Time Taken to Raise Challenges

Time Taken to Raise Challenges


Standard memberRemoved

10 Jan 22

Now, I have no reason to doubt Vespin takes hours to set up each challenge (he has indeed indicated he is very thorough 🤭🙄).

As the other clan leaders know, he does this to enable him to seek out challenges where he can profess to offer 'fair challenges', but the hours pouring over previous challenges are really just to help him eke out a loaded challenge ...

It doesn't work of course, as Larry pointed out in another thread 😉

I, on the other hand, spend no more than 5 minutes on any challenge. If a challenge doesn't tie up with 1 year or TES, then I ignore the pairing. I assume all the other astute leaders do the same. Medullah does for sure, but then again Pete doesn't like to take a risk 😉 I like a risk, even though recent 18 and 20 point losses are difficult to swallow!

I digress. I take 5 minutes per challenge max. Tomorrow I'll raise 30 challenges in 90 mins over a glass or 2 of wine (we are IVV after all 🥂).

Howabout all the other leaders? Shorty, how long do you take? Al ... I bet you don't take much time .... if you are anything like your football team it'll be penalty area to penalty area in 1 second 😉

Now if only there was a CES .... that would mean I could do any challenge in 2 minutes max!

Bad news for Vespin though .... a CES would negate his deep analysis of previous match ups and attempts to find unfair pairings 😃

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
2 edits

@anglian said
Now, I have no reason to doubt Vespin takes hours to set up each challenge (he has indeed indicated he is very thorough 🤭🙄).

As the other clan leaders know, he does this to enable him to seek out challenges where he can profess to offer 'fair challenges', but the hours pouring over previous challenges are really just to help him eke out a loaded challenge ...

It doesn' ...[text shortened]... .. a CES would negate his deep analysis of previous match ups and attempts to find unfair pairings 😃

You really don't need much time to go over challenges when you have other Clan Leaders accepting many of your lopsided challenges now do you?

All anyone needs to do is look at your lopsided challenges to see what is actually happening and why the decline in the clan Challenges you could be one of the reasons, granted not completely responsible as you haven't been around long enough.

It is quite obvious to myself and other long time Clan member players what is going on with you being just handed points on a sliver platter. I am sure Clan leaders will soon tire of giving you those lopsided challenges, don't even bother to ask which ones they are as all anyone has to do as I said is look at them. One glance will tell the whole story.

Yourself and Larry at one time played on Breaking Bad, I don't think that gets by anyone on here who keeps track of what you two are up to.



Victor, New York

08 May 09

@Very-Rusty You are just making stuff up. We are not working together. Any match I accept meets my criteria for the clan and not what you think is fair. Yes, I was on BB and would still be there if Michael hadn’t gone off one day and kicked me off because I challenged what he said. It’s interesting that you claim we’re working together when your collaboration with Michael is so clear. As I’ve said before. MYOB.

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06

@lstcyr said
@Very-Rusty You are just making stuff up. We are not working together. Any match I accept meets my criteria for the clan and not what you think is fair. Yes, I was on BB and would still be there if Michael hadn’t gone off one day and kicked me off because I challenged what he said. It’s interesting that you claim we’re working together when your collaboration with Michael is so clear. As I’ve said before. MYOB.
I am minding my own business Larry, I am the member of a clan you and Alex are trying to destroy. Alex said as long as he has anything to do with it Breaking Bad would never win another Championship. I am sure he is being very impartial making a statement like that. You keep backing him and you will be considered a part of the problem not the solution to the Clan Issues.



Victor, New York

08 May 09

@very-rusty said
I am minding my own business Larry, I am the member of a clan you and Alex are trying to destroy. Alex said as long as he has anything to do with it Breaking Bad would never win another Championship. I am sure he is being very impartial making a statement like that. You keep backing him and you will be considered a part of the problem not the solution to the Clan Issues.

Just plain BS. We’re not working together like you and Michael are. Try telling the truth for once.

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06

@lstcyr said
Just plain BS. We’re not working together like you and Michael are. Try telling the truth for once.
Of course you aren't working together. Just let everyone look at your challenges for them selves and his for that matter. Neither of you are innocent by any stretch of the imagination.



Victor, New York

08 May 09

@very-rusty said
Of course you aren't working together. Just let everyone look at your challenges for them selves and his for that matter. Neither of you are innocent by any stretch of the imagination.

Sure thing. Great tactics that we see from Trump University. Attack so that you draw away attention from what you are doing. BS.

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06

@lstcyr said
Sure thing. Great tactics that we see from Trump University. Attack so that you draw away attention from what you are doing. BS.
Drawing attention away? You and Alex are the one's drawing the attention to what is going on, much appreciated by the way Larry! 🙂


05 Jan 05

@Anglian i used to take more time but these days i have only got a few minutes to spare to review a challenge and not that many more to set up challenges, life gets in the way of chess sometimes, the days of having over 200 games on the go at once for me are well gone, and yeah Wycombe are a bit route one


Victor, New York

08 May 09

@very-rusty said
Drawing attention away? You and Alex are the one's drawing the attention to what is going on, much appreciated by the way Larry! 🙂

You’re welcome though you clearly have no clue what I said.

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06

@lstcyr said
You’re welcome though you clearly have no clue what I said.
Larry if you had two clues you could put together it would be great for all involved. 🙂



Victor, New York

08 May 09

@very-rusty said
Larry if you had two clues you could put together it would be great for all involved. 🙂

Great response if mostly nonsensical.

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06

@lstcyr said
Great response if mostly nonsensical.
Only because you don't have a whole lot of understanding when it comes to Clan Challenges Larry, that is on you not me. 🙂



Victor, New York

08 May 09

@very-rusty said
Only because you don't have a whole lot of understanding when it comes to Clan Challenges Larry, that is on you not me. 🙂

I have my opinion on clan challenges and how I handle them. Michael and you have another. Would be glad to try to understand yours if you would post examples and explain why you think they are unfair.

Not holding my breath though because you would rather say something over and over than to try to show us the details.

I think you look at the challenges and just THINK they look unfair to you without trying to understand why others disagree. Show us examples and your reasoning.

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06

@lstcyr said
I have my opinion on clan challenges and how I handle them. Michael and you have another. Would be glad to try to understand yours if you would post examples and explain why you think they are unfair.

Not holding my breath though because you would rather say something over and over than to try to show us the details.

I think you look at the challenges and just THINK they ...[text shortened]... unfair to you without trying to understand why others disagree. Show us examples and your reasoning.
I am not going to humor you Larry, start with your own challenges against IVV then move on from there to other Lopsided Challenges that other Clan Leaders accepted.


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