@lstcyr saidSo roughly the same, seemed like more because there are less clans. If those 10 were all in one clan, all they would need is 10 more which may happen. I'd sooner see less clans and better competition, just my own opinion of course.
@Very-Rusty 13 one person clans out of 100 last year and 10 out of 82 this year. (I had 5 minutes to spare so I counted them.)
@very-rusty saidAnd that post being taken down made my week. Posts against the TOS removed, FANTASTIC!!! Agreed Rusty.
It is always nice to see posts against the TOS removed!!!
@very-rusty saidExcuse my ignorance ,but whats the TOS?
It is always nice to see posts against the TOS removed!!!
05 Jan 24
@very-rusty saidCheers Bill.
TOS: Terms Of Service. Click on Site FAQ at bottom of this page then when you are in look to the left and you will see Forum Guidelines which covers most of the things you should know to keep off of the naughty list. 🙂
I never need to look on the FAQ because I know everything!(I wsh)!