Why more should boo Pence

Why more should boo Pence


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04 Feb 05
21 Nov 16
1 edit

"On Friday night, Vice President-Elect Mike Pence attended a performance of Hamilton and was loudly booed by the audience."

At Deadspin, Ashley Feinberg has a simple, bracing rejoinder to this hand-wringing: Pence is a viciously anti-gay politician who supports ex-gay conversion “therapy,” opposes LGBTQ rights across the board, and signed sadistic anti-abortion laws. “Mike Pence,” Feinberg concludes, “deserves every single bit of disrespect thrown at him, and to be booed absolutely everywhere he goes.”

King David

Planet Earth.

19 May 05
21 Nov 16

Originally posted by Zahlanzi
"On Friday night, Vice President-Elect Mike Pence attended a performance of Hamilton and was loudly booed by the audience."


At Deadspin, Ashley Feinberg has a simple, bracing rejoinder to this hand-wringing: Pence is a viciously anti-gay politician who supp ...[text shortened]... erywhere he goes.”


02 Jan 06
21 Nov 16

Originally posted by Zahlanzi
"On Friday night, Vice President-Elect Mike Pence attended a performance of Hamilton and was loudly booed by the audience."

At Deadspin, Ashley Feinberg has a simple, bracing rejoinder to this hand-wringing: Pence is a viciously anti-gay politician who suppor ...[text shortened]... erywhere he goes.”
Sadistic anti-abortion laws?

LOL. What are they exactly?


04 Feb 05
21 Nov 16

Originally posted by whodey
Sadistic anti-abortion laws?

LOL. What are they exactly?
as an example, requiring a woman hear her featus heartbeat before abortion.


02 Jan 06
21 Nov 16
1 edit

Originally posted by Zahlanzi
as an example, requiring a woman hear her featus heartbeat before abortion.
You Dims are the ones who don't deserve any respect, killing their own offspring while refusing to hear that it has an actual heart beat?

What's wrong there Zach? Sounds like you prefer to live in a fantasy land where the unborn does not have an actual heart beat.

Out of sight is out of mind I suppose.

As for Pence's stance on gay sex, who cares? The state should not even be in the marriage business anyway.


07 Dec 05
21 Nov 16

Originally posted by Zahlanzi
"On Friday night, Vice President-Elect Mike Pence attended a performance of Hamilton and was loudly booed by the audience."

At Deadspin, Ashley Feinberg has a simple, bracing rejoinder to this hand-wringing: Pence is a viciously anti-gay politician who suppor ...[text shortened]... erywhere he goes.”
How about this?



02 Jan 06
21 Nov 16
1 edit

Originally posted by Zahlanzi
"On Friday night, Vice President-Elect Mike Pence attended a performance of Hamilton and was loudly booed by the audience."

At Deadspin, Ashley Feinberg has a simple, bracing rejoinder to this hand-wringing: Pence is a viciously anti-gay politician who suppor ...[text shortened]... erywhere he goes.”
It's just like the Californians on the plane who booed the father of the dead soldier.

No class, no respect, no concept of reality.

All you know how to do is curse, get up in peoples faces, and act like an arse.

Now why don't you run along and join a left wing protest that is burning down a city or something.


04 Feb 05
21 Nov 16

Originally posted by whodey
It's just like the Californians on the plane who booed the father of the dead soldier.

No class, no respect, no concept of reality.

All you know how to do is curse, get up in peoples faces, and act like an arse.

Now why don't you run along and join a left wing protest that is burning down a city or something.
"It's just like the Californians on the plane who booed the father of the dead soldier."
yeah, it doesn't matter that several people proved you were lying, you will continue to run with that lie. Obviously nobody will bother to revisit that same story again, after you proved time and again you don't feel any shame about your blatant lying.

"Now why don't you run along and join a left wing protest that is burning down a city or something."
Another lie, proven to be a lie beyond a shred of doubt, which doesn't matter to you.


04 Feb 05
21 Nov 16

Originally posted by whodey
You Dims are the ones who don't deserve any respect, killing their own offspring while refusing to hear that it has an actual heart beat?

What's wrong there Zach? Sounds like you prefer to live in a fantasy land where the unborn does not have an actual heart beat.

Out of sight is out of mind I suppose.

