Leaders that Screw Their Clans

Leaders that Screw Their Clans


Lover of History

Northants, England

15 Feb 05
01 Feb 23

This follows on a bit from my last thred, but we need to try get a bit of momentum on this one.

I've just been setting upchallenges, bumped into Fight Club who have some pretty resonable players, and nothing is happening becasue the leader has gone zzzzzz

We need a safeguard.

1) A sleeping leader is automatically deposed and the leadership goes to the next clan member who has played the most games for the clan

2) Where a clan leader ceases to be a subscribed member there is a 7 day grace period and then the leadership passes to the guy that has played the most clan games.

What say you good people?

master of disaster

funny farm

28 Jan 07
01 Feb 23

In theory yes, but in reality it won't work.
First because most players don't want any part of running a clan.
Second, it takes a while to learn how the controls work on running a clan, and if someone wasn't there to help you figure it out, it can cause more harm than good.

Following your idea, perhaps if each team had a clan member in waiting who would be willing to run the clan if the leader went AWOL or was incapacitated, that might work. They would have to notify Russ so he could make the switch.

Lover of History

Northants, England

15 Feb 05
02 Feb 23

Nice idea, so we would have to have a nominated second then it may work?



22 Apr 05
02 Feb 23

Several Clans went defunct when their leader got lost or stepped down. Ofetn you don't have the deputy. Probably the number of clans will go down furher is a second in command is required.

People can send feedback and take over leadership. So if people in the clan don't stir, it is probably because they don't want clan games so dearly that they would take up the reigns.

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
02 Feb 23

@medullah said
This follows on a bit from my last thred, but we need to try get a bit of momentum on this one.

I've just been setting upchallenges, bumped into Fight Club who have some pretty resonable players, and nothing is happening becasue the leader has gone zzzzzz

We need a safeguard.

1) A sleeping leader is automatically deposed and the leadership goes to the next clan memb ...[text shortened]... n the leadership passes to the guy that has played the most clan games.

What say you good people?
As shortcircuit said will not work because of the reasons he gave.

I was thinking what if everybody left decided on who would want to lead them if anyone. If someone is found then Feedback could be sent to Russ (Site admim).

I believe as a rule a club/clan Leader would try and find a replacement before leaving if able to do so.


Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
02 Feb 23

@ponderable said
Several Clans went defunct when their leader got lost or stepped down. Ofetn you don't have the deputy. Probably the number of clans will go down furher is a second in command is required.

People can send feedback and take over leadership. So if people in the clan don't stir, it is probably because they don't want clan games so dearly that they would take up the reigns.
Not to mention taking over a clan can be a big headache.


RHP Code Monkey


21 Feb 01
02 Feb 23

In the case of an absentee clan leader, any active player can send feedback and request leadership. In most cases, the switch will be made after a reasonable amount of time.

Lover of History

Northants, England

15 Feb 05
02 Feb 23


Please define reasonable ?

Play while you can!

02 Sep 09
03 Feb 23

@russ said
In the case of an absentee clan leader, any active player can send feedback and request leadership. In most cases, the switch will be made after a reasonable amount of time.

RHP Code Monkey


21 Feb 01
03 Feb 23


After 30 days of no activity, I would consider an account abandoned in most cases.



18 Apr 10
03 Feb 23

@shortcircuit said
In theory yes, but in reality it won't work.
First because most players don't want any part of running a clan.
Second, it takes a while to learn how the controls work on running a clan, and if someone wasn't there to help you figure it out, it can cause more harm than good.

Following your idea, perhaps if each team had a clan member in waiting who would b ...[text shortened]... L or was incapacitated, that might work. They would have to notify Russ so he could make the switch.
First because most players don't want any part of running a clan.
Correct Fred
I took over the Laikers because the previous leader wanted to leave,there was no one else,and It was something I thought I'd like to have a go at.I enjoyed it for a number of years but finding the challenges became a chore.64 squares took over and after 5 years or so simply didn't have the time.We struggled to find a new leader until Pete's thread when an outsider took it on.
The clan forum can be a good guide to a clan members commitment.If there's little activity on there it suggests all the members are bothered about is having games found for them to play

master of disaster

funny farm

28 Jan 07
04 Feb 23

@russ said

After 30 days of no activity, I would consider an account abandoned in most cases.
Since we have actually had this happen here twice, if the clan leader dies, the clan is screwed for a month? Since you have the controls, why would it be such a problem (if an alternate leader was named) to swap them after a week. If the clan leader returned, He/she could message the acting leader to swap back, and you wouldn't have to get involved. Just a thought. None of us are getting any younger you know!!


Victor, New York

08 May 09
05 Feb 23

@shortcircuit I think you’re expanding on Russ’s answer. I would think that if Russ knew the leader had died, he wouldn’t wait. Also, if there was a way to designate a substitute leader then the time could be shorter. I think the question he was asked was how long would he wait for an inactive leader. 30 days seems reasonable. Death and a designated replacement weren’t part of the original parameters.

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