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Devout Agnostic.


12 Oct 05
12 Apr 10
1 edit

I don't want to tell people about pesonal stuff, but i have to dhare about something that happened tonight.

My wife has taken a part time job in a takeaway, and i was there to pick up some food and say hello. These two locals walk in, both seem like the dregs of the earth, and as i have grown up in a council estate i know junkies and ex-cons when i see them. The guy orders yadda yadda and as soon as i saw them i knew they were scum. . .I got that "get ready for trouble" feeling you get if you know what i mean.

So, as they had no reason to think i had anything to do with the counter staff they acted like total scum. Asking "I hope you wont be giving us Rat!!" (i'm paraphrasing, but the word rat was involved). MY wife didn't even cop on at first as she had no idea why someone would talk about rat so had to ask twice. The guy didn't push it as he saw me and wasn't hard enough to put his hand up a stairwell, but i got the feeling that he was a typical Irish racist prick. (you have to be here to understandwhat i mean).

They then left and returned with a similar attitude, this time because they asked for salt and vinegar to be put on their chips(fries) and as the establishment had saches of both my wife asked if they wanted the salt and vinegar on their chips...."well i don't want it outside them, do i"...you have to understand that i'm not being melodramatic here, i was so far from punching this guy to unconciousness you wouldn't believe. I can just imagine what she has to go through on a day to day basis if this is just an unfortunate snippit.

My point....i F--ing hate racists.


30 Aug 06
12 Apr 10

Originally posted by huckleberryhound
typical Irish racist prick

Your wife has my symapthies.
I make comments about racism because it is stupid. People are people, they just speak different and have different food and customs.

Kudos to you as well for keeping your cool.

Devout Agnostic.


12 Oct 05
12 Apr 10
2 edits

Originally posted by Ice Cold

Your wife has my symapthies.
I make comments about racism because it is stupid. People are people, they just speak different and have different food and customs.

Kudos to you as well for keeping your cool.
You have to live here to know what i meant by that phrase. 10 years ago the only foreign looking dude in Ireland was Phil Lynnot...andhe was dead. And Irish isn't a race, i checked.


23 Mar 06
12 Apr 10
1 edit

Originally posted by huckleberryhound
You have to live here to know what i meant by that phrase. 10 years ago the only foreign looking dude in Ireland was Phil Lynnot...andhe was dead. And Irish isn't a race, i checked.
I kind of had the idea that the whole of Europe was pretty mixed and open minded about race.

But I've never been there so I'm just going on news and things.

Sorry you and your wife had to deal with butt holes like that.

edit: I wonder how long before I get modded for that.

New Braunfels, Texas

22 Aug 07
12 Apr 10
1 edit

Some people never move past the idea that "they are different and I hate them". Small minded and filled with hate. Someone taught them how to act this way, probably parents. Growing up in the deep South (US), I know that you believe what Mom and Dad tell you until you stop and think about it. But even then the residue remains at an emotional level, a monster that snarls and is never quite defeated.


in my own mind.

03 Nov 08
12 Apr 10

Originally posted by MontyMoose
Some people never move past the idea that "they are different and I hate them". Small minded and filled with hate. Someone taught them how to act this way, probably parents. Growing up in the deep South (US), I know that you believe what Mom and Dad tell you until you stop and think about it. But even then the residue remains at an emotional level, a monster that snarls and is never quite defeated.
And some people are just plain stupid. I am dealing with a "customer" who is stalking and making very uncomfortable one of my employees. Tonight, when he was asked nicely for the second time to stay away from her or he will be banned from the store, he explained that it was his "twin brother" who is bothering her and he will have the guy come in and talk to me. When asked for Id so I can be sure which brother I am speaking with today, he explains that they are not blood relatives, he just looks just like this other guy. Yeah, r i g h t!

Sorry you have to deal with that Huck. People suck sometimes.

07 Jan 08
12 Apr 10
1 edit

It is unfortunate that there is a truism which crosses all cultures, races, countries, and belief systems - somewhere there is a component of the group which sucks. It does not matter where in the spectrum they fall; there are idiots everywhere, and of all ideologies.

*edit* This is not self-righteous banter. I've been that idiot too, somewhere, sometime.

Doug Stanhope

That's Why I Drink

01 Jan 06
12 Apr 10

Doug Stanhope

That's Why I Drink

01 Jan 06
12 Apr 10

Sorry to hear that, chuckles.

Yeah, unfortunately you always have pricks who believe
that some people, just by having a different skin tone, a
different culture, and another mother tongue, are
automatically less than they are.

Most of the time it is uneducated trash and, funnily, they
are the most insecure little scumbags. Just take a look at
some of the gun lovers in this website, for example.


Racism is cured with jobs, education, and a shrink to fix
the horrible insecurities.

Upward Spiral


02 Aug 04
12 Apr 10

Originally posted by huckleberryhound
I don't want to tell people about pesonal stuff, but i have to dhare about something that happened tonight.

My wife has taken a part time job in a takeaway, and i was there to pick up some food and say hello. These two locals walk in, both seem like the dregs of the earth, and as i have grown up in a council estate i know junkies and ex-cons when ...[text shortened]... is if this is just an unfortunate snippit.

My point....i F--ing hate racists.
What does "rat" mean in this context?

Racists = scum.


Milton Keynes, UK

28 Jul 04
12 Apr 10

Originally posted by mlprior
I kind of had the idea that the whole of Europe was pretty mixed and open minded about race.
Far from it (from personal experience as well)!


Milton Keynes, UK

28 Jul 04
12 Apr 10

Originally posted by Palynka
What does "rat" mean in this context?

Racists = scum.
Huck's wife is of Chinese origin. The scum were propagating the stereotype that oriental people eat rats.


09 Jun 04
12 Apr 10

Originally posted by lausey
Huck's wife is of Chinese origin. The scum were propagating the stereotype that oriental people eat rats.
Thanks Lausey, I had to read all the down to your post to figure out why this was racist.

Devout Agnostic.


12 Oct 05
12 Apr 10
2 edits

Originally posted by hopscotch
Thanks Lausey, I had to read all the down to your post to figure out why this was racist.
Sorry, i was having a Stella Artois moment last night.

You had to be there to hear the tone in his voice. This was "less than the scum i scrape off my shoe" type scum, the sort of person who'll go on about foreigners taking all the jobs, but probably hasn't done any work in his life that didn't go beyond stealing, begging, and buying smack.

Anyway, rant over. I knew i'd have to see things like this when we got together, the things you see when you don't have a gun i guess 😛

Not actually a cat

The Flat Earth

09 Apr 10
12 Apr 10

Abhor racism (and most other isms), but roasted rat is not bad you know.