@cardiacsfan saidTrue and big time, I believe it was done purposely and pre-planned although I have no proof.
@lstcyr you may or may not be aware that the guy in question screwed us (the BB clan) over good and proper last year. Just saying.
@very-rusty said" I have no proof." So, speculation.
True and big time, I believe it was done purposely and pre-planned although I have no proof.
@cardiacsfan saidThanks. And how did he do that?
@lstcyr you may or may not be aware that the guy in question screwed us (the BB clan) over good and proper last year. Just saying.
@lstcyr saidIN YOUR OWN WORDS Istcyr:
" I have no proof." So, speculation.
Finally. Yes, he is saying to new members that they will not have to play M or BB and I assume that he meant that his clan will not play those other clans. In his post he did NOT ask other clans to not play M or BB. If he did that elsewhere, I am not aware of it. But I do know that he did NOT ask other clans to play M or BB in his post as you were claiming.
Correct you are not aware of it, you don't much about what is going on in my
Great Promotion for the Clan Challenges don't you think?
@very-rusty said🤮
Finally. Yes, he is saying to new members that they will not have to play M or BB and I assume that he meant that his clan will not play those other clans. In his post he did NOT ask other clans to not play M or BB. If he did that elsewhere, I am not aware of it. But I do know that he did NOT ask other clans to play M or BB in his post as you w ...[text shortened]... what is going on in my
Great Promotion for the Clan Challenges don't you think?
@lstcyr saidI got through half of all the pages. And you were 10 games behind. Your problem is you count the games I quit after three moves. Do you think you won those? Did you actually beat me? Take those out. Take the timeouts out as well. Count just the games we played to the finish and you don't come close. Your counts are cheats. I count the ones that shoudl be counted. There were games where I did not want to hurt your rating and I had a queen and two rooks you had a bishop and a king , did you win that one? I resigned for my friend or thought was my friend.
@VESPIN Michael, Michael, Michael. This post is beneath you. I see you are taking time from researching the results of our personal games to comment. It sure is taking you a long time to get the results of your research. I believe you started it over 4 months ago or more.
I also have beaten you more times when we were both in the same tournament. Try looking that up. If you know so much, why is your clan in the negative? You are quite the leader Lstcyr.
I will finish the count, THE REAL COUNT and if you beat me more times I will state it here. You should know in the ones where I resigned I went into those games to see if you were winning or I was just giving up the game again, not to hurt your rating.
I will say, you never asked me to do it. I did that on my own. It did not hurt anyone your rating stayed the same. You are about a 1200 to 1250 rating.
My leadership compared to you, is night and day. Try listening to Rusty instead of trying to prove you are right all the time. You sound ridiculous and compared to Rusty you are a 5 year old. You do the count to. No timeouts or resiigned games. If you count a resigned game look into it to see who was winning when it was resigned. There are a ton I resigned and I was crushing you. Did you win those as well???? I count only games you were winning, or did win by finishing the game. Nothing else matters.
Lets see if our total matches. Your cheated numbers and my correct numbers.
Now go back to leading your team to last place. Thanks for playing 😆
@very-rusty saidGREAT POST! I said the same thing. He has no clue never did. Nobody would go to him if they need answers. You have to research and be in the thick of things for years. He has not been involved with much of anything. He leads his team to the last page so what would he contribute?
Finally. Yes, he is saying to new members that they will not have to play M or BB and I assume that he meant that his clan will not play those other clans. In his post he did NOT ask other clans to not play M or BB. If he did that elsewhere, I am not aware of it. But I do know that he did NOT ask other clans to play M or BB in his post as you w ...[text shortened]... what is going on in my
Great Promotion for the Clan Challenges don't you think?
@lstcyr saidCardiacsfan knows more than you. The guy he is talking about cheated. His real rating is over 2000. He plays at 1700. He hurt us because we could not have him the way he was, and he dumped all his games. All losses. That is how he hurt us. And he admitted to me or I should say implied what his real rating was after I said over 2000?
Thanks. And how did he do that?
We can't as a team have sandbaggers. He never plays people who are 2000 and up all low rated players , for him anyway.
Cardiacsfan is up to date on just about everything and certainly far more than you. He is a team player and well respected by our team and players on the site. He is a kind person but like anyone, if you piss him off you will hear about it.
@lstcyr saidI have the proof by what the guy said to me. And he never loses to anyone. He basically told me his rating was well over 2000. Pure sandbagger. I know because of what he said to me and who he played while with me. Plenty of proof there is no speculation. Rusty Knows as well as I do and so does Cardiacsfan, and most of my clan.
" I have no proof." So, speculation.
@lstcyr saidI stopped because I had better things to do. Don't worry I will prove your lies.
@VESPIN BS. It doesn’t take almost a year to an analysis of our games. Keep talking.
In the meantime I have a team to lead to a championship and that takes up most of my time. You would know nothing about that. You don't know the players, or how to do matches, great job on negative points. My God are you a horrible leader. Someone else should take over. And the onlyy BS here is you. And now more people are starting to see it finally.
Go drink your ensure and go to bed.
@cardiacsfan saidExactly right Cardiacsfan!!! You are well respected and you know the truth. Sandbagger, rating 300 points to low, and did not finish his games when booted from our clan. A ton of games lost because of him. He was looking for a clan to run, he got upset when he could not run mine. Great Post my friend.
@lstcyr you may or may not be aware that the guy in question screwed us (the BB clan) over good and proper last year. Just saying.
@vespin saidWatch out Cardiacsfan. I remember the days when Michael praised me both publicly and privately. At some point he’ll turn on you also. It’s his M.O.
Exactly right Cardiacsfan!!! You are well respected and you know the truth. Sandbagger, rating 300 points to low, and did not finish his games when booted from our clan. A ton of games lost because of him. He was looking for a clan to run, he got upset when he could not run mine. Great Post my friend.