As for Pence's stance on gay sex, who cares? The state should not even be in the marriage business anyway.
"You Dims are the ones who don't deserve any respect, killing their own offspring while refusing to hear that it has an actual heart beat?"
a heart beat isn't enough to declare something alive. one can make a car with a heartbeat it doesn't mean it's living and one is a murderer for driving it into a wall.

"What's wrong there Zach? Sounds like you prefer to live in a fantasy land where the unborn does not have an actual heart beat."
i am fully aware that the lump of cells has a heartbeat by 8 weeks. it's still a lump of cells that can't live outside of the mother's womb, it is still the mother who has to carry it to term and you are still the ashole who will try to force a human being to do something she doesn't want with her own body.

if you are so damn righteous, how about you lobby for research into allowing men to carry fetuses to term. then you can volunteer to carry that lump of cells.

"As for Pence's stance on gay sex, who cares?"
the ones who are being tortured to insanity or suicide by gay conversion therapy care
the ones who are in peril of dying of AIDS because he wants to defund organisations that will help anyone regardless of who they are boinking care.

"The state should not even be in the marriage business anyway"
i know you are dumb as a rock but please remember that some people are boinking without getting married.

Standard memberRemoved

08 Dec 04
21 Nov 16

Carl Gallups, a nationally known Baptist pastor and radio host, noted the irony of the left losing its mind over Trump’s election.

“The hypocrisies of the ‘we hate Donald Trump and his supporters’ movement are astoundingly transparent,” he told WND. “The violence is coming from the left. But, wasn’t it the left who has lectured the rest of us about peace, anti-violence, tolerance and First Amendment freedom of speech? And weren’t they the ones who demanded of Donald Trump, all through the election process, that in the end he must graciously accept the outcome of the election? How soon we forget.”
Left 'freaking out' as 'bubble of delusion' bursts


02 Jan 06
21 Nov 16

Originally posted by Zahlanzi
"You Dims are the ones who don't deserve any respect, killing their own offspring while refusing to hear that it has an actual heart beat?"
a heart beat isn't enough to declare something alive. one can make a car with a heartbeat it doesn't mean it's living and one is a murderer for driving it into a wall.

"What's wrong there Zach? Sounds like you pre ...[text shortened]... ou are dumb as a rock but please remember that some people are boinking without getting married.
Every liberal will tell you that the lump of cells does not become human until they magically pass out of the birth canal, for it is then that the birth fairy waves her wand over the lump of cells and magically transforms it into an uniformed voter.

As for the rant about sex, who cares who is boinking who? The state does, that's who.

Why should the state be in the business of sanctioning what kind of boinking is going on at all? That is the truly stupid position you have lovingly embraced.

Instead, you prefer to get in peoples faces and argue about which boinking should be sanctioned by the state via a marriage license, a losing position for sure.

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
21 Nov 16

Originally posted by Zahlanzi
as an example, requiring a woman hear her featus heartbeat before abortion.
Or a law (that was suspended one day before it was to take effect) to force women to bury or cremate the tissue from miscarriages or abortions, no matter how far along it happened, even one week was enough in this law.

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
21 Nov 16

Originally posted by whodey
an uniformed voter
Exactly what "uniform" do voters wear?

Naturally Right

Somewhere Else

22 Jun 04
21 Nov 16
1 edit

Originally posted by whodey
Every liberal will tell you that the lump of cells does not become human until they magically pass out of the birth canal, for it is then that the birth fairy waves her wand over the lump of cells and magically transforms it into an uniformed voter.

As for the rant about sex, who cares who is boinking who? The state does, that's who.

Why should the sta ...[text shortened]... h boinking should be sanctioned by the state via a marriage license, a losing position for sure.
Of course, no liberal would ever make such a preposterous claim though plenty of religious conservatives will insist that the magic God fairy pops a soul into the zygote as soon as sperm and egg join. And then the State should be able to tell the pregnant woman what to do about it.

A modern marriage contract has little to do with who is having sex with who as has been explained to you many, many times on this Forum. That you continue to pursue this dishonest argument merely to support the denial of these specific contractual rights to homosexuals remains contemptible,


02 Jan 06
21 Nov 16

Originally posted by Suzianne
Exactly what "uniform" do voters wear?
My bad, I meant to say "uninformed voter"