to a forum you don't use (what if you went peaking by accident? ;-).
The solution if you don't want to read about this is for you not to read about it.

As for the other threads about this you mentionned, could you post a link? (seriously, I haven't seen any other threads about the subject and I, contrary to you, find it interesting)


11 Nov 05
17 May 07

Use the "Search Forums", use the keyword 'Quebec' and you will find the threads.
This quebec thing is a political issue, don't use Help Forum nor Site Ideas Forum - use General Forum and Debates Forum for this kind of political discussions.
If you don't like the debate, then don't debate it at all. If you just want to show your opinion and don't want a debate, just say so.
In some countrys people are shot because they have the wrong opinion. I'm glad that I live in a part of the world that I can have an opinion, don't you?
Go to General or Debates forum.

I'm A Mighty Pirate™

PaTROLLING the forum

01 Dec 04
17 May 07

Originally posted by Bedingbedang
I really don't know why people are opposed to a flag anyways, it's really no skin off anyone's butt. And Québécois are paying customers too so why shouldn't we get a product that reflects our needs?

I hope the administrators eventually come clean about why it was really taken off because all the response we have had so far couldn't have been more vag ...[text shortened]... or members and leave people to imagine motives that are probably worse than the real thing.
In my view, the main reason for all the opposition is the way that most of the pro-Quebec flag argument has been put across. From the start it has been a constant childish whine about discrimination backed up by awful geography and attempts to probe tedious technicalities about nation status. Though. thankfully, the last couple of pages of this thread have broken this cycle and have had some more intelligent points and arguments out forward.

If Quebec was to get it's flag back then it would be discrimination against EVERY other non-country, region or province in the world. As the site admin have already stated, they are currently looking at a new flag system to resolve this fairly for everyone (which will mean provinces like Quebec will be allowed a flag).

Just for everyone's reference:

1. The field on RHP that lets you select your flag is called "County of Origin"

2. Quebec may be a independent state/province/nation/whatever but the fact remains that it has still not achieved independence and is still NOT yet a recognised country.

3. If you are going to beat that dead horse and try to pick the list of selectable countries on RHP apart again, then please don't rely on your own hideous lack of geographical knowledge. Use an established and verified resource like this one:

4. If you've got an issue with the admin's reason for removing the flag then ask them using the feedback link at the bottom of the page. All you'll get in the forums are rumours and opinions about it.


22 Aug 05
17 May 07

Originally posted by Daemon Sin
In my view, the main reason for all the opposition is the way that most of the pro-Quebec flag argument has been put across. From the start it has been a constant childish whine about discrimination backed up by awful geography and attempts to probe tedious technicalities about nation status. Though. thankfully, the last couple of pages of this thread hav ...[text shortened]... the bottom of the page. All you'll get in the forums are rumours and opinions about it.
Now it seems the Q-flag is back!!!!!!!!!!

Is there a moral to this? Maybe ultimatums work? 😲

I'm A Mighty Pirate™

PaTROLLING the forum

01 Dec 04
17 May 07

Originally posted by Moraito
Here's the latest news

''Unfortunately we received many complaints before when we added the Quebec flag and also many complaints when we removed it, so we are waiting until we implement the regions concept in order to reintroduce it so that hopefully everyone will be happy.''

So here we are...

Who complaints about the Québec's flag?
Why these peopl ...[text shortened]... your position as a racist one.

Very bad that I have to go that far.

Time's up!


11 Nov 05
17 May 07

Originally posted by Moraito
In one week (May 17th) if I cannot choose my flag I will quit RHP

Been a pleasure to know you, Moraito.
Perhaps we meet somewhere else some day.


22 Aug 05
17 May 07

Originally posted by FabianFnas
Been a pleasure to know you, Moraito.
Perhaps we meet somewhere else some day.
Well he got his flag - so he wins the argument and doesn't need to leave.